CAAL PAC Supported Candidates Introduction Series

In the past week, CAAL PAC has introduced to Chinese American community the five candidates who run for town wide offices this year. CAAL PAC thank the candidates who responded to our questionnaire. After reviewing the responses, CAAL PAC endorsed the candidacy of all five candidates. Below are the biography and responses from these candidates:

Select Board Candidates:

Mark Sandeen

Doug Lucente

School Committee Candidate:

Sara Cuthbertson

Planning Board Candidates:

Bob Creech

Charles Horning

A Letter of Support to Our Friends in the Chinese American and Chinese Communities:

A heartwarming letter from the Jewish Community:

Dear Friends,

We are writing to express our heartfelt solidarity with you during these tense and troubling times.

We are concerned about rising xenophobia aimed at Chinese people in this country and abroad over the COVID-19 “coronavirus”. We know that in such times, concern can quickly turn into hysteria, which can lead to scapegoating. We pledge to help ensure that Chinese people feel safe and supported, and to combat attacks and stereotyping on social media. We know from history, ours and yours, that such fearmongering can be devastating. Read more

众志成城,抗击疫情 – 莱镇华协(CAAL)及合作团队筹款达13万美元,和WeStar联盟运送医疗物资七批


目前莱镇华协(CAAL)及合作团队收到捐款及援助物资达13万美元。为了最快最有效的帮助到奋战在疾区的医护人员,华协团队和WeStar战略合作伙伴争分夺秒为疫区医院筹集医疗物资,Westar 联盟已运送了七批医疗物资去国内几十个急需的医院。阅读更多

有亲情,有共赢,不负使命 – CAAL 支援武汉总结



感谢您为抗击新冠肺炎的爱心捐款!2月3日晚,莱镇华协CAAL和WeStar战略合作伙伴的义工们打包分发第四批援助武汉和其他地区的医疗物资总共129箱,其中有莱镇华协贡献的61箱。这批物资将带着波士顿华人对国内同胞满满的爱通过WeStar组织的直通渠道送往国内五个急需防护物资的医院。目前华协共捐出24,240个口罩,总额 $15,200.42。加油,武汉!加油,中国! 阅读更多


这几天莱镇华协 CAAL 一直在与麻州各华协及华人组织共同协商,为支援武汉积极行动。目前已确定两个渠道:
1. Weston华协的WeStar 团队有武汉志愿者,有直接联系人负责国内到武汉的物流协调,团队执行力强,已经完成两批多达1万5千美元物资的购买发送,预计下周分别到达武汉。
2. Winchester 和 Sharon 华协已通过跨国医疗器械公司Thermo Fisher 在中国下单超万美元,从全球厂家直接供货,购买口罩、防护眼镜、防护手套、防护服等,通过可靠的志愿者渠道尽最快速度,直接运送到武汉的几家医院。
今天,我们都是武汉人! 莱镇华协 CAAL 诚邀您加入捐赠行列,伸出援手去帮助正在受疫情侵袭的武汉同胞!
莱镇华协会将大家的爱心捐款通过以上两个渠道购买急需的医疗物资并以最快速度送到武汉几家医院。我们也会在第一时间分享物资购买和物流情况。莱镇华协已认捐 $1000。 
1.     Please PayPal to CAAL using “Sending to friends and family” at and note Wuhan.  请 PayPal到, 选择“付款给朋友和家人”, 注明 “武汉”.  
2. 点击 请注明 “Wuhan” 或 “武汉”。
3. Mail your check to: Chinese American Association of Lexington, Inc. (CAAL), PO Box 453, Lexington, MA 02420.  Add “Wuhan” at the memo line.  邮寄支票到:Chinese American Association of Lexington,PO Box 453, Lexington, MA 02420. 请注明 “武汉”.
CAAL is an IRS recognized Sec. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  CAAL’s EIN: 46-2998909.  捐款可以申请公司匹配。


[Lexington Minuteman] Lexington welcomes year of the Rat with Lunar New Year show

Over the weekend, Lexington welcomed the new Lunar Year with a special show at Cary Hall. It was the culmination of months of hard work and dedication by over 100 volunteers.

The beginning of a new decade, and of a new era of Chinese culture in Lexington, was marked last weekend in Cary Hall. Hundreds gathered for the annual Lunar New Year Celebration Gala, presented by the Chinese American Association of Lexington. It is one of the largest cultural events in town each year. This year’s celebration involved more of Lexington than ever before, event chair and director Jimin Ren said.

“We believe in sharing our culture, but at the same time learning from others. It’s a good platform to really bring everyone together,” she said.

Read the Lexington Minuteman Report


2020 Lunar New Year Celebration!

On Saturday, January 11th, 2020, we will once again be hosting our Lunar New Year (LNY) Celebration at the Cary Memorial Building. In years past, we have been honored to share Chinese culture, tradition and arts with hundreds of Lexington residents and guests. The LNY event in 2019 attracted 800 audiences and the tickets were booked in hours. This year we will showcase Greater Boston area’s talents in dancing, singing, traditional opera, Chinese Kung-Fu and many other performing arts in a two-hour gala in partnership with Enterprise Bank, Town of Lexington and Korean Organization of Lexington. We are expecting hundreds of Lexingtonians and people from Greater Boston area from all ethnic backgrounds to join the celebration

Tickets: $10, $20
All tickets will have Reserved Seats. Please select your seats and order online to obtain electronic tickets at LNY.WeForm.Net

6:00pm -6:45pm Three beautiful backdrops provided for on stage photo opportunities (dress up, bring your camera, bring your selfie stick – see sample pictures below)

6:45pm -7:00pm Please find your reserved seats – late arrival will affect other viewers’ watching experience and may lose your reserved seats.

7:00pm – 9:00pm Performance Gala!