牛辞旧岁,虎跃新程,喜迎新春,好戏连台。本周日莱镇华协 CAAL, 美国华人联合会麻州分会 UCA-MA, 新英格兰华人联盟 NECAA 将应邀联手参加第二届大波士顿地区的新春花车游行
CAAL is pleased to join the Fairy Homes and Gardens event, which invites people and organizations to create small fairy houses to be on a town-wide tour. It’s a free family-friendly cross-town celebration and an invitation to come enjoy Lexington the weekend of May 28-29 and admire magical fairy homes. This event will also have lectures, workshops, and more.
Visit www.munroecenter.org/fairyhouses for details.
动手建造一个童话小屋吧!Fairy Homes & Gardens Tour Lexington, May 28 – 29. 围绕本次童话精灵小屋和花园活动,镇里还将在门罗艺术中心和图书馆举办一系列的讲座、摇滚乐队演奏会和研讨会等。
It’s the Year of the Tiger! Join Cary Library and the Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) for a celebration of the Lunar New Year. Discover the secret to making amazing dumplings while learning about the many volunteer opportunities in the Town of Lexington.
Virtual – Cooking Up a Conversation: Tue, Feb 22 at 7 PM
周二晚上7:00, 二月二十二日
生活的味道: 聊天包饺子图书馆和华协合作举办
Cooking Up a Conversation
据说一月是以罗马门神雅努斯的名字命名,象征着結束、开始和过渡。虎年,你会敲开哪些门?又会关上哪些?让我们满怀着对新一年的期待和希望,迎接等待着我们的365 天 – 光鲜亮丽的每一天!
“心愿单”活动到此搞一段落了,但人间处处需要爱,时时需要爱。让我们继续关注我们身边的领养家庭,尽我们的微薄之力,让世界多一份美好,正如Henry Miller 的一句话:The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough is love。
2022 年1月13日晚莫德纳新冠疫苗临床负责人,首席发展官(Chief Development Officer), 资深副总裁,被英国女王授予大英帝国最优秀勋章 (The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, 简写OBE) 的Melanie Ivarsson 博士来到莱镇图书馆的科学沙龙,跟大家分享莫德纳新冠疫苗开发的过程,并回答大家的提问。Ivarsson 博士有着清澈明亮的大眼睛,可爱的娃娃脸和美丽的笑容,说起话来温柔可亲,和想象中的药业界大牛形象相差甚远。让我们意识到美丽的女性做出贡献和得到社会的承认是凭着智慧的头脑,而不一定是让人生畏的咄咄逼人。
大波士顿地区是世界有名的生物基因城,莱镇更是住着很多制药公司的职业人士。对莱镇居民Ivarsson 博士的这一采访精彩纷呈,难以忘怀。
请点击公众号了解更多 采访 信息
Express Your Gratitude – MLK 2022 Card Making – Please read this newsletter We are delighted to share the beautiful and thoughtful “Thank you” cards made by the youth from the Never Fading Poppy Project (NFPP). There are 37 NFPP children joined in MLK Day of Service card making. They made a total of 351 cards to benefit the Veterans at Bedford VA, the Healthcare Workers in the Lawrence Community Health Centers, and the essential workers in Lexington.
由莱镇青少年发起的“永不褪色的信笺 – Never Fading Poppies”项目继续发扬社区志愿服务的传统,协助莱镇 MLK 2022 Celebration Committee 组织发动社区的青少年们为退伍军人、医护人员和在一线工作的服务人员们制作感谢卡片。
今年共有37位青少年学生参加了这项 MLK Day 志愿服务,最小的孩子只有8岁。孩子们一共制作了351张感谢卡片. 他们发挥自己的艺术才华,画出爱心,写下温馨的祝福并得到莱镇MLK 活动委员会的认可和赞扬!委员会选出100张精美的卡片目前放在莱镇社区中心展出供大家欣赏,下一站将陈列在Cary Library 展示。
It was a great evening at the candidate forum on Thursday, Feb 3. Like Lunar New Year celebration, candidate forum is another CAAL tradition of decades. Thanks to all the candidates and attendees! All six candidates answered the questions and concerns from the audience.
After the forum, CAAL PAC had a thorough discussion and announced the endorsement of the following candidates:
Select Board: Suzie Barry, Joe Pato
Planning Board: Robert Peters
School Committee: Eileen Jay, Larry Freeman
We have very strong candidates this year. We wish every candidate good luck with their campaign!
Please read a thorough report of the forum by LexObserver