We are in need of donations to continue this effort!

With extra medical grade Personal Protective Equipment production capabilities are available in China, WeStar Chinese American Alliance with CAAL as partner have placed three orders of masks from reliable sources there. Among them:

1. 23,300 masks, most of them surgical masks, some N95 masks, total $18,882

2. 32,500 surgical masks, $14,560

3. 9000 KN95 masks (KN is China code, equivalent to N95 in US), 29,000 surgical masks, total $31,504

In total 93,800 masks were ordered with the cost of $51,846.

The masks are going to be donated to hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and other frontline medical and health organizations. They will also be used to help residents in need especially seniors and those who are vulnerable to COVID-19 outbreak.

Please fill the form for hospital masks need by visiting: https://forms.gle/ER6X5WoB62NXtCqs9

We are in urgent need of donations to continue these efforts! Please donate in below methods:

1. PayPal to CAAL using “Sending to friends and family” at donation@caal-ma.org and note “COVID-19”

2. Check: Payable to Chinese American Association of Lexington, Inc. (CAAL), PO Box 453, Lexington, MA 02420. Add “COVID-19” at the memo line.

3. Venmo: Pay to @CAAL-Lexington, last 4 digit of phone: 2775

We are all in this together. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. Together, we will prevail!

“共同抗疫,守护家园” 筹款倡议书

WeStar 联盟筹款倡议书

WeStar 联盟是美东第一家将最急需的医护物资送到武汉医院的组织,我们能够大力救助了远在天边的武汉,就一定能够守护我们自己的家园。 

病毒在传播,疫情在延蔓,危机迫在眉睫。现在美国各地医院医护防护物资严重断缺 ,医务人员们得不到足够的保护。只有保护好我们的第一道防线,我们才会有安全的大后方。  WeStar联盟正式发起“共同抗疫,守护家园”的筹款活动!捐款将由WeStar联盟统一筹划购买医护防护物资,保护医护人员,也应对全社区的应急救助包括老人及高危人群。 



Lexington CAAL 华协是WeStar联盟定点捐款账户之一。捐款方式如下:

1. PayPal to CAAL using “Sending to friends and family” at donation@caal-ma.org and note “COVID-19” or press the following QRcode. 请 PayPal到donation@caal-ma.org, 选择“付款给朋友和家人”

2. Check: Payable to Chinese American Association of Lexington, Inc. (CAAL), PO Box 453, Lexington, MA 02420. Add “COVID-19” at the memo line. 邮寄支票到:Chinese American Association of Lexington,PO Box 453, Lexington, MA 02420.

3. Venmo:  Pay to @CAAL-Lexington, last 4 digit of phone: 2775 账户: @CAAL-Lexington, 电话最后四位数: 2775

“共同抗疫,守护家园” 筹款倡议书

同其心,一其力, 守望相助待春归



  • 寻找审核中国的优质防护用品资源,同时联络与波士顿有需求的医院对接。
  • 接受私人防护物资捐赠,包括:美国产N95口罩,含70% 酒精的洗手液等。
  • 在和镇及学区沟通后,在积极采购洗手液,纸巾等防疫和卫生用品,准备捐助图书馆和公校。
  • 协助莱镇公益项目 “Food Pantry”,安排为低收入群体输送食物及生活必需品。
  • 保持和镇里与疫情相关的部门及其它组织之间的沟通及合作。

从我做起 群策群力

病毒没有国界,也不区分种族肤色和财富。在CAAL联合整个社区共同防疫抗疫的同时,我们反对歧视,抵制对亚裔的歧视性语言,抵制将 COVID-19 病毒称为 “武汉病毒”,“中国病毒”,“亚洲病毒”。CAAL始终致力于整个社区的团结。大疫当前,我们应当把重心放在确认所需要做和能做的实事上。从我做起,有力出力,有钱出钱,群策群力。


— Lawrence S Bacow 哈佛大学校长




Lexington Community Help Request / Volunteer Sign Up!

Dear Lexington residents,

At the Community COVID-19 Forum last Thursday, one of the panelists Dr. Hua Wang mentioned that Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) is organizing a volunteer group to help those families impacted by the noval coronavirus. We have received many positive feedbacks.

We created an online registration form to recruit volunteers to serve those families in isolation or quarantine with urgent needs, to help them contact doctors, purchase food, medicine and other needed goods, and more.

If you can help, please register with the form below. If you are in need of help for your family, please register below as well. We will do our best to find the match and address the needs.

This is open to all Lexington residents who want to be a volunteer, or seek help.

We are all in this together and together we shall prevail!

Please register here: http://Covid19Help.WeForm.net



UCA Calls on All Americans to Avoid Divisive, Racial or Racist Terms for the New Coronavirus, COVID-19, and Defeat the Virus as One Nation

United Chinese Americans (UCA), a national coalition of Chinese Americans in more than 30 states, calls on the American news media, public figures and the American public to refrain from using terms such as “China virus,” “Chinese virus,” “Wuhan virus,” or “Asian virus” to describe the new coronavirus, COVID-19. Such terms often misinform and misguide the public in the fight against this virus, and could lead to bigotry, inflame hatred and even incite violence against Chinese and Asian Americans, as has already been widely reported. 

UCA will further monitor developments and call out any public figure or institution who continues to use the term “Chinese virus” or its other variants, until such wanton usage ceases. 

As recently as this past week, and one full month since the World Health Organization (WHO) officially designated the virus’ nomenclature as COVID-19, we unfortunately still hear many public figures and well-known organizations using geographical- and race-specific terms to describe it, despite the fact that the virus infects all races of people and has spread to more than 100 countries. That list includes President Donald Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, U.S. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Senator Tim Cotton, Senator Rick Scott, and Fox News. “Continuing to use such terms is wrong, and is unacceptable,” said Haipei Shue, president of UCA. “The virus has a name, and that’s the name that ought to be used.”

In a multiethnic democracy like ours, where Chinese Americans have historically been singled out as objects of racism and xenophobia and subjected to damning stereotypes, and at a time when we need our whole society to work together to defeat COVID-19, we must avoid or stop insensitive, divisive, stigmatizing, racial or racist remarks and acts, as we come together to defeat this virus as one nation. 
UCA Co-signs on Letter to Denounce Racism


继莱镇华协组织大家为武汉募捐的活动后, 我们的重心转移到关注马萨诸塞州,波士顿, 莱镇社区冠状病毒发展状况和我们自身的健康保护. 

截至三月八日,马萨诸塞州报告的冠状病毒病例已跃升至28例,其中一例在莱镇的Bowman学区。莱镇华协和镇上及学区保持联系,在这里我们把社区最新预防消息整理提供给大家. 请点击阅读 共同努力 守护家园

CAAL PAC Supported Candidates Introduction Series

In the past week, CAAL PAC has introduced to Chinese American community the five candidates who run for town wide offices this year. CAAL PAC thank the candidates who responded to our questionnaire. After reviewing the responses, CAAL PAC endorsed the candidacy of all five candidates. Below are the biography and responses from these candidates:

Select Board Candidates:

Mark Sandeen

Doug Lucente

School Committee Candidate:

Sara Cuthbertson

Planning Board Candidates:

Bob Creech

Charles Horning

A Letter of Support to Our Friends in the Chinese American and Chinese Communities:

A heartwarming letter from the Jewish Community:

Dear Friends,

We are writing to express our heartfelt solidarity with you during these tense and troubling times.

We are concerned about rising xenophobia aimed at Chinese people in this country and abroad over the COVID-19 “coronavirus”. We know that in such times, concern can quickly turn into hysteria, which can lead to scapegoating. We pledge to help ensure that Chinese people feel safe and supported, and to combat attacks and stereotyping on social media. We know from history, ours and yours, that such fearmongering can be devastating. Read more

众志成城,抗击疫情 – 莱镇华协(CAAL)及合作团队筹款达13万美元,和WeStar联盟运送医疗物资七批


目前莱镇华协(CAAL)及合作团队收到捐款及援助物资达13万美元。为了最快最有效的帮助到奋战在疾区的医护人员,华协团队和WeStar战略合作伙伴争分夺秒为疫区医院筹集医疗物资,Westar 联盟已运送了七批医疗物资去国内几十个急需的医院。阅读更多

有亲情,有共赢,不负使命 – CAAL 支援武汉总结
