
刚刚过去的寒假期间,小儿子问了我几个他小时候画画的事儿,说要是有空,想写篇小短文。前几天看到发在了他们学校一个艺文社团网络杂志 《The Wave》(见下文),特别欣喜.





莱镇人文第六期:Angela Carpenter Music Specialist

Discover Lexington #6 features our Maria of “The Sound of Music” – Angela Carpenter, the optimistic & uplifting music teacher at Harrington Elementary School, a semifinalist for the 2021 Music Educator Award. Fly with Angela through music, dance, laugh and kindness.

【莱镇人文第六期】奥斯卡电影《音乐之声》(The Sound of Music) 对于大家来说都不陌生。片中那些动人的乐曲让不同国家不同年代的人都沉醉其间,而故事的灵魂 – 那个在阿尔比斯山放歌、在冯.崔普(Von Trapp)家用音乐治愈孩子、给千家万户带来欢乐的音乐教师玛丽亚更是深入人心。在我们莱镇的公立小学,也有这么一位乐观向上用音乐教化学生的老师。在她的课堂上,你可以放飞自我天马行空,她会在下面托住你思维的翅膀;也可以安静聆听,在她欢快愉悦的语声中感受音乐的魅力和爱的存在;甚至也可以放空脑袋,尽情地歌唱舞蹈欢笑。她就是莱镇哈灵顿小学(Harrington)的音乐老师- Angela Carpenter,2021年格莱美音乐教育家奖准决赛入围者。阅读原文


美东时间2月18日晚,由莱克星顿镇华人协会协(CAAL)与华协政治行动委员会(CAAL PAC)共同成功举办了2021莱克星顿镇候选人见面会,其中有五位华人居民成为该镇议会候选人,近70人莱克星顿镇居民积极与会了解了镇候选人的基本情况与参选主张。据介绍,镇候选人见面会是莱镇华协和华协政治行动委员会为鼓励更多的莱镇华人积极参政议政的传统项目活动,从而为莱镇华人居民与莱镇政府之间架设了一座沟通的有益桥梁,因而得到了莱镇政府的大力赞赏!阅读更多



On Thursday, Feb 18, CAAL and CAAL PAC hosted a well-attended forum for town wide candidates running for Select Board, School Committee and Planning Board. We also introduced five Chinese American Town Meeting candidates who run election or re-election this year.

月刊 莱镇华协(CAAL) 2021 年 01 月

2021 年的一月,那是世人翘首以盼的日子,它来了!一月如同新生的婴儿,满载着我们的爱,深托着我们的梦。经历了2020年的无奈与不安,我们对一月说:带我们开启一段崭新的旅程吧!让阳光普照,前路浩荡!


多少年前,马丁·路德·金用一句“I have a dream!” 点燃了无数人的梦想。是啊!梦想是光,梦想是帆!艰难困苦中,让你我都拥有一个美好的梦想!


请点击阅读月刊 – 莱镇华协(CAAL) 2021 年 01 月

拜年了! 莱镇华协2021云端春晚回放

May be a cartoon of 1 person and text

莱镇华协2021云端春晩于1月30日晩9:30 圆满收官。数千莱镇乡亲们和世界各地的亲朋好友们合家观看了这台经过一个多月紧张有序,精心设计,集艺术和时代主题,并由广大的莱镇人与世界艺术家一起演绎的专属莱镇人的春晚。除夕夜吃过丰盛的年夜饭,全家围坐在一起观看春晚回放是一个不错的选择哦。





CAAL and CAAL PAC Candidate Forum will be held on Feb 18

Monday, March 1, 2021, is Lexington’s Annual Town Election. Click here for voter registration information and how to vote by mail and in person.
On the ballot this year are candidates for Select Board, Moderator, School Committee, Planning Board, Housing Authority, and Town Meeting.

On Thursday, Feb 18, CAAL and CAAL PAC will host another candidate forum for candidates running for town wide seats to help our community to know them better. Please use the Google form to submit  questions for the  candidates. We also like to introduce Chinese American Town Meeting Members seeking election and re-election in several contested precincts.
Please join us for this informative session.

Click here for the link for the zoom conference:

Looking forward to seeing you at the forum on Feb 18!

CAAL fundraising challenge – $5,000 CAAL Matching Fund For Lexington COVID-19 Management Fund!

Lexington Public School (LPS) started a comprehensive saliva-based testing program in conjunction with Mirimus Clinical Labs in the week of January 11th. Testing is expensive and LPS resources are not unlimited; eight (8) weeks of staggered testing in LPS is expected to cost upwards of $200,000. Community donations towards the cost of this program will help preserve resources allocated to educational programming and curriculum at the schools.CAAL is working closely with Lexington Education Foundation (LEF) to raise money for the testing program. Donations to this fund should be viewed as an investment in safety that provides a community benefit to all and all donations are fully tax-deductible. CAAL will match all donations 1:1 up to $5,000.

Click here to access the LEF donation portal (LEF COVID-19 Management Fund) directly. Please make sure that you enter “CAAL” under “organization name” so we can correctly capture donations raised under this challenge and promptly execute CAAL’s 1:1 fund matching.

Thank you very much for donating to this important cause for our community!


[Lexington Minuteman] Lexington’s Lunar New Year goes virtual to celebrate Year of the Ox

The Lunar New Year event, normally held in Cary Hall, will be virtual this year. Although CAAL leaders did not know whether an event like this would be possible at first, they felt a deep responsibility to the community which pushed them to organize the 2021 event, CAAL President Hua Wang said. Town Manager Jim Malloy offered his support, and the celebration was planned as a joint effort between CAAL and the Town of Lexington.  Read more
