Cary Lecture “Coming to America” on Mar 22

Jonathan McPhee gave an incredibly inspiring talk “Coming to America”, a Cary Lecture! He shared the history of American music, highlighting how it was influenced by immigrants and how music helped break barriers even when certain groups were politically isolated. He provided context on immigration waves and anti-immigration laws, such as the Chinese Exclusion Act.

Many video clips showcasing familiar music influenced by Black, Native American, Jewish, and Asian music. Jonathan spoke about his experience with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, and collaborations with CAAL on projects featuring Wu Man, Serena Huang, and Chen Gang’s compositions.

The concert on April 26 with pipa soloist Cao Yue is sponsored by Bin Wu in honor of CAAL. Tickets can be purchased at

Ultimately, his talk centered on identity—who we are—and how music reflects our shared human experience. We are fortunate to live in a town that has Lexington Symphony , and the people like Jonathan, who can offer such insightful and enriching reflections.

莱镇活动早知道 – Lexington Happenings 2025 March

本月亮点舞动世界 – Dance Around the World

日期: 2025年3月8日(星期六)
时间: 6:00 – 9:00 PM
地点: Cary Hall, 1605 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, MA

镇庆典委员会 (Town Celebrations Committee)主办,本次活动通过国际民间舞、古典舞和流行舞庆祝文化多样性,观众与舞者共舞,共度欢乐之夜!


The 2025 CAAL and CAAL PAC Candidate Forum was successfully held on Feb 9.

The 2025 CAAL and CAAL PAC Candidate Forum was successfully held on Feb 9. Thanks to all the candidates for main town elected office who candidly shared their views on the hot button issues of the day.

For 40 years, CAAL has hosted its annual Candidate Forum to provide a platform for candidates to introduce themselves and discuss key issues affecting our community. This event offers residents an opportunity to make informed voting decisions. CAAL PAC’s endorsements have consistently proven valuable to candidate campaigns.

Here is the video recording of the forum.


今年,莱镇迎来了意义非凡的历史时刻——农历新年首次被正式确立为公立学校假日。为纪念这一殊胜之举,莱镇华协(CAAL)与莱镇华协青少年领导联盟(CAAL YLC)携手莱镇其他青少年组织于一月廿九日隆重举办了农历新年爱心美食文化节。这场盛会不仅汇聚了南北佳肴,更是一次文化的交融,让来自不同背景的居民在美食与艺术的交相辉映中感受节日的喜悦。共襄盛举的青少年组织包括莱镇高中中国文化俱乐部(LHS CCC)、最少年记者团(Youth Reporters)、Student Corps LexiBright、莱镇高中亚洲学生联盟(LHS ASU)以及iStem Academy。




Lexington’s F_T_RE: All that’s missing is U! 2025 CAAL and CAAL PAC Candidate Forum on Feb 9

Lexington’s F_T_RE – All That’s Missing Is U!
2025 CAAL and CAAL PAC Candidate Forum
📅 February 9 | 2:00 – 4:00 PMYou are invited to the CAAL and CAAL PAC 2025 Candidate Forum on Saturday, February 9, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. For decades, CAAL has hosted its annual Candidate Forum to provide a platform for candidates to introduce themselves and discuss key issues affecting our community. This event offers residents an opportunity to make informed voting decisions. CAAL PAC’s endorsements have consistently proven valuable to candidate campaigns.

📌 Register here:Zoom Registration
Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email with details on how to join the webinar.This year, all major town offices are contested, making your vote more important than ever. To help shape the discussion, we are collecting community questions for candidates running for Select Board, School Committee, and Planning Board.

🔹 Submit your questions anonymously:Google Form
Your participation will help shape Lexington’s future—don’t miss this chance to engage with the candidates!

Food of Love Festival was held to honor the first Lunar New Year official holiday in the Lexington Public Schools.

Food of Love Festival is reported by the Boston Globe. Around 500 people joined the Food of Love Festival at Lexington High School on Jan 29 organized by CAAL Youth Leadership Council. People at all ages enjoyed a delicious showcase of Lunar New Year cuisine, and culture activities, and honoring for the first time, Lunar New Year is an official holiday in the Lexington Public Schools.

Please enjoy the photo album by Dongxu Shan

Please enjoy the photo album by John Zhao