倒计时 – 第三届AAPI 5 K Run ‘n’ Walk 活动须知

第三届Lexington AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk 只剩下三天,你准备好了吗?我们相信这届 AAPI 5K 跑步和健走赛事将会把亚太裔传统月的活动达到新的高度!不论你是否参加了我们为 5K 赛事提供的四周免费基本训练,还是通过其他赛事的历练,又或是静心备战,这个周六,让我们一起释放脚步,尽情享受波士顿的春天,用奔跑的姿态来庆祝亚太裔传统月。


莱镇活动早知道 – Lexington Happenings I 2024 May

是的 – 春日需要你

Yes – the springtimes needed you. 

Often a star
was waiting for you to notice it

A wave rolled toward you
out of the distant past

or as you walked
under an open window

a violin
yielded itself to your hearing

All this was mission

– Duino Elegies, Poet, Rainer Maria Rilke


CAAL Kicks off May AAPI Month

We had a blast this morning to kick off the May AAPI Heritage Month! The organizers hold posters of the events they organize for Lexington in the May AAPI month.

CAAL organized series of large events every year to bring culture and diversity to Lexington. With the demographic change, participation of Lex250 from all cultural backgrounds is vital, because diversity is part of the Lexington now and the future.

CAAL’s mission has always been not only serving Chinese community but also serving the entire Lexington. We engage Chinese Americans to be more integrated and more participatory in town activities. The event this morning represents the participation of CAAL and the Chinese American community to Lex250

莱镇第三届 AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk – 火热报名中

The Lexington AAPI 5K is back for the third consecutive year and the course is now certified by USA Track & Field Come join us on May 18 run or walk to celebrate #AAPIHeritageMonth with friends, family and neighbors.

Click this link for registration and all the event details:

我们莱镇华人社区自己组织的AAPI 5K,纪念亚太裔传统月(AAPI Heritage Month),今年已是第三届,今年赛道获得USATF认证。诚邀大家继续支持参加,家人朋友可以组队PK得奖



AAPI 5K Run & Walk in Lexington Free Clinic

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! This is the 3rd year CAAL is partnering with Lexington HEY Runners Club to host a 5K Run ‘n’ Walk and will be on May 18, 2022. This race was considered one of the best organized 5K race in Boston area.


Join the free training clinics and practice the 5K with others.


Here is the link to all the information and registration for the AAPI 5K Run and Walk on May 18.

前100 名报名参加5K 跑步或健走,获取由泽远南方房产开发赞助赠送跑步腰包一个,先报名先得.