CAAL fundraising challenge – $5,000 CAAL Matching Fund For Lexington COVID-19 Management Fund!

Lexington Public School (LPS) started a comprehensive saliva-based testing program in conjunction with Mirimus Clinical Labs in the week of January 11th. Testing is expensive and LPS resources are not unlimited; eight (8) weeks of staggered testing in LPS is expected to cost upwards of $200,000. Community donations towards the cost of this program will help preserve resources allocated to educational programming and curriculum at the schools.CAAL is working closely with Lexington Education Foundation (LEF) to raise money for the testing program. Donations to this fund should be viewed as an investment in safety that provides a community benefit to all and all donations are fully tax-deductible. CAAL will match all donations 1:1 up to $5,000.

Click here to access the LEF donation portal (LEF COVID-19 Management Fund) directly. Please make sure that you enter “CAAL” under “organization name” so we can correctly capture donations raised under this challenge and promptly execute CAAL’s 1:1 fund matching.

Thank you very much for donating to this important cause for our community!


[Lexington Minuteman] Lexington’s Lunar New Year goes virtual to celebrate Year of the Ox

The Lunar New Year event, normally held in Cary Hall, will be virtual this year. Although CAAL leaders did not know whether an event like this would be possible at first, they felt a deep responsibility to the community which pushed them to organize the 2021 event, CAAL President Hua Wang said. Town Manager Jim Malloy offered his support, and the celebration was planned as a joint effort between CAAL and the Town of Lexington.  Read more


莱镇人文之五:Anna Monaco Lexettes Team Manager

【莱镇人文之五】介绍莱镇Clarke中学前任校长Anna Monaco.  她现任莱镇Hayden同步花滑队Lexettes的团队经理,Lexettes曾连续6年代表美国参加世锦赛,去年代表美国参加 Zagreb Snow 杯花滑比赛获得世界亚军。Anna与Hayden同步花滑队的成长发展息息相关,是一位不折不扣的领军人物和辉煌的Hayden文化的最佳诠释者。请阅读原文

月刊 莱镇华协(CAAL) 2020 年 12 月



2020岁末之际,让我们一起回顾并肩走过的一年;这一年,我们与疫情顽强拼搏,我们在抗疫中见证爱与伟大,我们在疫苗中寻找希望。12/11/20, 美国批准了第一款新冠疫苗紧急使用,3天后在纽约州注射了第一针疫苗,正式打响新冠反击战。不寻常的2020已经结束,胜利的曙光已经来临,新的一年我们必将战胜新冠。祝愿2021风调雨顺,国泰民安。



CAAL 2021 Chinese New Year Virtual Gala will be on Saturday 1/30/2021. The door opens at 7:30pm, with the show starting promptly at 8:00pm and ending at 9:30pm. You can join the Zoom Webinar, or watch live streaming on YouTube, Facebook, or LexMedia starting at 7:30pm, see links below.

We will draw prizes for 100 lucky attendees. If you want to be part of this raffle, please fill out the registration form. See link below. The registration closes at 8:00pm on 1/29/2021.

【莱镇华协云端春晚】2021年1月30日晚7:30 – 9:30  《 爱与希望同在 》诚邀您盛装出席!  晚会将于8:00准时开始。
您可以通过Zoom登录, 或在 YouTube, Facebook,LexMedia 和 Bilibili (哔哩哔哩)看直播,直播频道二维码见文中。
我们同时为100名幸运观众准备了奖品,将随机抽取。如您有意获奖,请访问抽奖报名和详细规则: 截至期为1/29/2021 8:00pm。