Lexington Re-Discovery Day

Today is the annual Discovery Day here in Lexington. It’s a sunny day mixed with a thin breeze. Everywhere we go, we see harmony and there are cheerful voices everywhere. There are lots of stands from different organizations in Lexington.

At the CAAL booth, we are performing music and tea artistry, distributing yellow whistles and “Stop Asian Hate” signs. We are also handing out leaflets highlighting CAAL history and upcoming concert. Please stop by our booth till 3 pm.

Check out the photo album by Di Ding

Read the English Report by Ziyun Vivian Wang

金秋时节,正是新英格兰地区享有盛誉的Autumn Foliage(秋叶)最美的时候,迎来了疫情开放后人们期待已久的莱镇传统探索日(Discover Day)。因为去年没有举办活动,今年故称之为Re-Discovery Day。10月9日,在镇中心麻州大道,展位林立,游人如织,歌舞齐飞,一幅欢乐、流动的节日画卷徐徐展开,与蓝天白云、缤纷秋叶相媲美。


Webinar: Chinese American Cycling Leader in 1890s

Join us this Wednesday (10/6) at 8pm EDT to learn the story of Chinese American cyclist Henry Ar Foon (1874-1955), reportedly the first Chinese child born in the Boston area and elected president of the Winnisimmet Cycle Club of Chelsea in 1897.

Click here for more information about the webinar and the bike ride on Oct 10 to honor Henry Ar Foon.

These two events are organized by CAAL, New England Chinese American Alliance (NECAA) and New England Cycling Coalition for Diversity

Thanks LexMedia, the full presentation is available to watch now: bit.ly/henryarfoonprez







请看本期数工的文章,《我在美国做评审团员的经历》:“中美大众心里的法律观念还是有差别的。法官说保持沉默,不配合调查是被告人的权力,不能作为量刑的标准,因为被告人预设无罪,证明有罪的负担是控告方, 而我从小接受的教育是”坦白从宽, 抗拒从严”; 法官说量刑不能受情绪影响,在我的印象中新闻上经常提到”民愤极大,不杀不足以平民愤”。陪审团员不必是法律专家,他们要做的就是检查原告和被告双方 提供的证据,用常识和生活经验判断被告是否有罪,最关键是要做到公正。这也回答了家里小孩子提出的问题: 是不是我很懂法律,才让我做陪审团候选人? 答案是否定的。”


莱镇华协总统义工奖申请 9月1-30日




月刊 I 莱镇华协(CAAL) 2021 年 08 月


– 莱镇远景委员会公布亚裔人口分布及参与镇公众事务最新数据


– Colonial Time 对华裔移民的报道

– 23号社区讨论会:如何面对成长与年老

– 如何参加莱镇高中, Cary 图书馆和华协共同举办的有关华裔话题的社区读书活动:“Interior Chinatown” by  Charles Yu





School Read and Author Visit- “Interior Chinatown” by Charles Yu

From Cary Library –

We are pleased to support Lexington High Schools community read program Lexington In Conversation (LEXiCON) and have purchased a significant quantity of copies of the selection Interior Chinatown in a variety of formats (including large print and audio) which will be available for LHS students and the greater Lexington community to check out this summer and fall. And thanks to the generous support of CAAL, we are thrilled to be able to make the ebook format available immediately all summer to any Lexington resident through Overdrive – no need to wait! Find a copy of Interior Chinatown at Cary Library – available in paperback, Large Print, digial audiobook and ebook: https://bit.ly/3zk26AA

Find out more about LEXiCon at: https://www.lhspto.org/lexicon

图书馆购买了很多不同形式版本的 “Interior Chinatown” 提供给高中和社区, 以支持莱镇高中的夏季和秋季阅读项目和社区对话。图书馆感谢华协对这个项目的热情支持!

请用此链接选择并借阅:  https://bit.ly/3zk26AA
请用此链接关注11月3 日 作者Charles Yu 与社区的见面会 https://www.lhspto.org/lexicon