Proud to be American Celebrating Asian American Pacific Islanders – Fourth Week Winner

It’s the fourth week of May and our AAPI celebration reaches a new height! Two student raffle winners won $25 and $50 for featuring Bruce Lee and Vera Wang last week, many other students won $10 each for their research. PreK-12 students! Submit your artwork, video, or write-up honoring Asian American Pacific Islanders to be eligible for more weekly prizes and $100 grand prize drawing. Multiple entries welcome! The deadline has been extended to March 23rd.

Click the link to submit…/

Proud to be American Celebrating Asian American Pacific Islanders – Kalpana Chawla

Among many childhood dreams, few are as grand as becoming an astronaut. Kalpana Chawla had a love of flying from an early age and channeled her passion into studying aeronautical engineering and became the first woman of Indian descent to fly into space. Being the first to pave a path is easier said than done. For her work opening these doors, a series of satellites, a dorm and engineering building at her alma mater, and a Northrup Grumman spacecraft delivering cargo to the space station are all named after her. Today, her legacy stands as a beacon for many young aspiring people; whether it is in space science or other big dreams. Her life story reminds us not to be afraid of dreaming big. It is exciting to be witness to the small moments when a young person spotlights someone they admire and someone they aspire to be someday.

See what our young minds are saying at…/kalpana-chawla-2/ and…/kalpana-chawla/

Join us! Submit your artwork, video, picture, or write-up now through May 21.…/

Five students received Core Value Awards at the School Committee meeting

Five students received Core Value Awards at the School Committee meeting last week for their inspiring leadership and advocacy at the Asian Pride rally on Boston Common. Thank you to Phoebe, Aaron, and Sumar sisters for using your voices in speech and song. #WeAllBelong#DoYourPart#BeCourageous

Dr. Hackett then surprised Hua Wang with a CV award as well in recognition of his leadership and all of CAAL’s good work and support for the community.


通过活动官方Twitter账号:LexCelebrateAsianAmericans (@LexAAPI)本周我们精选了以下两篇作品:

大提琴家马友友(Yo-Yo Ma)令人难忘的激动人心的表演打动了全世界人的内心。音乐是人类共同的联系纽带,而马友友在疫苗接种点的琴声抚慰了无数人的内心。

作为泰裔美国人的塔米·达克沃斯(Tammy Duckworth)是第二个在国会中服务的亚洲女性,第一个有残疾的女性。  塔米用自己的故事向世人证明:事在人为!面对任何挫折,都不要放弃梦想。


寻找和分享:本周人物精选三:Tammy Duckworth

本次征文活动截止日期为5月22日, 请同学们抓紧时间! 加油! 💪


五月特别奉献 – 系列讲座 

每个周末8-9 pm EST, 7-8 pm CST, 6-7 pm MT, 5-6 pm PST

May 16, 2021黄西是怎样炼成的?-从生化实验室到喜剧讲坛 



亚裔美国历史人物有奖征文-Sanjay Patel

印度裔美籍动漫画家Sanjay Patel 拥有惊人创造力和表达力。“超人” SanJay,从印度教的文化遗产中汲取灵感, 为主流动画创作带来新风和创新。



寻找和分享:本周人物精选三:Tiger Woods

拥有亚裔,非裔,印第安裔和白人血统的 Tiger Woods (泰格·伍兹),在高尔夫领域的绰约成就给我们留下了深刻的印象。11岁的学生Taku惊讶的发现伍兹不仅在少年时就取得的惊人成绩,而且通过四十年如一日的不懈努力,不断突破自己,打破记录, 深受鼓舞。“他的奉献精神和坚韧不拔让人印象深刻”,Taku写道,并介绍了伍兹的TGR基金会。该基金会创建了社区计划,以改善美国所有儿童的健康,教育和福利。自1996年创立以来,这个基金会的项目使数百万儿童受益。


莱镇活动早知道 – Lexington Happenings I 2021 年 05 月


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