活动推荐 • 精彩不容错过
金牌得主小提琴新秀Sirena Huang 由吴斌及家人以莱镇华协(CAAL)名义独家赞助
演出时间:4 月 13 日周六晚上 7:30,
地址:莱克星顿 Cary Hall,马萨诸塞大街 1605 号
活动推荐 • 精彩不容错过
金牌得主小提琴新秀Sirena Huang 由吴斌及家人以莱镇华协(CAAL)名义独家赞助
演出时间:4 月 13 日周六晚上 7:30,
地址:莱克星顿 Cary Hall,马萨诸塞大街 1605 号
As a prelude to Lexington’s 250th anniversary celebration, and to kink off May AAPI Heritage Month, the Lexington Council for the Arts (LCA) and Chinese American Association Lexington (CAAL) are inviting residents to submit writings and paintings depicting the immigrant experience – an important part of the town’s history.
This celebrates diversity, equity, and inclusion by providing a platform for powerful stories of courage, resilience, and pursuing the American dream.
Submission categories are: Children (12 and under), Youth (13-17), and Adults for both writing (under 2000 words) and painting (11×14, 12×16, or 16×20 inches).
A panel will judge all entries due by May 10. Winning works will be featured at a public exhibition and storytelling event in late May during AAPI and Jewish American Heritage Month.
For more information, contact Elizabeth Xu ( exu@caal-ma.org ) or visit the website
Check back frequently for the latest announcements and updates on this event celebrating Lexington’s immigrant history and culture.
It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.
—Great Expectations, Novelist, Charles Dickens
时间: 3月30日, 星期六晚7点
地点: 英格兰音乐学院音乐厅 Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston, MA 02115
Join us at Cary Memorial Library Large Meeting Room on March 6th at 7:00 pm for a very special Lex See Her Speaker Series event with author Leta Hong Fincher who will discuss the 10th Anniversary edition of her book Leftover Women- The Resurgence of Gender Inequality in China. The event is organized by Lex See Her in partnership with the Chinese American Association of Lexington – CAAL and Cary Memorial Library to get ready for International Women’s Day!
This program is made possible by the generous donors to Cary Memorial Library Foundation
快来吧,加入我们,参加 2024 年 4 月 6 日星期六晚上 7 点至 10 点在卡里图书馆的欢乐之夜!
这个聚会的目的是为图书馆儿童房和底层翻修项目 (ChiRP!) 提供资金支持。
*在线拍卖包括前往玛莎葡萄园岛、黄石公园/斯内克河的度假套餐,以及与诺贝尔奖获得者当地居民共进晚餐 等等
早鸟票每人 125 美元,有效期至 2 月 25 日。 2月25日之后普通门票为每人150美元。
我们 2019 年晚会的门票在两周内就售空了!
Join us for an evening of fun and festivities on Saturday, April 6, 2024, from 7-10 pm at Cary Library to support funding for the Children’s Room and Lower Level Renovation Project (ChiRP!).
Our Gala Features:
– Dinner Bites
– Drinks including a Tequila Bar
– Dancing to a Live Band
An online silent auction including vacation packages to Martha’s Vineyard, Yellowstone/Snake River, and dinners with local residents who are Nobel Laureates
Early Bird Tickets are $125 per person and available until February 25th.
Regular tickets are $150 per person after February 25th.
Tickets are limited so consider purchasing now! Tickets to our 2019 Gala sold out in two weeks!
Gala Event Tickets and Gala Drink Tickets may be purchased both online and by check.
For information and to purchase tickets, please visit:
Please click on the link to know more information about the event.
不知不觉的,一晃就进入了新春二月。《莱镇活动早知道》专栏自创刊以来发布了33期,风雨无阻. 2024年精彩继续…
‘Cause I’m in the stars tonight
so watch me bring the fire and set the night alight
Shining through the city with a little funk and soul
So I’mma light it up like dynamite
– Dynamite (BTS)
火树银花合,明月逐人圆。随着明月的圆满,莱镇华协 (CAAL) 与莱星文化中心、莱镇图书馆、莱镇图书馆基金会、莱镇交响乐团及莱镇历史协会联合举办的莱镇元宵庆典 Lexington Lantern Festival 也将迎来庆祝农历新年的又一高潮。莱镇元宵庆典将在二月二十四日下午1:00-4:00pm 在莱镇图书馆(Cary library)举行,并于4:30-7:00pm 在 Lexington Depot 继续。
Brought to you by CAAL and NLCC, in partnership with Cary Library, the Cary Library Foundation, Lexington Historical Society, and Lexington Symphony, the Lantern Festival awaits you! Come join us for an afternoon and evening of fun, and make a wish for a better year in 2024 for our families, community, and the world!
Program at Cary Library (1:00 pm – 4:00 pm):
● DIY Lantern Making
● Paper Cutting
● DIY Candle Making
● Flower Arrangements
● Three Sessions of Performances (including a half hour special performance by Lexington Symphony String Quartet)
● CAAL Lunar New Year Celebration Gala Poster Design Awards Ceremony
● And more!
Program at the Depot (4:30 pm – 7:00 pm):
● Riddles Prize Redemption
● Interactive Performances
● Lantern Parade
● Riddle Challenges
● And more!
Stay tuned for more details coming soon!
Please click on the link to know more information about the event.
莱镇华协2024龙年新春庆典精彩回顾 – (1) 文艺演出, (2) 新春庙会和义工风采
Click to view all the photos and videos from the Lunar New Year Celebrations on Jan 21!
最头条TOPNEWS|莱镇龙年春晚及庙会隆重举行 Lexington 2024 Lunar New Year Celebrations