In partner with Lexington Fire Department, CAAL is organizing a drive thru free mask giveaway event for Lexington residents and businesses. The masks are donated by Tsinghua Alumni Association – Boston.

When: Sunday, June 7, 2020, 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Where: Location: back of Lexington Fire Station, 173 Bedford Street

Individuals: 10 masks/car, Businesses: 50 masks.

Please follow the one way traffic to drive to the back of the station building. Lower your window and we will pass the masks to you. You then follow the one way traffic to exit the area.

A Public Statement On the Death of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery from UCA

May 28, 2020, Washington, DC.
For immediate press release.

United Chinese Americans (UCA), a leading Chinese American coalition and civic movement in the U.S., condemns in the strongest possible terms recent acts by Minneapolis policemen that resulted in the death of George Floyd, and by Georgia civilians that ended the life of Ahmaud Arbery. We deplore these grave injustices and stand with the victims’ families as they mourn their losses.

The families and the public deserve thorough, fair and independent investigations of both cases, and the perpetrators must be brought to justice. If convicted, they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

In recent years, our society has become increasingly numbed to the repeated killing and maltreatment of African Americans at the hands of police or vigilantes. This cannot stand anymore and it has to change! As Asian Americans, we are well aware that neither we nor anyone else can enjoy true security and peace in our lives as long as African Americans cannot enjoy them in theirs. Far too often, we feel this killing or maltreatment could not happen in our own life or in our own community. But today, we are already victims of a spike of hateful and racist acts directed at Asian Americans during the current coronavirus pandemic.

As Dr. Martin Luther King famously asserted in his Letter from Birmingham Jail, “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Despite significant progress made in recent decades, discrimination, glaring disparities and social injustice still haunt our society. United Chinese Americans (UCA) calls for all Americans, regardless of their race, ethnicity or political affiliations, to join us in condemning the brutality we have witnessed in these disturbing cases that has senselessly cut two lives short. We pledge to continue to work in solidarity with African Americans and, indeed, all Americans to bring positive and real social change and justice to all.

百家长廊 (云游瑜伽篇)

瑜伽对于Faith而言,是有其特别的含义的,“瑜伽是生活的启示”。 本期【百家长廊】邀请Faith和她的瑜伽群同学们和大家探讨一下瑜伽。疫情期间,让我们一起体会动静瑜伽

老师特地安排了周三晚上和周日早上各两节 社区免费瑜伽课,我们希望至少有一节免费瑜伽课适合您的时间表哦,让我们一起动静瑜伽!

週三5/27晚上 8:30PM;週日5/31早上 8:30AM


Image may contain: one or more people, sky, outdoor and nature

Large mask donations to City of Boston and City of Quincy

Yesterday afternoon Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn accepted 10,000 masks donated to the City of Boston, and this morning, Quincy City Council President Nina Liang along with several councilors accepted 10,000 masks donated to City of Quincy, both of which were donated by of WeStar Alliance, which CAAL is a member, and Tsinghua Alumni Association (THAA)-Boston.

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and indoor

新型冠状病毒将如何影响升学? –

时间:2020年5月21日 8:00pm EST 

新型冠状病毒将如何影响升学? 随着各地学校的关闭,入学申请和各方面教育资源将受到怎样的影响? 疫情期间,宅在家也不能放弃学习的机会! 莱克星顿华人协会(CAAL)携手引知为大家带来此次研讨会。我们邀请到引知联合创始人、首席教育官Erin Gu,将介绍与教育相关的COVID-19更新,并回答您最担心的问题。


  • 作为学生和家长,如何过渡到在线学习?
  • 在SAT和AP取消的情况下,如何调整考试计划?
  •  如何在家中建立大学申请资料?
  •  关于远程、独立研究项目的思路 -春假和夏季计划?
  • 与顶尖的招生专家进行在线问答
  1. 请在浏览器打开以下链接登记参加教育信息研讨会,
  2.  你也可以扫描下方二维码进行报名。




CAAL邀请Summit Educational Group的专家于4月30号晚上举行了公益信息分享会。分享会主要使用语言为英语,CAAL志愿者将提前翻译幻灯片,并在问答环节为需要的家长翻译。


今天(5/14) 莱镇华协团队创单日捐助抗疫防护物资总数记录:

1. 向莱镇政府,学区及居民捐出 10,000 只口罩,
2. 联手波士顿清华校友会向莱镇 Chamber of Commerce 捐出 2,000 只口罩,
3. 联手 WeStar 联盟、莱星文化中心、Masks for All 向 Lowell Community Health Center 捐出 200 只KN95 口罩,1650 只医用口罩,25 件杜邦 T600 防护服,100 只面罩,8付护目镜。
至此莱镇华协团队共捐助防护物质逾十六万件到 121 家医院、诊所、老人院、老人公寓、警局、消防局、公校,公共设施部、公众卫生办公室、邮局、公益组织和机构等。