年度升学与职业分享会: “通向成功之路不止一条: 自我激励的方法”
时间:周六,六月九日2 pm-5 pm
地点:Diamond 初中餐厅,99 Hancock Street (从Sedge Road 进入)
莱克星敦印协,在华协 (CAAL), 日协(JPLex), 和Temple Isaiah 精神健康委员会的支持下,将于六月九日第三次举办年度升学与职业分享会:”通向成功之路不止一条:自我激励的方法”。
此讨论会为免费,请在这里注册: mpts-tfse.eventbrite.com
另请关注:莱镇华协(CAAL) 将于九月份用中文举办有关教育,学校沟通和升学的讨论会,欢迎大家届时参加。 更多信息将稍后分享。谢谢
CAAL Joined Other Asian American Organizations to Support Sherry Chen
CAAL among the 132 named community organizations in the Asian American community, science fields and government watchdog groups, are urging the U.S. Department of Commerce to:
- Comply with the Merit Systems Protection Board (“MSPB”)’s decision and immediately allow Ms. Chen to go back to work and contribute her talents to our nation.
- Request DOC Inspector General to conduct a full investigation into the handling of Ms. Chen’s case for possible racial bias, abuse of power, violation of due process, and lack of efficiency.
时间 五月26日下午1:00 - 4:00 (5/26/2018 Saturday 1:00pm – 4:00pm)
地点: 莱克星顿社区中心 (Lexington Community Center, 39 Marrett Street, Lexington, Cafeteria)
美国是一个移民国家,华人移民的历史是美国历史的有机组成部分。从19世纪的金山梦开始,经过长期痛苦的排华年代、历经两次世界大战及冷战期间的中美同盟、到21世纪的今天,华人移民美国的历程一直是一个怀着憧憬、有着忐忑,在新大陆更新、扎根的过程。五月是亚太裔传统月,是庆祝亚太裔文化、传统及历史的日子。我们特邀威廉姆斯学院(Williams College)历史学家Scott Wong教授和我们一起回顾华人移民美国的历史。
这个论坛由莱克星顿华协, Cary 图书馆 和莱克星顿历史学会共同主办.
[Asian Pacific American Heritage Month] Wen-ti Tsen’ art is on display at the library from May 1 through June 30
[Lexington Minuteman] LETTER: METCO College Scholarship Fund Thanks CAAL and Community
As the METCO College Scholarship Fund of Lexington prepares for our 47th year of granting of higher-education scholarships to our college-bound LHS METCO seniors, we want to thank so many supportive members of our community who make this work possible.
We were thrilled to be the Chinese American Association of Lexington’s first Community Building Award honoree this year. This commendation, accompanied by generous financial support from CAAL, with supplemental donations by members of the CAAL executive committee, critically augments the funds available for scholarships. This contribution continues Lexington’s support of METCO students, not only throughout their public-school education, but into their college years — a firm declaration of our core town values of diversity, inclusion and opportunity for all. CAAL’s endorsement is a ringing affirmation of these values. Read full text
CAAL Held Presidential Volunteer Service Award Seminar
CAAL Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) Seminar was held on April 26. For 35 years, CAAL has been supportting and encouraging younger generations to give back to the community, especially with the establishment of the PVSA four years ago . Students and parents learned about a whole range of opportunities to participate in community service that are organized, supported/sponsored or recognized by CAAL in collaboration with the town and community organizations. Besides the five PVSA committee members, six invited speakers including youth, parents, one LexFarm board of director , and recipient of a PVSA life time achievement award and the Lexington Minuteman Cane award Sophia Ho introduced various volunteering programs and shared their volunteering experiences. Thank you very much for all of your sharing and service to the community! Hope this is helpful!
View Volunteer Photos from the past events
Please find the presentation slides and application forms:
Join Us in Lexington Patriot’s Day Parade!
The annual Patriot’s Day celebration and parade is a tradition of Lexington. Chinese Americans of Lexington have been actively participating every year. On this special day, we join our fellow Americans to celebrate our democracy and freedom, cherish our hard-earned peace and good life, and show our pride to be part of this great town and great country!
This year, the Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) is organizing another major event. We will have multiple sub-teams in our parade formation, including Youth Marching Band, High/Middle School Sportsman, Qipao Ladies, Shining Seniors, Minuteman@Lex Triathlon, Dragon Dance, and Proud Families. We welcome you and your family to join us in the parade!
Date: Monday, April 16th, 1-4PM
Venue: Near Wilson Farm. We will keep you posted.
URL: http://lexparade.weform.net
Bring your family, bring your friends! Join us to celebrate the 243th year of Lexington’s Pride!
Promote Chinese Culture, Help Americans Learn Chinese
CAAL is partnering with a local Chinese learning group to help promote Chinese language and Chinese culture. This group meets usually every two weeks, often on Monday evenings, at Lexington Community Center. People’s Chinese skills range from very beginners, to quite advanced speakers. The group is looking for more native Chinese speakers who can join and help conversations on various topics.
Adults and high school students who are fluent in Chinese are encouraged to participate. CAAL can provide community service certificates for those who need.
People who are interested in this activity should first sign up atwww.meetup.com, then search for “Lexington Mandarin Language MeetUp” and join that group.
CAAL Community Services Committee
Munroe Saturday Night Presented Beijing Opera in Collaboration with CAAL and Boston Beijing Opera
Munroe Saturday Nights proudly presented an exclusive Beijing Opera performance in collaboration with CAAL (the Chinese American Association of Lexington) and the Boston Beijing Opera Association on March 10 at First Parish in Lexington..
Scenes from beloved traditional Chinese Operas were performed by the talented company with traditional makeup and costuming along with music from Chinese instruments. Event Photos