莱镇华协和镇社区联盟各组织及其它麻州华人组织呼吁全社会倾巢出动,严重抗议对美国亚裔愈演愈烈的种族歧视暴行!#Stop Asian Hate! #Stop Hate Crime!
自从发生了亚特兰大凶杀8位女性,其中包括6位亚裔女性的惨案以后,亚裔社区无比悲愤。无论是针对亚裔美国人, 还是其他族裔的暴力或种族主义言行,我们在任何情况下都绝不容忍。莱镇华协和社区联盟各组织决定在本周六,3月20日,晚6:00,在Hastings Park at 119 Lincoln Street Lexington举行烛光悼念集会,纪念逝去的生命,呼吁社会广泛关注针对反亚裔的犯罪,团结全美人民向仇恨和犯罪宣战!
New York, NY, March 17, 2021 … In response to historic increases in anti-Chinese and anti-Asian American and Pacific Islander incidents and assaults, ADL (the Anti-Defamation League), the world’s leading anti-hate organization and Committee of 100, a non-profit U.S. leadership organization of prominent Chinese Americans, issued the following joint statement:
“We are united with all of our Asian American brothers and sisters in standing up against hate, xenophobia and violence,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO. “Violence towards any minority group is not the answer. The anxiety and fear in the Asian American community is palpable, and we grieve with and support the millions of Chinese Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders across the U.S. who feel targeted. We commend Committee of 100 for their work in bringing this issue of anti-Asian hate to the forefront and we very much look forward to working with them hand in hand to help solve a crisis that many communities are facing.” Read more
莱镇一年一度的镇选举结果揭晓,以下五位和CAAL PAC协作的华人镇代会候选人全部当选:一区 Yifang Gong,二区 Peter Lee,四区 Eileen Jay,八区 Lin Jensen 和 Weidong Wang。热烈祝贺他们,更大赞他们热心公益服务社区的奉献精神!
All Chinese American candidates running for Town Meeting got elected. Congratulations to them, in particular those working with CAAL PAC: Yifang Gong from Precinct 1, Peter Lee from Precinct 2, Eileen Jay from Precinct 4, Lin Jensen and Weidong Wang from Precinct 8. Also thanks to those who hold sign to support the candidates!
CAAL has raised $5,691 from Lexington Community as of Feb 20 and only 10 days since calling for donation for LEF COVID-19 Management Fund . This together with the $5,000 matching fund from CAAL, LEF will receive more than $100,000 donations. Our donations (from individual and CAAL’s match) contributed close to 25% of the total collected donations. LEF and CAAL thank the Lexington community for their generosity and kindness.
Discover Lexington #6 features our Maria of “The Sound of Music” – Angela Carpenter, the optimistic & uplifting music teacher at Harrington Elementary School, a semifinalist for the 2021 Music Educator Award. Fly with Angela through music, dance, laugh and kindness.
【莱镇人文第六期】奥斯卡电影《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music) 对于大家来说都不陌生。片中那些动人的乐曲让不同国家不同年代的人都沉醉其间,而故事的灵魂 – 那个在阿尔比斯山放歌、在冯.崔普(Von Trapp)家用音乐治愈孩子、给千家万户带来欢乐的音乐教师玛丽亚更是深入人心。在我们莱镇的公立小学,也有这么一位乐观向上用音乐教化学生的老师。在她的课堂上,你可以放飞自我天马行空,她会在下面托住你思维的翅膀;也可以安静聆听,在她欢快愉悦的语声中感受音乐的魅力和爱的存在;甚至也可以放空脑袋,尽情地歌唱舞蹈欢笑。她就是莱镇哈灵顿小学(Harrington)的音乐老师- Angela Carpenter,2021年格莱美音乐教育家奖准决赛入围者。阅读原文
On Thursday, Feb 18, CAAL and CAAL PAC hosted a well-attended forum for town wide candidates running for Select Board, School Committee and Planning Board. We also introduced five Chinese American Town Meeting candidates who run election or re-election this year.
Monday, March 1, 2021, is Lexington’s Annual Town Election. Click here for voter registration information and how to vote by mail and in person. On the ballot this year are candidates for Select Board, Moderator, School Committee, Planning Board, Housing Authority, and Town Meeting.
On Thursday, Feb 18, CAAL and CAAL PAC will host another candidate forum for candidates running for town wide seats to help our community to know them better. Please use the Google form to submit questions for the candidates. We also like to introduce Chinese American Town Meeting Members seeking election and re-election in several contested precincts. Please join us for this informative session.