CAAL Seminar – The Journey to College


On 3/30/2019, Sharon Olofsson, an educational consultant in Lexington, shared with more than 40 CAAL families the latest trends in college admission and how to plan for it. Sharon spoke to many practical aspects of college planning, at the same time, recommended that parents and students look beyond the rankings and ivy leagues. Instead, use the college planning process to figure out where the kid’s passion lies and ultimately, how to be happy 10 years down the road professionally.  Here is the link of the report of her talk.

Cary Memorial Library Foundation Chosen as Recipient of 2019 CAAL Community Building Award/Grant Program

CAAL has been very active in charitable efforts such as the CAAL for Cary campaign with the goal of giving back to support our town and building stronger community. In 2018 CAAL launched a new community building award/grant program to support local organizations that are engaged in serving the community. The METCO College Scholarship Fund of Lexington was the inaugural recipient and the donation was presented at the Chinese New Year Celebration Banquet on February 10, 2018. This year as our beloved Cary Library celebrates its 150th  anniversary, we are pleased to announce that Cary Memorial Library Foundation is the recipient of the 2019 CAAL Community Building Award/Grant Program. With contributions from CAAL and tens of generous Chinese American families, CAAL has made a $5500+ donation to become a Publisher level sponsor to the Cary Library’s 150th  Anniversary Gala and is sending a CAAL delegation to the Gala. Happy Birthday, Cary Library! 

2019 [世界日报]勒星頓華洋 歡度春晚慶新年

2019年勒星頓華人春晚10日在該鎮張燈結綵的Cary廳舉行,七八百名華洋人士欣賞豐富多元的精彩節目,歡喜過新年;主辦單位勒星頓華人協會(CAAL)會長王華帶領與會的麻州州眾議員、勒鎮領導、學校總監等以中文「過年好! 」拜年,贏來喝采與歡笑。



[Lexington Minuteman] Cary Hall fills for Lunar New Year show in Lexington

The 750 seats in Battin Memorial Hall were nearly filled when the drums began. Five members of the Boston Synchrony Chinese Percussion Ensemble stood on the stage, filling the air with an ancient rhythm. Their quick, lively beat cut through the din of the crowd, silencing it immediately.

Then, from the entranceway, a dragon emerged. Hoisted in the air by nine Lexington community members, the great red and gold beast snaked its way through the crowd toward the drums. This is how the Lunar New Year festivities began, Feb. 10, at the Chinese American Association of Lexington’s annual celebration. [Read full Report

[Lexington Minuteman] Lexington to ring in Year of the Pig with largest Lunar New Year celebration yet

On Feb. 5, people across the world will celebrate the Chinese or Lunar New Year. This year is the Year of the Pig, which, according to the Chinese Zodiac, symbolizes people who enjoy life and love entertainment. Therefore, it’s only fitting that this year’s Lunar New Year Celebration in Lexington will be the town’s biggest in years.

“This year, in terms of the performances, is probably going to be the grandest” said Hua Wang, a member of the Chinese American Association of Lexington.

CAAL has been organizing the town’s Lunar New Year celebration for the past 36 years. Normally, the event has been a sit-down dinner, with performances scheduled around the meal. This year, though, will be completely centered around the performances. [Read full report]

CAAL and CAAL PAC Successfully Hosted Candidate Forum on Jan 19

Every year around this time, Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) runs a candidate forum together with CAAL PAC, a separately registered 501(c)(4) organization to focus on local politics and elections. Candidates are eager to come to this forum because the voting participation from the Chinese community is increasing and the past track record shows that CAAL PAC endorsed candidates have fared very well in the past elections. 

The Forum this year was held at the Community Center on Saturday Jan 19 and aimed to provide an opportunity for the Chinese community to get to know the candidates running for town wide elections- why they are running, what they plan to achieve, and answering questions people care about. This year, there are multiple contested positions: 3 candidates for 1 position on Planning Board, 3 candidates for 1 one-year term position on Board of Selectmen. The 2 positions on School Committee and 2 three-year term positions on Board of Selectmen are uncontested.

After careful deliberation, CAAL PAC has decided to endorse the following candidates: Suzie Barry and Joe Pato for the 3-year term Board of Selectmen; Eileen Jay and Scott Bokun for School Committee, Mark Sandeen for the 1-year term Board of Selectmen, and Nancy Corcoran-Ranchetti for the Planning Board.

Here is the News Report from Lexington Minuteman

More photos 

Celebrate Lunar New Year with CAAL on February 10th!

The Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) is sponsoring a Lunar New Year Gala Performance this year, and you’re invited!  This year’s event, to be held at 6:30pm on Sunday, February 10th, at the Cary Hall, promises to be special! CAAL has arranged for an entertaining array of cultural performances to showcase Greater Boston area’s talents in Chinese songs and dances, Peking Opera, musical instruments, a dragon dance, and many other performing arts in a gala performance in partnership with the Korean American Organization of Lexington and the Town of Lexington. The event is free to the public but tickets are required.  Please reserve tickets for you and your family online at

Annual CAAL Candidate Forum

The first Monday in March is Lexington’s annual election day. All town wide positions, as well as Town Meeting positions, are open for election. This year, there are multiple positions with more candidates contesting for the same position: 3 candidates for 1 position on Planning Board, 3 candidates for 2 three-year term position on Board of Selectmen, and 4 candidates for 1 one-year term position on Board of Selectmen. For School Committee, it is 2 for 2: 2 candidates for 2 positions.

Every year around this time, CAAL and CAAL PAC will run a Candidate Forum, where we invite town wide candidates to come and meet our community. We aim to provide an opportunity for our community to get to know the candidates better, why they are running, what they plan to achieve, and answer questions we care about. Right after the forum, the PAC will discuss and decide on the endorsement by voting. Candidates are eager to come to our forum, because the voting rate in our community is increasing and our past track record shows that our endorsed candidates have fared very well in the elections 

As announced before, this year’s Candidate Forum will be held on Saturday 1/19 from 1:00pm – 4:50pm, in Room 237 at Community Center. We welcome everyone to come and get to know these candidates, so you can be an informed voter on 3/4.

CAAL for Cary 图书馆150周年庆赞助募捐在一天内超额完成!!!

今年是图书馆建馆150周年纪念,基于华协和华人社区数十年对图书馆一如既往的支持,图书馆基金董事会在第一时间和最近数次邀请华协赞助150周年纪念活动,华协为此发起邀请乡亲们加盟赞助图书馆150周年纪念晚会,在短短一天内有几十家华人家庭积极响应,善款总额超过 $5000,秉承了华人爱我图馆,共建图馆,奉献爱心的传统。在此华协向所有为图书馆贡献爱心共创图馆和莱镇美好明天的乡亲们表示衷心的感谢和致敬!诚邀大家伙儿相聚2月10日华人春晚齐庆祝! 阅读原文

CAAL gives to our community in so many meaningful ways. We are blessed. -Valerie Overton

One of a million reasons why I love Chinese American Association of Lexington – CAAL! – Jeri Zeder

CAAL Donated Warm Wool Socks for Homeless Men Sheltering

Thank you CAAL for your generous donation of warm wool socks for homeless men sheltering at Bristol Lodge Waltham! A wonderful gift of sharing and caring in honor of the legacy and spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. See you all on MLK Day! -Gwen

It has always been CAAL’s believe to follow what Dr. King’s said: Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others? As a CAAL member, I am proud of what the contributions CAAL has made, in Lexington and other areas. Go, CAAL, Go! – Sophia

Two very thoughtful, generous Lexingtonians! Love you guys! Thank you, CAAL! – Nancy Adler