A celebration of mid-autumn festival at Cary Hall on September 30

On September 30, Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) and A Joyful Adult Healthcare Center (Joyful ADH) co-hosted a celebration of mid-autumn festival at Cary Hall.

Talented singers, musicians, and dancers from Joyful ADH, New Legacy Culture Center, Angel Dance, Artisan Dance Academy (ADA), New England Wushu Academy, renowned Yue opera artist Xinfen Cai, Dance for Joy Dance Troupe, and the Lexington Historical Society brought their splendid performances to this celebration event.

Audiences appreciated the full moon, enjoyed mooncakes (a traditional pastry filled with various fillings), and shared wishes for good fortune and happiness !

This event celebrated Mid-Autumn and also gave back to the community. All proceeds from the performance and on-site services will be donated to Cary Library’s ChiRP project and the Lexington Food Pantry.

Enjoy the pictures from Dongxu Shan from this link

Enjoy the pictures from Zichen from this link

Enjoy the pictures from Dingjia from this link

Enjoy the video from Ziyu Meng from this link

Enjoy the video by LexMedia from this link

Enjoy the FFA video report from this link

Pipa meets piano on Oct 8

It’s what promises to be an incredible concert this October 8th at the Scottish Rite Museum. Pipa Meets Piano with Min Xiao-Fen and Lewis Porter brings together two world-class recording artists who will honor, merge, and transcend musical traditions through composition and improvisation.  Music fans of many traditions will be impressed and inspired by the quality of musicianship and artistry represented.

华裔钢琴家薄克雷(Clayton Stephenson) 与Lexington乐团演奏柴可夫斯基第一钢琴协奏曲 9/23

9/23日星期六,华裔青年钢琴家薄克雷 Clayton Stephenson,将与莱镇交响乐团合作演奏柴科夫斯基第一钢琴协奏曲。薄克雷才华横溢,是唯一的美国选手在2022年范·克莱本国际钢琴比赛中挺进了决赛。薄克雷非常期待与莱镇和波士顿华人社区的家长和孩子们互动交流,他可以同时用中英文进行交谈。订票请访问www.lexingtonsymphony.org


月满中秋,情满莱镇 – 2023 中秋晚会等您来



地点:Cary Hall,1605 MASS AVE, Lexington, 02421

中秋节是中国传统节日,也是阖家团聚的日子。故土一万里,万里共婵娟。九月三十号下午三点半到六点、康乐日间老人健康中心将携手莱镇华协,在莱克星顿Cary Hall大剧场与镇民一起载歌载舞,一边品尝月饼,一边共赏明月。

这场大型的综合文艺中秋晚会等着您的到来。表演有来自康乐中心的丰富多彩的节目,还有来自莱星文化中心、天使舞蹈学校、Artisan Dance Academy (ADA)、新英格兰武术学院的精彩表演,著名越剧表演艺术家蔡新芬、舞悦舞团以及莱镇历史学会也将携带拿手节目前来参演。

本次演出是欢庆中秋,也是对社区的回馈。所有门票一律免费,欢迎捐赠(建议捐赠额为$10/张),请大家扫码预定门票。演出以及场外服务的全部收入将捐赠给Cary ChiRP 儿童图书室项目以及莱克星顿食品救济站(Lexington food pantry)。



Navigating Freshman Year at LHS


我们精心挑选了三位优秀的LHS高年级同学来和大家分享,他们有的喜欢计算机编程和体育运动,有的热衷于参加辩论,有的执着于生物学习和热心社区服务。他们都用各自独特的方式,在LHS走出了一条适合自己的轨迹。无论你是带着问题,还是怀着忧虑,或者心有好奇,这三位热心的LHS 高年级 同学都会结合自己的亲身体验,给出你最诚恳的建议。

Panel Discussion 
Navigating Freshman Year at LHS
日期:2023 年 9 月 16 日
星期六晚 8:00pm – 10:00pm(美东时间)
扫码参与Zoom 在线





莱镇华协 CAAL 迎新会-“莱镇有你,焕然如新” – 2023年迎新会

莱克星顿华协共同会长王华:华协CAAL介绍 5分钟

社区委员会代表发言:社区委员会主任Wendy介绍华协社区年度活动和青少年项目 20分钟

莱克星顿高中老师Jenny Yao:介绍莱镇教育 40 分钟

莱镇邻居代表:分享入住莱镇感受 – 10分钟

答疑与莱镇新邻居相互交流环节 – 45分钟



CAAL CSC 莱镇华协社区委员会

Exploring Live Story Telling Together on Sept 13

09/13/2023 7 pm | Explore Live Storytelling Together (Adult workshop) | Cary Memorial Library

Space is limited to 40 adults and registration is required.

This event is co-sponsored by CAAL (Chinese American Association of Lexington) and Voices on the Green.

CAAL hopes that this workshop will help to build bridges through shared humanity. Through storytelling, we can create meaningful connections across lines of differences and build a stronger community.

The program is made possible by the generous donors to the Cary Library Foundation.

Let your voice be heard, let your story be heard, let your voice be part of the history!

莱镇,九月早知道 /Lexington Happenings-September Issue



Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, juct once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.

— Letters to a Young Poet, Poet, Rainer Maria Rilke


Click the above link and scroll down to read in English the events and activities happening in Lexington in September: