[Lexington Minuteman] Chinese American major general tells his family’s story in Lexington program

Retired Major General William Chen, the first two-star general in the U.S. Army of Chinese descent, gave a presentation on the legacy of Chinese Americans in the Science Lecture Hall at Lexington High School on June 15.
Chen’s lecture, titled “Opening of Opportunities – CRW & CAWW2,” was attended by more than 100 people. Read the full report

The videos of the talk can be accessed through CAAL YouTube Channel: General Chen’s Talk

LexMedia Video: CAAL Dragon Marching Unit in Patriots Day Parade

LexMedia made this beautiful video (link below) for CAAL to share with the Community. Enjoy!


This year, Lexington’s Patriots’ Day Parade had a new addition. Among the American flags and colonial attire, a giant red dragon wove between floats, attracted audiences of all ages.

 “Here it comes, the dragon is interacting and sending blessings to the kids.”  Dragon is a symbol of power, strength, and good luck in Chinese culture. Operated by members of the Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL), dragon showcased Lexington’s vibrant and active Chinese community. 

 The Dragon team members have practiced for a couple of months to prepare its debut on this Patriots Day. The CAAL marching unit was led by an American flag, an elegant CAAL banner, and accompanied with drum and nice performance by CAAL Youth Music Ensemble. Following the dragon were the marchers holding small American flags, some wearing Chinese costumes.

 Lexington is a particularly open and welcoming place. With support from the town and active participation from the community, Chinese Americans have increased their representation in town government and school affairs. We are delighted and proud to be part of the social fabric here and an integral part of the increasingly multicultural Lexington community.

CAAL Seminar – The Journey to College


On 3/30/2019, Sharon Olofsson, an educational consultant in Lexington, shared with more than 40 CAAL families the latest trends in college admission and how to plan for it. Sharon spoke to many practical aspects of college planning, at the same time, recommended that parents and students look beyond the rankings and ivy leagues. Instead, use the college planning process to figure out where the kid’s passion lies and ultimately, how to be happy 10 years down the road professionally.  Here is the link of the report of her talk.

Cary Memorial Library Foundation Chosen as Recipient of 2019 CAAL Community Building Award/Grant Program

CAAL has been very active in charitable efforts such as the CAAL for Cary campaign with the goal of giving back to support our town and building stronger community. In 2018 CAAL launched a new community building award/grant program to support local organizations that are engaged in serving the community. The METCO College Scholarship Fund of Lexington was the inaugural recipient and the donation was presented at the Chinese New Year Celebration Banquet on February 10, 2018. This year as our beloved Cary Library celebrates its 150th  anniversary, we are pleased to announce that Cary Memorial Library Foundation is the recipient of the 2019 CAAL Community Building Award/Grant Program. With contributions from CAAL and tens of generous Chinese American families, CAAL has made a $5500+ donation to become a Publisher level sponsor to the Cary Library’s 150th  Anniversary Gala and is sending a CAAL delegation to the Gala. Happy Birthday, Cary Library! 

2019 [世界日报]勒星頓華洋 歡度春晚慶新年

2019年勒星頓華人春晚10日在該鎮張燈結綵的Cary廳舉行,七八百名華洋人士欣賞豐富多元的精彩節目,歡喜過新年;主辦單位勒星頓華人協會(CAAL)會長王華帶領與會的麻州州眾議員、勒鎮領導、學校總監等以中文「過年好! 」拜年,贏來喝采與歡笑。

