CAAL组织华人居民积极为镇一年一度的传统盛会 Carnival 奉献义工

第62届Carnival 圆满结束!这个每年在Hastings公园的大型活动已经成为莱克星敦的传统盛会。莱克星敦Loins Club(獅子会)主办这项嘉年华,它的成员每年为此贡献几百个小时志愿服务,今年很多华人朋友,学生在CAAL的组织下也积极参与,和其他族裔一齐为镇的Carnival 出了大力,贡献了多于20% 的义工时间。 獅子会领导成员对CAAL的协作与华人居民的奉献表示了感谢。

Chinese Residents Participated LEF’s Celebration for Education Weekend in June

Lexington Education Foundation is a community-based nonprofit, volunteer-run organization that raises financial support from families and business in Lexington to fund exceptional educational activities that address the Lexington Public Schools’ priorities but fall outside the scope of the LPS budget. Since 1989, LEF has awarded more than $4.8 million for activities designed to enrich learning and strengthen the achievement of every student in every Lexington Pubic School.

Chinese Residents Support Community Endowment of Lexington

The Community Endowment of Lexington supports programs and services that help make life healthier and more enjoyable for all members of the community in the areas of health and human services, arts and culture, the environment, and community building. It encourages grant applications from nonprofit organizations and public agencies that bring innovative thinking to big issues and small ones. 


Community Meeting To Be Held Seeking Input for Town Manager Search on Jun 19

Town Manager Carl Valente has announced his plans to retire in August 2018. The Board of Selectmen have appointed a Town Manager Search Screening Committee and have retained the services of Municipal Resources, Inc. (MRI) to assist them in the search for Lexington’s new Town Manager. MRI specializes in recruitment of municipal executives and will be guiding the Committee through this process.  

One of the early steps is the development of an ideal candidate profile. The Lexington Community is invited to come to a meeting to learn more about the Town Manager Search process and provide your input on Tuesday, June 19, 2018, from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm in the Main Floor Living Room of the Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington. (please note: this meeting IS at the Cary Memorial Library near the Battle Green NOT at the Cary Memorial Building next to the Town Office Building) 

At the meeting, the Recruitment Team from MRI will explain the search process and timeline and will also be seeking public input from the Community regarding the qualifications and attributes to be possessed by the ideal candidate for appointment as Lexington’s next Town Manager.

Should you be unable to attend this meeting you can submit confidential input to the MRI recruitment team at the following e-mail address which has been created for this recruitment:

年度升学与职业分享会: “通向成功之路不止一条: 自我激励的方法”

时间:周六,六月九日2 pm-5 pm

地点:Diamond 初中餐厅,99 Hancock Street (从Sedge Road 进入)

莱克星敦印协,在华协 (CAAL), 日协(JPLex), 和Temple Isaiah 精神健康委员会的支持下,将于六月九日第三次举办年度升学与职业分享会:”通向成功之路不止一条:自我激励的方法”。





另请关注:莱镇华协(CAAL) 将于九月份用中文举办有关教育,学校沟通和升学的讨论会,欢迎大家届时参加。 更多信息将稍后分享。谢谢

CAAL Joined Other Asian American Organizations to Support Sherry Chen

CAAL among the 132 named community organizations in the Asian American community, science fields and government watchdog groups, are urging the U.S. Department of Commerce to:

  • Comply with the Merit Systems Protection Board (“MSPB”)’s decision and immediately allow Ms. Chen to go back to work and contribute her talents to our nation.
  • Request DOC Inspector General to conduct a full investigation into the handling of Ms. Chen’s case for possible racial bias, abuse of power, violation of due process, and lack of efficiency.

Please read the full letter here.


时间      五月26日下午1:00 - 4:00 (5/26/2018 Saturday 1:00pm – 4:00pm)

地点:     莱克星顿社区中心 (Lexington Community Center, 39 Marrett Street, Lexington, Cafeteria)

美国是一个移民国家,华人移民的历史是美国历史的有机组成部分。从19世纪的金山梦开始,经过长期痛苦的排华年代、历经两次世界大战及冷战期间的中美同盟、到21世纪的今天,华人移民美国的历程一直是一个怀着憧憬、有着忐忑,在新大陆更新、扎根的过程。五月是亚太裔传统月,是庆祝亚太裔文化、传统及历史的日子。我们特邀威廉姆斯学院(Williams College)历史学家Scott Wong教授和我们一起回顾华人移民美国的历史。


这个论坛由莱克星顿华协, Cary 图书馆 和莱克星顿历史学会共同主办.

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