[Lexington Minuteman] One Village, One Dream: Lexington Celebrates Chinese New Year

As some 400 people ate the last bits of fish with sour cabbage sauce, family-style tofu and other Chinese dishes on their plates, a drumbeat filled the air at the Minuteman High School cafeteria Saturday, Feb. 10.

Accompanied by clashing cymbals, the drumbeats–heavy enough to resonate in one’s chest–continued as several people held aloft a red Chinese dragon and snaked through the room. In the back of the cafeteria, a cluster of girls in pink tutus stood on a staircase, while martial artists in black satin pants and black t-shirts stood just to the side of the performance area—all waiting for their turn to perform. The Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL)’s bi-annual Chinese New Year Celebration was in full swing, ringing in the year of the dog and kicking off CAAL’s 35th anniversary. [Read full report]

Watch videos of the event

2018 莱克星顿华人迎新晚宴




地点:  758 Marrett Rd, Lexington, MA 02421

票价:$30/成人,$20/老人 (65岁 ), 孩子 (3 -12岁)




CAAL Youth Instrumental Ensemble Performs for Elderly Housing and Nursing Homes

Despite the freezing cold outside, it’s warm as spring and full of festival atmosphere inside. During the last weekend of 2017, CAAL Youth Instrumental Ensemble (“YIE”) had brought a variety of holiday classics from both Eastern and Western cultures to the local communities such as the elderly housing campus and nursing home in Lexington.  Since its inception in December, 2016, CAAL YIE has reached out to the local communities such as the nursing homes eight times to share the holiday spirit and warmth with the elderly residents in Lexington. The ensemble’s wonderful performances have been warmly welcomed by the audience.

Chinese Community Actively Support LEF

Chinese Americans actively participated annual fundraising events organized by Lexington Education Foundation (LEF).  This year, more Chinese American residents volunteered and attended the LEF Free Global Party and Annual Gala. CAAL also sent “CAALphabet” team to the Annual LEF Trivia Bee. The younger generation raised $740 for LEF by participating Annual Kids Triathlon.

The Lexington Education Foundation brings the community together to build and sustain the excellence of the Lexington Public Schools through funding innovations in teaching and learning in all nine schools.

CAAL to Host Mini-Citizen’s Academy on Sunday, Dec 3

Event Date: Sunday, Dec 3, 2017, 2pm – 4pm

您想了解Lexington镇政府的组成和运作吗?你想参与Lexington镇里的各项事务吗?请来参加CAAL组织的Mini-Citizen’s Academy Seminar吧:

When:   Sunday (12/3/2017) 2pm – 4pm

Where:  Cary Library Large Meeting Room

Invited Speakers:

Suzie Barry (Chair, Board of Selectmen)

Michelle Ciccolo (Vice Chair, Board of Selectmen) — Town Government

Eileen Jay (Vice Chair, School Committee, CAAL member) — Lexington Schools

Peter Lee (Town Meeting Member, 20/20 Committee, CAAL member) — How to get involved

Light refreshments will be provided

Lexington School Start Time Survey

Hello Parents;

In March 2016, Superintendents belonging to the Middlesex League of Superintendents released a joint statement regarding their intention to look at school start times for high school students. There is a great deal of research on the topic of school start times. However, with any changes to school start times, there are a number of logistical and philosophical conversations that need to take place throughout the community collectively.  These conversations started at the end of the 2016-2017 school year.

At the end of the 2016-17 school year, the Superintendent assembled a School Start Times Task Force to review research conducted, discuss logistical considerations throughout the district, and gather feedback from community stakeholders to determine if a change in school start times should be recommended to the School Committee. The work of this Task Force includes evaluating start times for schools at all levels, not just the high school level.

In order to gather feedback from parents, the below survey is being distributed:


Please complete this survey only once per family. This survey will remain open until October 20, 2017.

Additionally, the School Department will be hosting a community forum on November 15, 2017 at 7p.m. in Battin Hall at Cary Hall. Please check our website regularly for updates and additional helpful information:

School Start Times Task Force website: https://lps.lexingtonma.org/Page/10330


Ian L. Dailey

Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Administration, Chief Procurement Officer for the School Committee

Lexington Public Schools, 146 Maple  St. Lexington, MA 02420; office: 781.861.2580 x68061; fax: 781.861.2560; email: idailey@lexingtonma.org; web site:  http://lps.lexingtonma.org/

CAAL Sponsors Qualified Individuals for Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)

CAAL is proud to sponsor qualified individuals for Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA).  Attached for your reference are the CAAL Guidelines and Forms required for applying to our Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) Program. Please download the attached documents and read them carefully.All applications must be completed and submitted by Saturday, October 1. 2017.For LHS Seniors applying Early Decision or Early Action to colleges, please note this when submitting your PVSA applications.

Here is the application packet:

CAAL-PVSA-2016-2017-Guideline-updated 2017

CAAL PVSA-Form A 2017

CAAL PVSA-Form B 2017

May 30, 2017 Presentation Slide Deck

Please advise with any questions to PVSA@caal-ma.org.

CAAL Community Service PVSA Committee

CAAL Co-hosted Lexington Community Coalition Welcome Coffee

莱克星顿屯面对新家庭的社区咖啡见面会从今年五月开始每月如期举行。CAAL 一直积极派代表参加。镇上所有的核心社区服务组织和团体一起现场回答大家关于镇里,小学、初中、高中,以及社区服务资源和设施的各类问题。

The purpose of Lexington’s Community Coalition is to support a welcoming community that values wellness, inclusivity, respect, empathy, responsibility, compassion, community, kindness, and peace.

The Lexington Community Coalition includes town and school departments, individual volunteers, and community organizations who collaborate to align resources to support youth (and their families). Specifically, we are working together to: Reduce alcohol & substance use; Decrease atmosphere of competition; Support mental health for youth & families。

Learn more on Facebook: Lexington Community Coalition – Youth Initiative