CAAL Newsletter to the Community during COIVD-19 Pandemic

Dear friends and neighbors, 

As the COVID-19 virus continues its spread around the world, we hope you and your family are staying safe and healthy. The Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) continues to support our Lexington community and stand in solidarity with front line healthcare workers. Amid this unprecedented time, our volunteers are working tirelessly to help the community on these fronts:

Raising Funds to Purchase Masks from China 

With extra medical grade Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) production capabilities available in China, and through generous donations by our community towards the purchase of PPE, CAAL in partner with the WeStar Chinese American Alliance ordered a total 25,910 N95 and KN95 respirators, 148,286 surgical masks, 2554 protective suits and 1000 medical goggles.

CAAL contributed $85,061.61 among the total cost of $170,626.16 toward these purchases. We have received total $96,320.56 donation through generous contribution from the Lexington Chinese community, broader community and from friends and families in China.

 Supporting Local Hospitals

So far CAAL have delivered more than 54,855 masks, including 22,080 masks in partnership with WeStar Alliance,  to 34 hospitals and clinics, most of them in Massachusetts, and other frontline organizations such as Lexington Police Station, Fire Department, Public Health Office and Postal Office.

CAAL also donated masks to Delta Project in Massachusetts and Rhode Island to support those with intellectual and other life challenges. 

You can view the pictures of our donation efforts on CAAL website:, and some of the heart-warming thank-you notes to our tireless volunteers.

If you belong to a local hospital that would like to request masks, please do so by clicking this form.

Supporting Nursing Homes 

Nursing homes are the most vulnerable during the COVID-19 pandemic.  CAAL supported 22 nursing homes in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Some of them already have confirmed cases, and all the staff and residents need masks. CAAL donated 8000 KN95 respirators and surgical masks to these nursing homes, some of them with multiple deliveries.

“I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks and the thanks of the Residents and staff of our facility for your organization’s generous gift of masks. Such caring and compassion during this very challenging time are uplifting and inspiring. The hard work and dedication of yourself and all the members of the Chinese American Association of Lexington are greatly appreciated. Please express our thanks to all of the associates of the CAAL who are making such touching gifts possible.” Said by the director of community life at a local nursing home

You can view our donation list by clicking here.

Organizing Mask Pickup for Residents in Need

We have masks available for residents in need – specifically, seniors, the immunocompromised, and those with underlying respiratory issues. So far, our Mask pickup station has distributed 835 masks to 128 Lexington residents. 

To use the Masks Pickup Station: 

First, view this link with a poster for details on how to use Masks Pickup Service; Next, fill out the following form if you would like to request masks for yourself or someone you know: 

Here are some heart-warming thank-you notes to the volunteers operating these pickup stations. 

WeStar Alliance with CAAL as a Partner Started a Gift Ending in .88 Campaign

WeStar Alliance with CAAL as a partner started a campaign: Donate in amount ending .88 to Emergency Response Funds for Mass General Hospital.  The number 8 is a recognized Chinese symbol of luck. This inspires hopes of our hospitals during the difficult time. To date, the gift ending in .88 project has raised nearly $30,000 in critical ERF funds. We also donated to Emergency Response Funds for Brigman and Women’s hospital.

Donating to Local Community

CAAL also donated to the Lexington community including Lexington Food Pantry and Cloth Masks Initiative. 


We are so thankful for the overwhelming support from our Lexington community and inspired by everyone’s desire to help those in need during this unprecedented time. To continue our efforts, we need your help, please help to fund these important initiatives.

How to donate:

1.      PayPal to CAAL using “Sending to friends and family” at and note “COVID-19”

2.      Check: Payable to Chinese American Association of Lexington, Inc. (CAAL), PO Box 453, Lexington, MA 02420. Add “COVID-19” at the memo line.

3.      Venmo: Pay to @CAAL-Lexington, last 4 digit of phone: 2775

Finally, please contact us at with any questions or ideas on how we can continue to support Lexington during this time. We will get through this together!


为保护医护人员我们争分夺秒在行动,至今为止WeStar联盟已从国内订货N95和KN95口罩 32,170个,外科口罩 148,286个,压条式防护服 1,260件。总金额约一百一十一万人民币(¥1,111,005),其中有来自莱镇华协 CAAL 团队的捐款约五十八万四千人民币 (¥584,232)。已经到货19,000个外科口罩,3,000个KN95口罩,其它还在运输途中。联盟目前已捐出18,000 个外科口罩。


华协 (CAAL)共同抗疫,守护家园更新


  1.  医用口罩178,956只,其中包括珍贵的N95 和 KN 95 口罩 30,670只;
  2.  订单总额$137,232, 其中包括来自莱镇华协CAAL团队的捐款 $63,830。华协(CAAL)的捐款团队包括:CAAL,BCPA, 川渝同乡会,Southborough 华协,西木华人,Boston Beijing同乡会, Carlisle 华协,EA Education, 敦煌文化, 菜根君组合,MSTCM,云南同乡会,紫莉 & Biogen, 华师附中校友会和宏斌/TripAdvisor等组织。

部分订单已经到货并已捐给急需医院。联盟和华协 CAAL 还在继续下单,所有物资都将用来保护我们身边在抗疫一线的医护人员,并应对全社区应急救助包括老人及高危人群。阅读全文

Masks are available for Lexington residents in need!

Dear Lexington residents,

Through generous donations by our community toward the purchase of masks, Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) has some masks available to Lexington residents who are in need. If you need to go to a doctor office or whatever situation that puts you in an immediate need for masks, please fill out the form

You can also call (339) 970-8550 to request.

Please be noted that we have surgical masks, not N95 respirators.

The picture shows one of our mask self pick-up stations.


Stay safe.