


Solidarity Event in Boston on May 31 to wrap AAPI Heritage Month

The Rally Co-Chair, CAAL President Dr. Wang said “…the yellow whistles are … to show Asian pride but also protection against any violence. Because yellow has been weaponized against AAPI people, now we say just like Black is beautiful, brown is beautiful, yellow is beautiful.” Money raised at the Rally will go to the fund helping India. Bottom picture has Rally organizers with the Mayor of Boston Kim Janey.

Watch Boston25News Coverage

On May 15, UCA-MA successfully held UNITY AGAINST HATE NATIONWIDE RALLY – Boston. Click here for the detailed Report

莱镇华协参办【五月亚太裔传统月讲座】5/29 李炬:穿越150年,用镜头致敬铁路华工


莱镇华协参办【五月亚太裔传统月系列讲座】“跨越150年,用镜头致敬铁路华工”线上讲座,5月29日星期六 晚8点(美东)。



莱镇人文第九期:Christina Gamota – A Lifetime of Giving Back

【莱镇人文第九期】每当人们提起克里斯蒂娜·加莫塔(Christina Gamota)的名字,都会与优雅精致完美和极高的艺术品味联系在一起。谁也想不到她曾经是一个难民。而她,身处绮罗,却从未忘却初心。她集收藏家、艺术家、园艺家于一身,但她更愿意称自己为 “专业志愿者”(Professional Volunteer)

请点击链接阅读公众号原文。Scroll all the way to the bottom to read the English version.

[Lexington Minuteman] Lexington students lead push for greater diversity in school curriculum

In late March, Lexington High School sophomore Phoebe Tian stood in Hastings Park, surrounded by people gathered in response to the Atlanta killings of predominantly Asian Americans a few days prior. Tian had volunteered to help out, holding a large sign and assisting those who wanted to sign it. Around her, twinkling lights lit up the night as part of a memorial display.  

Click on the link to read the complete article from Lexington Minuteman.

Join us to celebrate! Proud to Be American & Proud of Our Students Celebration Night on May 27!

Join us to celebrate!Proud to Be American & Proud of Our Students Celebration NightMay 27th, 6:00-7:00PMMay is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Join us for the final celebration of the “Proud to Be American”. It is an amazing project where PreK-12 students featured Asian American Pacific Islanders who have impacted society or culture in the United States. These students shared how they were inspired by notable AAPI figures and how it made them proud to be American.

We will celebrate the students’ work with a program that includes presentations of some of these pieces. Then, a fun game is planned and a special guest who you might recognize from the exhibition will also make an appearance.

View the AAPI gallery, It is a site run by CAAL (Chinese American Association of Lexington), be sure to check it out!

For the virtual celebration event tonight, please sign up via the link

Please check out the project sponsors and collaborators