

CAAL邀请Summit Educational Group的专家于4月30号晚上举行了公益信息分享会。分享会主要使用语言为英语,CAAL志愿者将提前翻译幻灯片,并在问答环节为需要的家长翻译。


今天(5/14) 莱镇华协团队创单日捐助抗疫防护物资总数记录:

1. 向莱镇政府,学区及居民捐出 10,000 只口罩,
2. 联手波士顿清华校友会向莱镇 Chamber of Commerce 捐出 2,000 只口罩,
3. 联手 WeStar 联盟、莱星文化中心、Masks for All 向 Lowell Community Health Center 捐出 200 只KN95 口罩,1650 只医用口罩,25 件杜邦 T600 防护服,100 只面罩,8付护目镜。
至此莱镇华协团队共捐助防护物质逾十六万件到 121 家医院、诊所、老人院、老人公寓、警局、消防局、公校,公共设施部、公众卫生办公室、邮局、公益组织和机构等。





百家长廊 (首期)

「不談高大上的壯舉,想記錄疫情中平凡的亮點」, 萊克星頓華人協會(CAAL)日前發起「百家長廊」,邀請大家分享疫情居家的私房美食照、鍛鍊體驗、讀書心得、養花種菜記實,用文字與圖片記錄避疫生活中的小確幸、小煩惱,認真生活的點點滴滴。活動海報中,包括四大內容的簡易蝴蝶形象,還有災難歷練後,對生命蜕變和美麗重生的期盼。





BBC 最近特别报道了在新冠疫情下华裔的困境以及他们为突破困境所做的努力。文中采访了莱克星顿华协(CAAL)主席王华,向大众展示了以他们为代表的华裔在疫情中的种种表现,相关新闻报道请在浏览器打开以下链接:



Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) Covid-19 Relief project Behind-The-Scenes Heroes’ Interviews

CAAL Covid-19 Relief project leader: Wu, Leeying

To protect the most vulnerable groups and our medical workers, Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) reached out to Chinese suppliers of personal protection equipment (PPE) and acquired disposable masks through generous donations from Lexington residents. The purchased masks were donated to nursing homes and frontline medical and health organizations.

Since early March, the volunteers in CAAL have spent their days and nights on this project with very limited resources. From collecting demand information from hospitals, nursing homes, families in need, to sorting out suppliers’ and product information, from screening the qualified PPEs suppliers from pretenders to matching the products with the local hospitals’ requirements,  from fundraising to order management and logistic coordination, not mention the complicated inventory data management. With limited man power, CAAL team delivered more than 91,180 masks to 42 hospitals and clinics, 25 nursing homes and other frontline organizations.

Today, let us peek behind the curtain, interview our 1st “Hero”

CAAL Covid-19 Relief Project Leader: Leeying Wu Read more

Community Dialog with Police and Human Rights Committee on April 21, 2020

CAAL is hosting a Community Dialog to address concerns over hostilities against Asians during the current pandemic in US society.

There is fear and blame through the use of terms “Chinese virus”

FBI has warned of increased hate crimes against Asians and there are reported incidents across the country

There is a significant rise of Wechat enrollment in “SOS” groups indicating fear amongst our community

Who will address questions

Lexington Police Chief Mark Corr with Officer Hsu

Lexington Human Rights Committee Chair Mona Roy

CAAL, Chinese American Association of Lexington since 1983

Here are the details