From Foundations to Frontiers – Virtual Talk 美国华人的历史贡献

Join us for the presentation, “From Foundations to Frontiers”, a landmark study of the enduring contributions of Chinese Americans to American society from the 1800s to today.The evidence-driven study details the contribution across the following seven industries: Arts&Culture, Civil Rights, Public Service and Politics, Business Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Infrastructure, Military & National Security, Public Health, and Science & Technology.Presented by Committee of 100 President Zhengyu Huang, this virtual presentation will provoke curiosity and offer a new perspective on Chinese American contributions, while identifying, quantifying and showcasing the contributions of the Chinese American community through data and storytelling.

The event is organized by Committee of 100, United Chinese Americans – UCA, Chineseamerican-civic-association, Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) and other influential Chinese American Organizations.

莱镇人文系列之二: Discover Lexington l 作家Anne Lee

【莱镇人文】作为美国独立战争的发源地,没有什么地方比小镇莱克星顿更能代表美国的文化与核心价值了。它鼓励创新,拥抱来自世界各地的人以及他们各自独有的文明。在这里无论是谁,来自哪里,都能很快融入,并寻到最适合自己的生活方式,甚至开发出意想不到的价值。“莱镇人文”(Discover Lexington) 旨在将这些人物介绍给大家,讲述魅力小镇的一个个传奇故事。

莱镇人文系列之二介绍本地作家Anne Lee, 在莱镇居住了25年。Anne Lee十七岁从瑞士移民到美国求学定居生活,参与社区活动积极融入主流社会。她和Ashley Rooney从相识到相知长达18年深厚的友谊是一个美谈。彼此思想的共通和对写作与艺术的热爱, 使她们在出版界的路上携手同行,互相促进,创作和出版了一系列深受欢迎的艺术丛书。



Lexington Veterans Day celebration: Kudos to Wei Ding serving on the organizing team, Di Ding and Ruimin Weng as event photographers.Here is the link of the photos from Veterans Day.

【莱镇老兵节】 赞丁薇参加筹备委员会 赞丁镝和翁瑞敏做摄影义工 疫情中致敬老兵 给居民们带来节日的欢乐 留下感动人心的瞬间.


Another CAAL Youth Program: Helpful Hands Project

With the current COVID-19 situation, Helpful Hands is focused on mask-masking but in the future it can be extended to other items or services based on the community’s needs. Since the establishment of Helpful Hands, the program has made 300+ masks over the course of 5 deliveries to local homeless shelters.  At the moment, we have some group members but are looking for more sewers to join us with the mask making effort. No matter whether you are a senior, adult or young person, you are welcome to our group. You can also help us by donating to the program’s PayPal account  This will help by covering the cost of sewing materials. CAAL will match up to $500. 
节日将近,援助之手计划在感恩节和新年之前向当地无家可归者收留中心再交送两批口罩。如果您有感动,也可以用Paypal 账户为helpfulhandsma@gmail.com提供捐助,用以老人和青少年义工购买口罩制作的材料。CAAL会match up to $500。感兴趣参加者,请联系我们:helpfulhandsma@lincdavidgmail-com

Click here to read more

月刊 : 莱镇华协(CAAL) 2020 年 10 月


2020 注定是非同寻常的一年,也是无比艰难的一年。十月疫情COVID-19确诊率不断上升,学校社区面临更严峻的抗疫挑战;而美国总统大选也进入提前投票,选情备受高度关注;金秋十月,还没从诗和远方的美好中回过神来,第一场雪比往年来得更早一些;小镇处处可见红叶伴冰雪,半是秋景半是冬;在镇中心的大选投票站,人们踏雪前来投下自己神圣的一票,风雪却挡不住人们追求民主的脚步;尽管未来充满不确定,我们仍然相信爱,相信一切都会变好。


【莱镇人文 – Discover Lexington】

【莱镇人文 – Discover Lexington】华协(CAAL)公众号推出《莱镇人文: Discover Lexington: A Bridge to Western Culture 》系列。每期向华人社区介绍一位来自莱镇各行各业的名人或普通人,旨在建立一座中美人文交流的桥梁。希望华人社区能走出去,引进来,用真情交流与对话,与主流文化艺术相交,感受百年小镇的历史沉淀与文化底蕴,进一步增强对美国的文化、传统以及历史的了解。首篇介绍作家Ashley Rooney,一位在莱镇居住了72年的居民,著书60多本. 曾为CAAL for Cary 写过数篇报道。


展望未来,VOTE 2020

您对如何投票有问题吗?例如如何注册投票,通过邮件投票,如何找到您的选区和投票地点等。CAAL致力于使每个人都能行使公民的权利,将有关投票常见问题的信息详细列出在此. 请点击阅读

