[世界新闻网】 勒鎮華協年会, 5人獲總統義工獎

[世界新闻网】 勒星頓華人協會(CAAL)19日晚在勒鎮布立吉教堂,舉行2016年年會和聚餐,並頒發「總統義工獎」給五名獲獎者,包括兩名「終身成就獎」得主,現場約300人共享百家美食、欣賞歌舞相聲等演出。阅读全文


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CAAL Potluck Party and Annual Meeting on Sunday, Nov 20, 2016

CAAL members and families are cordially invited to the CAAL’s annual Potluck Party.  Here is some information regarding this event:

Date: 11/20/2016 (Sunday)
Time: 18:00-22:00
Location: St Brigid Church, 2001 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington MA 02421
Activities: Potluck Party, CAAL’s Annual MeetingFood Competition; Entertainment
Registration: Free but required, coming soon (end of Oct).

1) This event is for CAAL members only! (CAAL members include Lexington residents and those who work in Lexington);
2) Every family has to prepare at least ONE food that is enough to serve 2-3 times of your participants;
3) You will have chance to enter Food Competition to win a prize (details on the registration form);
4) Due to the space restriction, there will be a limit of 300 people for registration; we will confirm your registration based on your time to register, thanks in advance for your understanding.


Pan Li
Chair of
Membership and Events of CAAL

TRIVIA BEE TEAMS WANTED! Wednesday, November 9th, 7:00 PM in the Lexington High School Auditorium

一年一度由教育基金会(LEF)主办的Trivia Bee 将于11/9 晚上七点在LHS 举行,这是我们镇传统的一件盛事,每个学校和各个团体都会组队参赛。去年由Eileen Jay, Hsingmin Sha and Alfred Chin 三名大将组成的“Let It Bee –by CAAL”参赛,表现不俗。现招募今年的参赛成员,请大家踊跃报名或推荐人选。可喜可贺的是我们CAAL的President Weidong Wang 今年还被邀请作为Trivia Bee 赛的Guest Judge!! 这一盛事,勿可错过。有意参与者,请与我联系
关于Trivia Bee 的介绍请参看以下链接:
Jessie Zhan

“Beyond Measure” Movie Showing on 18Oct16

Dear CAAL Parents,

Lexington is among the best school districts in Massachusetts. All nine Lexington Public Schools have earned top accolades for academic excellence. However, academic stress has become a key concern among students, parents and faculties. A town-wide initiative is underway to reduce stress for our students and help them enjoy a healthy school life. EdCAAL is participating in this effort. We want to share some good information with you

In August, the Lexington Community Coalition Youth Initiative promoted Vicki Abeles’ book, Beyond Measure: Rescuing an Overscheduled, Overtested, Underestimated Generation. Beyond Measure is a groundbreaking book for parents, students, and educators on how to revolutionize learning, prioritize children’s health, and re-envision success for a lifetime.

To date, 50-plus members of the LPS leadership team have read the book, and are using it as a platform for discussion and planning. New and returning LHS faculty and administrators attended screenings of the film. This month, LHS student screenings will take place, with a special student/parent screening for this year’s freshman class.

Outside the schools, efforts are in place to engage the community-at-large in this important discussion. On Tuesday, September 27th from 7-9 pm at the Lexington High School Library, the Lexington Community Coalition will host a community book club discussion, focusing on Chapters 2 and 3 of the book, on time and homework. This will be followed by an October 18th screening of the film and discussion with the author Ms. Vicki Abeles herself at the Cary Memorial Hall (7-9:30pm).

The Chinese community is known for its tradition of learning, hard work, and academic excellence. We highly encourage our parents to participate in these events to learn, gain new perspectives, and help our children grow healthily to achieve long term success. As a symbol of endorsement for this initiative, EdCAAL has purchased 3 copies of the book to share among CAAL members. Please reply to this email if you want to borrow the book. Copies of the book are also available at Cary Library. You can also buy the book from Amazon.

For more information about the film, please visit the film’s website at http://beyondmeasurefilm.com/ or view the trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4LTV8jat2o&feature=youtu.be. You can also follow the conversation locally by going to https://www.facebook.com/LexingtonIsBeyondMeasure/.The film ticket on Oct 18th can be purchased at Beyond Measure Tickets.

Best Regards,

EdCAAL (CAAL Education Committee)

莱克星顿镇为梁警官捐款活动现况通报 Updates on “Donation For Peter Liang”

众所周知,莱克星顿华人协会 (CAAL) 为梁警官案设立了专门捐款账号,并以 CAAL 名义捐 $500 ,本镇屯民及外镇外州华人积极跟进,加上2/20集会募捐($6312) ,莱克星顿为梁彼得帐号捐款总额为 $12,224.09

CAAL在密切跟踪研究帮助梁警官的各组织和专项基金,包括新近成立的Peter Liang Legal Fund,  CAAL会尽快将收集的捐款送交能最有效代表梁警官利益的组织或基金。多谢大家的支持和捐献!

莱克星顿华人协会 (CAAL)

Celebrate Chinese New Year 4714, the Year of the Monkey!

Join CAAL in Celebrating the Year of the Monkey.

The Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) is sponsoring a Chinese New Year Banquet this year, and you’re invited!  This year’s event, to be held on Saturday, January 30th, at the Minuteman Regional High School, promises to be special. In addition to a wide selection of delicious Chinese dinner entrees and desserts, CAAL has arranged for an entertaining array of cultural performances.  Guests will experience several traditional types of Chinese song and dance, martial arts, musical instruments, and a Chinese yo-yo demonstration . . . don’t miss it!
Tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis, and have always sold out fast.  No tickets will be sold at the door. Seating begins just after 6:00 pm, with dinner being served at 6:45 pm.  The snow date is Sunday, January 31st.  Adult tickets are $25; children aged 12 and under at $15 each.
Join CAAL in celebrating 4714, the “Year of the Monkey.”  Order your tickets by sending a check (payable to CAAL), phone number (for confirmation), and a self-addressed stamped envelope to:  CAAL New Year Banquet, c/o Diamond Hayes, 63 Shade St, Lexington, 02421. You’ll receive tickets by return mail or, if we’ve sold out, we’ll return your check.