来听听来自莱镇的Fritz Chang的孙儿们如何介绍他们祖父吧。请您记得拥抱您的家人,为他们对家庭和社会做出的贡献而喝彩!
来听听来自莱镇的Fritz Chang的孙儿们如何介绍他们祖父吧。请您记得拥抱您的家人,为他们对家庭和社会做出的贡献而喝彩!
印度裔美籍动漫画家Sanjay Patel 拥有惊人创造力和表达力。“超人” SanJay,从印度教的文化遗产中汲取灵感, 为主流动画创作带来新风和创新。
拥有亚裔,非裔,印第安裔和白人血统的 Tiger Woods (泰格·伍兹),在高尔夫领域的绰约成就给我们留下了深刻的印象。11岁的学生Taku惊讶的发现伍兹不仅在少年时就取得的惊人成绩,而且通过四十年如一日的不懈努力,不断突破自己,打破记录, 深受鼓舞。“他的奉献精神和坚韧不拔让人印象深刻”,Taku写道,并介绍了伍兹的TGR基金会。该基金会创建了社区计划,以改善美国所有儿童的健康,教育和福利。自1996年创立以来,这个基金会的项目使数百万儿童受益。
请点击公众号文章了解更多莱镇四月活动好去处。Please scroll down all the way to the end to see the English version:
Lexington Interfaith Food Pantry is seeing about 20-25 more families per week than it did pre-pandemic
Takeda Pharmaceuticals donated $250,000 to support the community’s pandemic needs in March 2020
The Chinese American-Association of Lexington raised more than $278,025 for pandemic assistance, supporting 61 hospitals, 42 nursing homes, 26 town departments, 11 businesses, and seven local organizations, according to CAAL President Hua Wang
Read on to hear leaders from five organizations reflect on efforts to support Lexington throughout the COVID-19 pandemic…
莱镇华协号召大家参加本周六和周日, 五月八日和五月九日,各个协会联合组织的五千米印度抗疫慈善捐款锻炼和跑步项目。 所有善款将捐给美国印裔基金会抗击疫情专款。
莱镇华协 CAAL 第一期救援印度行动是通过莱镇印协 IAL 捐款 $5,000购买急需的制氧机,并捐助KN95口罩,外科口罩,防护服,护目镜等数千件抗疫医护物资。
Since 1978, people nationwide have celebrated Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month during May. In 1992, it was made into an official monthlong event. Monday, Lexington leaders officially brought the celebration to home. The Select Board approved and signed a proclamation during their Monday meeting that will kick off a month of AAPI-focused initiatives designed to educate the public and recognize the vast contributions made by AAPI communities to Lexington and to the country as a whole.
“Diversity represents one of our greatest strengths, and by recognizing the contributions and accomplishments of AAPI persons, our town will put our values of inclusion into practice to build a brighter future for all of our residents,” the proclamation reads.
The Human Rights Committee has teamed up with various cultural groups in town like CAAL, IAL , and KoLex to sponsor a youth-focused program at the center of this work.
“Proud to be an American” is an initiative aimed at all students from preschool to 12th grade. It is not limited to Lexington students. Participants are encouraged to pick an Asian American or Pacific Islander to spotlight with either one or multiple submissions. Entries will consist of both visual and written components. The idea is to research AAPI persons to learn more about their contributions to America, and display this information in a video, artwork, an essay, or another medium. Famous historical figures are acceptable, but the organizers have made an effort to encourage people to pick someone born before 1950 that is not a mainstream celebrity. Read more
为了庆祝五月的“亚裔及太平洋岛民美国人(AAPI)历史传统月“,来自莱镇的热心居民和包括华协(CAAL)在内的各社区团体, 诚邀幼儿园至12年级的学生,一起宣传对美国社会或文化产生影响的“亚裔及太平洋岛民美国人(AAPI)”的故事。
【莱镇人文第八期】James Ramsey 是一名海军退伍军人。他在就读康奈尔大学期间加入了海军军官的基础培训。1968年身赴越战前线,带领海蜂营暨海军建筑营修筑道路桥梁等军事辅助设施,帮助海军陆战队进行两栖作战。退休后的Jim热心社区,加入莱镇退伍军人协会,十年如一日地为老兵服务。无论是在硝烟战场,还是面对没有硝烟的疫情。奉献精神,就在如此点点滴滴数十年如一日的坚持里, Jim就是这种奉献精神的社区化身。
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