夏意渐浓 百花散发着芬芳 风光不再与四时同
轻舟摇曳荡漾 听一曲六月的船歌
请点击阅读 “公众号” 了解更多活动内容
Please click the above link and scroll down to read the English version and discover highlights of this month!
夏意渐浓 百花散发着芬芳 风光不再与四时同
轻舟摇曳荡漾 听一曲六月的船歌
请点击阅读 “公众号” 了解更多活动内容
Please click the above link and scroll down to read the English version and discover highlights of this month!
What a glorious morning for Lexington! Thanks to all 500+runners/walkers and 100+volunteers, the first AAPI 5K in Lexington on May 30th was a blast and more! We run/walk for unity, solidarity and belonging. Our diversity is our strength, and we are stronger together!
Here is a AAPI 5k 2022 Aerial Movie (2′:10”) by Kevin Xu.
Please visit our galleries for more photos.
亚太裔美国人的故事也是美国故事。我们需要讲完整的故事,让后代,不仅是亚太裔后代,而且是美国所有族裔的后代,都了解完整的美国历史。学习完整的美国历史是增进族裔之间的互相了解, 消除隔亥和矛盾的开始。
请点击阅读 “公众号” 了解更多信息
千里之行,始于足下。请在5/30 参加 AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk,一起奔跑或健走。在庆祝亚太裔传统月的同时,享受一家大小参与社区活动的快乐时光!报名链接:https://runsignup.com/Race/MA/Lexington/AAPI5kRunnWalkLexington
请点击阅读 “公众号” 了解更多有关 AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk 的信息
美食专家嘉宾:Helen Chen, Debra Samuels, and Shailini Sisodia.
请点击阅读 “公众号” 欣赏阅读原文
请点击阅读 How Joyce Chen changed America’s perceptions of Chinese food
Let’s celebrate AAPI Heritage Month! Join Cary Library, Lexington AAPI Heritage Celebration Youth Team, CAAL, and our panel of food experts for a conversation about the relationship between food and culture. Our panelists will talk about the memories and cultural significance associated with their favorite dish. They’ll share their perspectives on how a love of one’s cuisine can provide comfort, connection, and a sense of identity.
Panel of Food Experts: Helen Chen, Debra Samuels, and Shailini Sisodia.
Register for a ZOOM link at carylibrary.org or https://carylibrary.assabetinteractive.com/…/virtual…/
This event is organized by Lexington AAPI Heritage Celebration Youth Team, Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL), and Cary Library; Funded by Community Endowment of Lexington, Mass Cultural Council, and Civic Leadership Academy; Co-sponsored by Indian Americans of Lexington (IAL), Japanese Support Group of Lexington (JPLex), and Korean Organization of Lexington (KOLex).
如果大家Memorial Day不出行,请报名参加Lexington AAPI 5K Run /Walk,一家人乐融融地参与莱镇社区的活动,跑走都可以。这是庆祝五月亚太裔 AAPI 传统月系列活动的亮点,也是我们自己组织举办的第一次5K 活动. 周一我们将安排送印Customized Bib, 周一前报名可以印上你名字,首届5K纪念bib 极具有仪式感. 还有我们定制的专业跑步Tshirt只提供前面的报名者,赶紧行动报名吧! 大部份跑团都已有自己Team, 报名时加入自己的团队就好. Lexington 可加入Hey Runners,或者组建自己的Family Team. 我们特意设立了Team Award 和 Family Award. 和亲朋好友、孩子们一起挥汗奔跑或走在百年历史古镇的赛道上,赛后品尝来自AAPI 各国的美食,并享受全场由Abbott‘s 提供的免费冰激凌,大家一起来度过一个有意义同欢乐的Memorial Day!
On the Memorial day (5/30/22) 10:30a, AAPI 5K Run n Walk will be held in Lexington (LHS). The event is organized by CAAL and many local organizations to celebrate the May AAPI Heritage Month. It will be a fun family-friendly event, with ice cream and tastes of AAPI food.
If you are around, you are encouraged to join and support, register at: https://runsignup.com/Race/MA/Lexington/AAPI5kRunnWalkLexington