莱镇人权委员会举办的”种族融合日”论坛在6月13日举行。长期社区志愿者和华人长辈Sophia Ho 和“我是亚裔我自豪”的歌曲作者 Phoebe Tian 作为嘉宾接受采访。
July Issue of Lexington Happenings
Here is the July issue of Lexington Happenings on CAAL’s blog. Thank you to all who submitted events to us in a timely manner. Please click the link and scroll down to read in English.
If you would like to have your events to be included on the August issue, kindly please fill out the form below. Please submit by the 25th of each month for next month’s events to be published on our blog.https://docs.google.com/…/1FAIpQLSfrVfgIY0a06P…/viewform

2021年华协总统义工奖申请在线讲座 (7/11)
莱镇人文第十期:Frank Gens Technology Futurist & Marathoner

Here is the latest issue of Discover Lexington featuring Frank Gens, a chief technology forecaster and futurist for IDC, a world’s premier technology forecasting company, and a dedicated marathoner with 22 marathons on his belt. The year will be Franks’ 9th run in the prestigious Boston Marathon. Please scroll down to read the English version.
Please click on the link to read the original article. Scroll all the way to the bottom to read the English version.
The Never Fading Poppy Project
CAAL Youth helped out at senior villages
月刊 I 莱镇华协(CAAL) 2021 年 05 月

百家长廊 | 走好! 范先生!


莱镇活动早知道 – 六月刊
六月的天,自由的风走出病毒的阴霾 迎接夏天的灿烂 久违的人群 熟悉的面容6月自由的风里 飘过淡淡的花香浓浓的色彩 恰似父亲的情怀莱镇六月的活动,我们让你早知道

请点击公众号文章了解更多莱镇六月活动好去处。Please scroll down all the way to the end to see the English version.