[Lexington Minuteman] CAAL welcomes in Year of the Tiger with remote celebration

On Jan. 31, the Chinese-American Association of Lexington (CAAL) will celebrate the Lunar New Year, ushering an upcoming year that portends prosperity and fortune: the Year of the Tiger.

The event will be livestreamed from 8 to 9 p.m.

Celebrating a new year, remotely

Although she wishes that they could perform in front of an audience, Melanie Lin, co-president of CAAL, says the videos provide a higher quality of performances. The idea of a Lunar New Year television broadcast is rooted in China’s culture, where grand, staged programs are broadcast to celebrate the oncoming year. Families   separated internationally by the ongoing pandemic can come together to cherish traditions and make new memories, she said. Read more




2022 年1 月7 日, 在几位爱心人士的倡议下,莱镇华协(CAAL)开启了向领养残疾孩子的家庭奉献爱心的“心愿单”活动。活动得到了乡亲们的強烈反响,共有58 位爱心人士和2 个公益组织慷慨解囊,收款总额远远超过预期! 现特公布爱心人士名单和捐款金额, 感谢大家的满满爱心!2022 新春因为你们而格外温暖。请点击阅读 “公众号” 查看更多内容


21个家庭,50多个中国残障儿童,他们一起,走过了无数坎坷,度过了无数岁月。请点击阅读 “公众号” 查看更多内容

月刊 I 莱镇华协(CAAL) 2021 年 12 月




请点击欣赏阅读“莱镇华协十 二月月刊


【莱了】 莱镇孩子说,我在这里做艺术!

镇里的Munroe艺术中心真是一座尚待发现的宝藏,四十多年来为莱镇人提供了各种艺术体验和空间。那里经验丰富、醉心育人的老师们都有着明确的教育理念:除了教授学生各种艺术技能以外,更多是对学生心灵的呵护,培养学生对艺术发自内心的喜爱,让学生们在艺术之美中终身受益。作为门罗中心的新董事会成员以及在门罗学过十多年艺术课的两个孩子的妈妈,我真心希望更多莱镇人认识到它的魅力,从中受益并促进它的进一步发展。我们还会在近期不断推出系列报道。- 董桦


迎新年献爱心: 莱镇华协倡议“心愿单”活动

CAAL 将为此设立一个专门的项目,每一份捐款都会得到来自一位爱心人士的1:1 match, 捐款至1/20/2022日截止,捐款总额将在CAAL公众号里公布,所有的捐款将以中国新年礼物的方式送到领养家庭手中并会公布受助家庭的情况,虎年到来之际,让我们用爱开年,用爱为彼此送上祝福!谢谢大家!

请点击阅读 “公众号” 查看活动详情

Lunar New Year Celebration Virtual Gala on Jan 31- 莱镇春晚先知道,1月31日精彩等你参与!

On January 31, the eve of Lunar New Year, from 8-9 pm Eastern Time, CAAL sincerely invites you to participate in our online Lunar New Year Celebration and greet the Year of the Tiger.  

Please visit http://caal-ma.org/LNY2022/ for streaming channels via YouTube, Facebook, Uplive and LexMedia and enjoy yourself alongside thousands of viewers to welcome and celebrate the new year full of prosperity!


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