莱镇华协CAAL在行动:团结一致发声 停止仇恨亚裔 #StopAsianHate



莱镇华协CAAL 在行动! 请阅读 “团结一致发声 停止仇恨亚裔 #StopAsianHate

月刊 莱镇华协(CAAL) 2021 年 02 月


回首二月,它辍满雪花,美丽冻人,却也丰富多姿。二月是欢庆的,洋溢着牛年来临时的红红火火,热热闹闹;二月是甜蜜的,情人节里摇曳着浪漫的烛光和芬香的玫瑰;还有传统的中国元宵节,团团圆圆的汤团里含着情人般的甜甜美美;二月是一份纪念, 一份反思,它是一年一度的Black History Month; 二月更是一个结束,一个开篇,庚子过,否极泰来!当新增COVID 病例在全球直线下降时,我们仿佛从黑暗的隧道中看到了曙光在向我们招手!


请点击阅读月刊 – 莱镇华协(CAAL) 2021 年 02 月

CAAL Statement on Georgia Shootings and Anti-Asian Violence

CAAL sends out our deepest condolences and sympathies to all victims of racist and xenophobic hate crimes, especially to the families and loved ones of the innocent lives lost in the recent Atlanta massacre. We condemn all violence and crimes against Asians and Asian-Americans. We are both outraged and saddened by the senseless loss of life.

Xenophobic, racist crimes, and all acts of violence against Asians and Asian-Americans, must never be tolerated under any circumstances.

CAAL demands that federal and local governments, including all law enforcement agencies to take immediate action to combat the surge in anti-Asian violence. 

Comprehensive action must be taken to ensure the physical and mental health and safety of all Asian-Americans. 

CAAL stands together in solidarity with all community groups against prejudice, discrimination and hate.  We call on all Americans especially those with privilege and power to take responsibilities to make the change. 

Please contact your local and federal representatives to support, among similar efforts, the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act now pending in Congress. It is well past time for Congress to codify and implement this law because every American deserves to live their lives with safety, respect, and dignity.

Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) 

Please click to read the news of this statement: :https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/0arG3CgGYLLy4oelHMRPUg

CAAL is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization and has proudly served Chinese Americans in town since 1983.contact@caal-ma.org http://caal-ma.org/



莱镇华协(CAAL)强烈要求联邦和地方政府以及执法部门立刻采取行动遏制这些突发的仇恨亚裔的暴行, 并必须采取全方位的行动以确保亚裔美国人的人身安全和心理健康。


希望大家尽快与所在地方政府和联邦政府的代表联系,请求他们支持在国会通过“COVID-19 Hate Crime Act”。我们认为国会早就应该通过并执行这条法案,因为每一位美国人都有权力活着,活得有安全感活得有尊严。




Stand together to stop hatred and show your support to the Asian Communities!

The most recent Atlanta shooting not only took eight innocent lives away, but also stirred considerable outrage and fear in the Asian communities.

Since the Covid-19 outbreak, Anti-Asian hate crimes have increased by nearly 150% in several big cities. More than 2,800 reports of hate incidents directed at Asian nationwide were received by AAPI in 2020. Asian communities need your support in this difficult time in order to put a halt on these hate crimes.

The goal of this fundraising is to raise awareness about rising anti-Asian sentiment in US. All the proceedings and donations will go to The Asian Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF).

T Shirt purchase links

  1. Proud to be Asian American
  2. Proud to be Asian

3/20 烛光悼念亚特兰大惨案受害者 – Hastings Park Lexington

莱镇华协和镇社区联盟各组织及其它麻州华人组织呼吁全社会倾巢出动,严重抗议对美国亚裔愈演愈烈的种族歧视暴行!#Stop Asian Hate! #Stop Hate Crime!

自从发生了亚特兰大凶杀8位女性,其中包括6位亚裔女性的惨案以后,亚裔社区无比悲愤。无论是针对亚裔美国人, 还是其他族裔的暴力或种族主义言行,我们在任何情况下都绝不容忍。莱镇华协和社区联盟各组织决定在本周六,3月20日,晚6:00,在Hastings Park at 119 Lincoln Street Lexington举行烛光悼念集会,纪念逝去的生命,呼吁社会广泛关注针对反亚裔的犯罪,团结全美人民向仇恨和犯罪宣战!


May be an image of text that says 'COMMUNITY Gathering E Vigil Hastings Park @ 119 Lincoln St. 爱 Sat, Mar 20 愛 6:00-9:00 PM 6:०० Banner Making 7:45 -Remarks and Community Voices 사랑 yêu và quý Organized By: Lexington Community Coalition The Town of Lexington, MA gathers in support of our Asian and Asian- American friends, family and neighbors following the Atlanta hate crimes, and an increase in anti-Asian bate crimes. COVIDsaey COVIDsafetpci .'


Joint Statement from ADL and Committee of 100 on the Rise of Anti-Asian Xenophobia and Hate

New York, NY, March 17, 2021 … In response to historic increases in anti-Chinese and anti-Asian American and Pacific Islander incidents and assaults, ADL (the Anti-Defamation League), the world’s leading anti-hate organization and Committee of 100, a non-profit U.S. leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans, issued the following joint statement:

“We are united with all of our Asian American brothers and sisters in standing up against hate, xenophobia and violence,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO. “Violence towards any minority group is not the answer. The anxiety and fear in the Asian American community is palpable, and we grieve with and support the millions of Chinese Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders across the U.S. who feel targeted. We commend Committee of 100 for their work in bringing this issue of anti-Asian hate to the forefront and we very much look forward to working with them hand in hand to help solve a crisis that many communities are facing.” Read more 

莱镇一年一度的镇选举结果揭晓, 五位华人镇代会候选人全部当选

莱镇一年一度的镇选举结果揭晓,以下五位和CAAL PAC协作的华人镇代会候选人全部当选:一区 Yifang Gong,二区 Peter Lee,四区 Eileen Jay,八区 Lin Jensen 和 Weidong Wang。热烈祝贺他们,更大赞他们热心公益服务社区的奉献精神!

All Chinese American candidates running for Town Meeting got elected. Congratulations to them, in particular those working with CAAL PAC: Yifang Gong from Precinct 1, Peter Lee from Precinct 2, Eileen Jay from Precinct 4, Lin Jensen and Weidong Wang from Precinct 8. Also thanks to those who hold sign to support the candidates!

$5,000 CAAL Matching Fund for Lexington COVID-19 Management Fund !

【CAAL 募捐挑战更新2/20/2021】自二月六日 CAAL 发起面向莱镇社区为 LEF COVID-19 Management Fund 的募捐挑战以来,十天之内捐款已达$5,691 !加上 CAAL 的$5,000 匹配,LEF 将收到这次募捐挑战活动的上万元捐赠, 占总捐款额的25%。LEF 和 CAAL 感谢大家为共建健康社区的慷慨解囊,寒冷的冬季因为有热心的你们而充满阳光!春暖花开之日即将来临, 祝大家健康平安,牛年大吉!

CAAL has raised $5,691 from Lexington Community as of Feb 20 and only 10 days since calling for donation for LEF COVID-19 Management Fund . This together with the $5,000 matching fund from CAAL, LEF will receive more than $100,000 donations. Our donations (from individual and CAAL’s match) contributed close to 25% of the total collected donations. LEF and CAAL thank the Lexington community for their generosity and kindness.