THRIVING TOGETHER!相约莱镇,共创美好!-2024 莱镇春晚开始购票!




5:00-7:00pm 庙会 (美食, 中国传统文化艺术等)

7:00-9:00pm 大型文艺演出

地点:Lexington High School

251 Waltham St, Lexington, MA



”我要上莱镇春晚“– 2024莱镇华协春晚节目征集火爆进行中!

2024 龙年将至, 深受莱镇和广大波士顿居民喜爱的莱镇华协(CAAL)春晚将于1/21/2024 星期天晚在莱镇高中礼堂(251 Waltham St, Lexington, MA 02421)隆重举行。我们今年的春晚主题是“Thriving together! “。春晚演出前, 还有丰富多彩的庆祝活动和各种美食。为了打造这台高水平接地气的综合节目,我们现在特向莱镇以及所有支持和关注莱镇的朋友们征集文艺节目, 邀请大家积极报名加入“我要上莱镇春晚“的活动。节目申请截止日期是11/26/2023。



2023年,在莱镇华协搭建的义工服务平台上,1500+人次的义工支持了莱镇华协主办,合办或者参与莱镇政府和各社会团体开展的20+次重要活动。义工们服务过的莱镇组织包括莱镇庆典委员会、莱镇历史协会、莱镇退伍军人协会、莱镇民兵自行车道之友、莱镇图书馆、莱镇交响乐团、LexArt, 莱镇艺术委员会,莱镇门罗艺术中心,莱克星顿食品救济站,莱镇老者住房管理局和莱克星顿农场等等。同时义工服务向整个大波士顿地区辐射,多次为 NECAA、 CARE、UCA 、波士顿亚美节等组织服务。


请看最少年记者 的现场报道

邀请函 – 2023 莱镇华协义工答谢会 & 总统义工奖颁奖典礼

大家好! 莱镇华协(CAAL)真诚感谢所有热心服务社区的义工!

今年的义工答谢会和颁奖典礼将与莱镇拥有八十多年历史的瑰宝 – 莱镇艺术中心(LexArt)携手盛情献出!在表彰和感谢义工们一年来为社区辛勤无私付出的同时,让大家在LexArt 这个充满活力并极具前瞻性的艺术中心里,亲身体验传统工艺与现代艺术的工作室空间,展览,并和当地的艺术家们一起深入探索艺术的美妙。届时,我们将为今年荣获总统义工奖的30位青少年颁发总统义工获奖证书并祝贺他们在过去一年里取得的骄人成绩。LexArt 将同时开放手工木工制作、陶瓷、编织等活动空间,艺术家们免费提供现场课程演示并让大家动手学习和操作。在充满艺术气息的展廊里,摄影师Nicole Mordecai将传授 iPhone 摄影大师课程,大家将有机会现场练习拍摄展览并得到她的亲自指点。丰盛的美食,精彩的表演,趣味无穷的有奖游戏,我们期待着与大家度过一个别具风格,与艺术交融一体的答谢会和庆典活动。

活动时间和地点:  2023年11月12日 2-5pm

LexArt, 130 Waltham Street,Lexington MA 02421




Grant Opening for the Minuteman Bikeway New Water Fountain

经过大家的努力,Minuteman自行车道新建的饮水站将于2023年10月17日正式启用。我们诚挚地邀请所有AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk 的参加者、志愿者和自行车道水站的捐赠者参加这一个对社区意义重大的纪念仪式。

Grant Opening for the Minuteman Bikeway New Water Fountain

日期:2023 年 10 月 17 日 星期二 3:00 PM
地点:Minuteman Bikeway ( 31 Bow Street, Lexington MA 02420)


A celebration of mid-autumn festival at Cary Hall on September 30

On September 30, Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) and A Joyful Adult Healthcare Center (Joyful ADH) co-hosted a celebration of mid-autumn festival at Cary Hall.

Talented singers, musicians, and dancers from Joyful ADH, New Legacy Culture Center, Angel Dance, Artisan Dance Academy (ADA), New England Wushu Academy, renowned Yue opera artist Xinfen Cai, Dance for Joy Dance Troupe, and the Lexington Historical Society brought their splendid performances to this celebration event.

Audiences appreciated the full moon, enjoyed mooncakes (a traditional pastry filled with various fillings), and shared wishes for good fortune and happiness !

This event celebrated Mid-Autumn and also gave back to the community. All proceeds from the performance and on-site services will be donated to Cary Library’s ChiRP project and the Lexington Food Pantry.

Enjoy the pictures from Dongxu Shan from this link

Enjoy the pictures from Zichen from this link

Enjoy the pictures from Dingjia from this link

Enjoy the video from Ziyu Meng from this link

Enjoy the video by LexMedia from this link

Enjoy the FFA video report from this link

Pipa meets piano on Oct 8

It’s what promises to be an incredible concert this October 8th at the Scottish Rite Museum. Pipa Meets Piano with Min Xiao-Fen and Lewis Porter brings together two world-class recording artists who will honor, merge, and transcend musical traditions through composition and improvisation.  Music fans of many traditions will be impressed and inspired by the quality of musicianship and artistry represented.