
7月28日,学委一致投票通過了2020-2021的校历以及学监提交的返校蓝图。学委会将在8月25日的会议上根据当时疫情决定是否对返校计划进行更新或改变。请阅读 EdCAAL 返校系列更新

Thanks to the School Committee , Superintendent and LPS staff for their hard work for the Return-to School Plan amidst the pandemic!

To keep the Lexington Chinese community informed about important school matters, EdCAAL has been providing ongoing updates on the LPS Return-to-School plans. We summarize key information that we hope are most useful to the parent community. This is our update as of 7/30/2020.

On 7/28/20, the School Committee voted on the 2020-2021 school calendar and voted to adopt the Return-to-School Blueprint. Please click this link for EdCAAL Return-to School update.


总统义工奖 PVSA — “The President’s Volunteer Service Award” 旨在表彰广大义工,并由总统亲自签名颁发承认义工对社区的贡献的奖项。获奖者包括许多热心的社区领袖和积极为社区做出贡献的人们。

2020年新冠爆发,导致今年的义工活动内容和时间不同往年,CAAL将如何做出新的调整?申请者有那些可以参与的青少年义工项目?华协社区委员会主任Wendy Qin, 就今年“如何申请总统奖和登记义工时间”做出了详细说明,同时也邀请多名华协青少年义工代表在线分享了青少年义工项目。

Here are the links of the video and presentation of this seminar

and PVSA application forms:

CAAL PVSA 2019-2020 Guideline

CAAL PVSA 2019-2020 Form A

CAAL PVSA 2019-2020 Form B

CAAL is recognized by the Town of Lexington for Its COVID-19 Relief Efforts

Thanks to members of the Select Board, Town Manager and Town of Lexington, MA for this recognition. We would like to dedicate this recognition to our incredibly generous donors and tirelessly dedicated volunteers who have made our $260K+ COVID-19 humanitarian relief campaign possible – from PPE donations to funding food pantry and other nonprofit organization and to hot meals for frontline workers. We’re all in this together!

2020届莱镇高中毕业生 时光印记

由应届家长牵头,我们两个华人组织合作的2020届莱镇高中华裔毕业生公众号今天隆重推出了! 家长的祝福,老师的寄语,曾经拼搏过的瞬间,都在这期公众号里化成文字、图片、影像……一一呈现莱镇高中精彩的四年。这是社区给孩子们的礼物,凝聚了众多老师,家长和志愿者的心思,这份心思是对孩子们深深的爱,惟愿他们乘风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。祝福2020!
非常感谢Nancy、Judy、丁薇投入无数时间和精力,倾情奉献,为LHS2020毕业生制作了这份厚礼。感谢毕业班家长陈萱、Helen Yang、梁柳、Ed Li和湛湛策划协调收集整理。感谢毕业班家长老蔡和西飞雁的诗词。感谢学监、姚老师和朱老师的赠言。感谢Ding Di开篇图片,和Jessie电子书封面设计。感谢所有参与这一活动的各位毕业生和家长们。



UNSUNG HEROS: Recognizing and Honoring Chinese American World War II Veterans- Congressional Gold Medal Recipients

Maj. Gen. William Chen is no stranger to Lexington. He was invited by CAAL, Cary Library, Lexington Historic Society and Lexington Veterans Assoc. for lectures last year. To order his edited book Unsung Heroes to honor Chinese American World War II veterans, here is the link: http://tinyurl.com/y85vsx2m  

“(22) The United States remains forever indebted to the bravery, value, and dedication that the Chinese- American Veterans of World War II displayed and

(23) The commitment and sacrifice of Chinese Americans demonstrates a highly uncommon and commendable sense of patriotism and honor in the face of discrimination.”

– Public Law 115-337-Dec, 20, 2018 “The Chinese-American World War II Veteran Congressional Gold Medal Act”

Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) Provides Help to Lexington Nonprofits for COVID-19 Relief – Apply today!

In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) has been collecting donations for COVID-19 relief since January 2020. Through unprecedented and generous support from our friends and families, CAAL has undertaken a massive PPE relief operation. As we continue to face the ongoing challenges of the pandemic in light of the situation in Lexington, CAAL is introducing the following actions and initiatives in our continuous support for COVID-19 relief and to work together with local organizations that play critical roles in Lexington.

1.      CAAL’s Community Building Award Program. Lexington Interfaith Food Pantry is this year’s recipient of CAAL’s Community Building Award. CAAL launched the award program in 2018 to help support local organizations that are engaged in serving the Lexington community. Past recipients include METCO College Scholarship Fund of Lexington, Cary Memorial Library Foundation, and Lexington Symphony. CAAL is donating $5,000 to support the vital operation of Lexington Interfaith Food Pantry during COVID-19.  

2.      CAAL’s Rapid Response for COVID-19 Relief. CAAL has set up a new rapid response program for Lexington for COVID-19 relief. We invite Lexington-based nonprofit organizations to send in their requests for COVID-19 relief. These nonprofit organizations may send in requests for up to $1,000 for the purpose of immediate assistance and relief activities related to COVID-19. Urgent requests that exceeds $1,000 should contact caal.ma.org@gmail.com prior to submission. The deadline for all requests is Tuesday, June 30, 2020. Requests will be considered on a rolling basis, therefore, early submissions are strongly encouraged, as our collected donations are limited. The requests will receive a response within a week of submission. To submit a request, please follow the guidelines below and submit through the online form:  https://tinyurl.com/ya9but6y.

CAAL Rapid Response in COVID-19 Relief

Request Submission Guidelines

All requests must be submitted online https://tinyurl.com/ya9but6y with the following information:

I.                    General Information: Organization Name, Homepage URL of the Organization (optional), Contact Name & Position, Email, Physical Address, and Telephone Number.

II.                 EIN Number (non-profit 501c3 ID number).

III.               Organization Description & Mission Statement: The purpose of the organization, major accomplishments, and any other relevant information.

IV.              Aid Justification:

What does the organization plan on using the aid for? Please provide a breakdown on how the aid will be used by your organization, such as supplies, events, targeted communities, etc. Be specific.

V.                 Summary of the Organization’s Financial Performance Metrics (optional but recommended):

Supply percentage (charts and graphs are welcomed) of the organization’s expenses and services. Provide the organization’s real revenue growth, return on assets, expense control, pricing policies, any excess cash, etc.

VI.              Additional Information (optional):

Further information (videos, projects, future goals, etc.) that you would like to share with CAAL regarding your current circumstances.
We will get through this together!

Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL)

We are the oldest 501 (c)(3) Chinese community organization in town established since 1983.


P.O. Box 453, Lexington, MA 02420


Twitter: CAALsince1983

Facebook: CAAL1983