
Here are the updates on our Ukraine humanitarian relief campaign:
1. Total donations have exceeded $11K from Lexington and beyond including Minnesota, California and Ohio.
2. Two rounds of donated medical supplies and aids including tourniquets and backpacks fully stocked with first aid medical kit have reached Ukraine through Sunflower of Peace
Thanks Community Endowment of Lexington for the support of our #AAPIHeritageMonth initiative aiming to celebrate the contributions of Asian Americans to Lexington. We invite submissions from the community and can’t wait to welcome everyone to the Exhibition throughout May and June at Cary Library.
Please read the newsletter for details.
由The Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) 主办,BCPA协办,Community Endowment of Lexington (CEL),an endowed fund of the Foundation for MetroWest赞助
《亚裔在莱镇》旨在大家喜爱的Cary Memorial Library莱镇图书馆通过摄影作品展现莱镇亚裔居民社区活动与贡献。我们正在征集您的精彩照片! 欢迎反映莱镇亚裔生活于社区参与的照片。摄影展将收录大约70幅入选作品,并将在2022年5月到6月的两个月期间在莱镇图书馆展出。
摄影展目的是向社区介绍亚洲文化,彰显亚裔居民对社区的贡献,在莱镇亚裔中建立更强的社区归属感 。请加入我们提交您的精彩照片参加《亚裔在莱镇:同一个村庄同一个梦》 摄影展.照片提交截止日期:四月三日2022 年 (周日) 午夜 24:00
On International Women’s Day (March 8), the Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) announced a partnership with Lex See Her to help expand inclusive educational programming related to the monument.
Melanie Lin, Co-President of CAAL, noted that “Asian women have made significant contributions in modern U.S. history. In this moment of surging anti-Asian hate that especially targets Asian women, what can we and should we do? We look forward to seeing this exciting monument in town, as teaching history is the best way to build better future.”
Here is the report from Lexington Minuteman
早春二月, 虽春寒料峭,然萧瑟中暗藏生机; 且看涓涓细流,河开雁来,春芽萌动, 春天正以万物为张描绘新的时光,问候这个风云世界。人心向暖,岁月不寒。愿冬疫消散,世界一家,四方安平!心到,春来!
On March 16, we mourn the loss of the victims on the Anniversary of Atlanta Shootings. Thank you for joining us to commemorate the lives that have been taken away from us, renew our commitment to #StopAsianHate and work together for a better future of AAPI communities.
Here is the video of the powerful speeches
Please join us! Tribute to Victims on Anniversary of Atlanta Shootings Time: Mar. 16, 2022 (Wed), 6PM EDT
Location: Boston Chinatown Gate
值此纪念亚特兰大枪击惨案发生一周年之际, 作为UCA全美范围悼念活动的一部分, UCA-MA再次行动起来, 联合NECAA、CAAL、APAPA-Boston、CEA等组织, 邀请大家于3月16日(星期三)下午6:00, 来到波士顿中国城牌坊下, 用鲜花和烛光, 一起悼念死者、反对仇恨、呼吁正义与和平!
时间: 2022年3月16日(星期三), 美东下午6:00
地点: 波士顿中国城牌坊John F Fitzgerald Surface Rd &, Beach St,Boston, MA 02111