Here is the application packet:
CAAL-PVSA-2016-2017-Guideline-updated 2017
May 30, 2017 Presentation Slide Deck
Please advise with any questions to
CAAL Community Service PVSA Committee
Here is the application packet:
CAAL-PVSA-2016-2017-Guideline-updated 2017
May 30, 2017 Presentation Slide Deck
Please advise with any questions to
CAAL Community Service PVSA Committee
莱克星顿屯面对新家庭的社区咖啡见面会从今年五月开始每月如期举行。CAAL 一直积极派代表参加。镇上所有的核心社区服务组织和团体一起现场回答大家关于镇里,小学、初中、高中,以及社区服务资源和设施的各类问题。
The purpose of Lexington’s Community Coalition is to support a welcoming community that values wellness, inclusivity, respect, empathy, responsibility, compassion, community, kindness, and peace.
The Lexington Community Coalition includes town and school departments, individual volunteers, and community organizations who collaborate to align resources to support youth (and their families). Specifically, we are working together to: Reduce alcohol & substance use; Decrease atmosphere of competition; Support mental health for youth & families。
Learn more on Facebook: Lexington Community Coalition – Youth Initiative
一年一度镇上的莱克星顿华协户外家庭大聚会 (CAAL Summer Picnic)如期举行。准备工作可以说从去年就开始了。幕后推手无数,现场帮手巨多,风和日丽天晴朗,邻里乡亲郊游忙。一个充满着欢笑,美食,音乐,和活动的盛会, 真是太完美了! 【阅读全文】
CAAL will host its annual community summer picnic again this year! This is an event for CAAL members (Lexington residents or those who work in Lexington) only.
Date: 8/26/2017 Sat. Time: 11:00am-4:00pm
Location: Mel’s Funway Park, 454 Charles Bancroft Hwy, Litchfield, NH 03052
For event details, please read: 莱克星顿华协夏季野餐聚会
Please register using this link:
Here are Event Report and Photos
EdCAAL 2017 College Application Knowledge Sharing Event will be held on June 17th at Lexington High School. The main theme is “Success for The Long Run”. Student and parent reps of LHS Class 2017, school counselor and past LHS alumni will share valuable experiences and learning. There will be two panel discussions:
The target audience of this event will be LHS students and parents. Due to limited seating, we suggest one parent per family attending with the child/ren. Please only sign up for you and your child/ren using the link below.
Date: Saturday, 06/17/2017
Time: 1:00pm – 4:00pm EDT
Location: Lexington High School Common
CAAL Education Committee (EdCAAL)
Since 2010, Lexington’s K-8 student population has increased by 11%. However, open space dedicated to athletic use has actually diminished in Lexington over the last 10 years. An effective solution is to install permanent lights on Lincoln Field, so that kids can have more time to play sports. Historically, comparable projects were privately funded, such as the baseball lights on Center Field. Lexington residents are now raising $550K to self-fund this project.
The Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) is actively participating in this fundraising. We plan to donate all funds to the Project by end of June, as a symbol of support of the Chinese American residents. All donations are tax deductible. Please click here to donate. You are also welcome to fill up the form with donations already made directly to the project team, if you would like it to be considered as part of the CAAL contribution.
Let’s team up to contribute to our community!
Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL)
Congratulations to Lexington resident and long time volunteer Sophia Ho, who received the Minuteman Cane Award in Patriot’s Day Ceremony for her dedication to community, character and accomplishments. This most prestigious award is given by the town annually to a person over 80 years old, has been a resident of Lexington for 15 years, and is actively involved in the community, and an inspiration to others.
LHS Senior Emily Zhang also received the Outstanding Youth Award at the same ceremony. These awards are well-deserved honors and also great recognition for the Chinese Community!
Read full report and interviews on Minuteman Newspaper
Sophia Ho (right) received Minuteman Cane Award In Patriot’s Day Ceremony, along with Bill Kennedy for White Tricon Hat, and Emily Zhang for Outstanding Youth Award.
Angel Dance Company will join forces with Community Endowments of Lexington (CEL) and Chinese American Association (CAAL) by providing an evening of award-winning dance performances to raise fund for community services
Where: The Eleanor Welch Casey Theatre – Regis College, 235 Wellesley Street, Weston, MA
When: Saturday, February 18, 2017 at 7pm
Sponsors: Angel Dance Company, Community Endowment of Lexington and Chinese American Association of Lexington
An evening of enchanting Chinese ethnic dances, performed by Gold award winning dancers, is awaiting you! Angel Dance Company joins forces with Community Endowment of Lexington and Chinese American Association of Lexington to support the spirit of giving. The proceeds from the ticket sales will be donated to the Endowment in support of its efforts to improve public health and human services, arts and culture, environmental sustainability and the community building. Tickets can be purchased on-line at For more information, please contact Ke Ke at 617 230-3854.