[Lexington Minuteman] Lexington welcomes year of the Rat with Lunar New Year show

Over the weekend, Lexington welcomed the new Lunar Year with a special show at Cary Hall. It was the culmination of months of hard work and dedication by over 100 volunteers.

The beginning of a new decade, and of a new era of Chinese culture in Lexington, was marked last weekend in Cary Hall. Hundreds gathered for the annual Lunar New Year Celebration Gala, presented by the Chinese American Association of Lexington. It is one of the largest cultural events in town each year. This year’s celebration involved more of Lexington than ever before, event chair and director Jimin Ren said.

“We believe in sharing our culture, but at the same time learning from others. It’s a good platform to really bring everyone together,” she said.

Read the Lexington Minuteman Report


2020 Lunar New Year Celebration!

On Saturday, January 11th, 2020, we will once again be hosting our Lunar New Year (LNY) Celebration at the Cary Memorial Building. In years past, we have been honored to share Chinese culture, tradition and arts with hundreds of Lexington residents and guests. The LNY event in 2019 attracted 800 audiences and the tickets were booked in hours. This year we will showcase Greater Boston area’s talents in dancing, singing, traditional opera, Chinese Kung-Fu and many other performing arts in a two-hour gala in partnership with Enterprise Bank, Town of Lexington and Korean Organization of Lexington. We are expecting hundreds of Lexingtonians and people from Greater Boston area from all ethnic backgrounds to join the celebration

Tickets: $10, $20
All tickets will have Reserved Seats. Please select your seats and order online to obtain electronic tickets at LNY.WeForm.Net

6:00pm -6:45pm Three beautiful backdrops provided for on stage photo opportunities (dress up, bring your camera, bring your selfie stick – see sample pictures below)

6:45pm -7:00pm Please find your reserved seats – late arrival will affect other viewers’ watching experience and may lose your reserved seats.

7:00pm – 9:00pm Performance Gala!

CAAL Newcomer’s Welcome Party

2019年8月31日下午,波士顿地区莱克星顿华协在镇上举办了“以心迎新,欢迎新居民入住莱镇茶话会”。华协服务社区委员会主任匡鹂瑛主持本次活动。此次迎新聚会旨在为新老居民提供交流平台,让新居民了解莱克星顿社区 华协及各项资源平台,通过与华协及老居民的交流,帮助他们尽快适应在美国的学习、生活和工作。参加聚会的新老居民约80人,其中新居民家庭30多家逾60人。

华协会长王华在活动中特别向新居民介绍了华协的发展历史和使命,他说:“在华协成立的36年里,一直在为莱克星顿社区做贡献,为争取华裔和整个社区更好的生活环境做贡献。”他特别用华裔为图书馆十几年来改建翻新等踊跃捐款为例,阐述了华裔为社区做出的卓越奉献,让其他族裔居民更加了解华裔。确实,经过36年华协的努力,华裔在镇上事务的参与越来越多,话语权越来越大,华裔在这里生活的也越来越好。Read full report

CAAL’s Volunteer Appreciation Event at Hancock-Clark House

此次活动专门安排在政治家Hancock 故居举行,莱镇历史协会前会长Bill poole 也亲自出席,与大家见面。
夏日的阳光如义工的心通透炙热,义工Ginny的鲜花在一片绿意央然中娇艳妩媚,晓湄选播的动人音乐在空气中缓缓流淌,陈宣亲手做的果盘,再一次惊艳众人!而美食,春卷、饺子、寿司、鲜虾……每一样你都无法拒绝,聊口渴了,还有宵红的自制茶水,包您好喝到停不下。这一个又一个细节都尽显华协的用心,处处在表达对义工的感谢。华协主席王华在现场发言:“做义工的都是源于心里有爱,华协感恩大家传义工之爱,创最美社区  ”。是的:谢谢你!谢谢你,在社区需要的时候出钱出力出才出智;谢谢你,给社区爱与温暖,奉献热情热心。
现场义工尽情交流,欢声笑语组成了那么难忘的午后。很多义工都在说,感谢华协这次活动,即使在镇上生活多年,都没有参观过Hancock故居,借此机会,不仅了解了Hancock 和美国历史,更加进一步了解了莱镇的历史和文化。还有一些家长,带着孩子来参加活动,体会社区义工文化,他们以身作则,教会孩子“付出”这一门课。

CAAL Sponsors Parent Meeting with Superindendent Dr. Julie Hackett

The June 6th’s meeting sponsored by CAAL with Dr. Julie Hackett and Dr. Eileen Jay was a real success. Our parent representatives presented 4 recommendations on after-school program, homework, curriculum and Project Based Learning. Both Julie and Eileen provided their perspectives on these issues and were very receptive to these suggestions. Our parent representative Helen Yang also raised concerns about college admission and school ranking and a lively discussion followed. For people who missed this successful meeting, it is captured on video. Please take a look and hear for yourself about the directions LPS is working towards.

[Lexington Minuteman] Chinese American major general tells his family’s story in Lexington program

Retired Major General William Chen, the first two-star general in the U.S. Army of Chinese descent, gave a presentation on the legacy of Chinese Americans in the Science Lecture Hall at Lexington High School on June 15.
Chen’s lecture, titled “Opening of Opportunities – CRW & CAWW2,” was attended by more than 100 people. Read the full report

The videos of the talk can be accessed through CAAL YouTube Channel: General Chen’s Talk