Buy Tickets! 票务信息

1/18/2025 LNY Gala Tickets. Event is over.

1/29/2025 LNY Food Festival Tickets 美食节票价

4:00 – 7:30pm, Lexington High School

Tickets will be $25 per adult and $15 per child at the door. 现场购票大人$25,小孩$15.

(Half price) LPS Faculty/Staff and Family Members
$10 each
Kids 12 and under
$10 each
$20 each

Your PayPal receipt will be your ticket. Please have it ready when you check in by either print it out or have it ready on your phone.

PayPal 收据就是您的票。可打印或在手机上显示。

Additional ways to purchase tickets (be sure to include your name and types of tickets with number). 其他购票方式(请注明名字与票数)

  • Zelle to
  • Venmo to @CAAL-Lexington, last 4 digits of phonenumber: 2775
  • PayPal to