作为莱镇知名的社区服务志愿者,克里斯蒂娜一直活跃在社区的各种活动中,尤其是艺术领域相关的活动。她曾经长期担任莱镇艺术委员会(Lexington Council for the Arts) 的主任,2016年克里斯蒂娜成为莱镇门罗艺术中心(Munroe Center for the Arts)的执行总监,致力于将这一享有盛誉的中心打造成为一个“充满活力的艺术教育中心”,一个“艺术家的温馨家园以及社区艺术活动的催化剂和艺术爱好者之家。”
请点击链接阅读公众号原文。Scroll all the way to the bottom to read the English version.
【中美创新时报波士顿8月3日讯】(记者温友平)8月1日晚上8点半,在贝尔蒙特Payson Park,伴随着天空忽然飘落的细雨和一群孩子童声演唱的《同一首歌》,为期连续三个晚上先后在莱克星顿、牛顿和贝尔蒙特进行的“梦想家”首届波士顿国际亚洲音乐艺术节圆满地落下了帷幕。记者通过全程观看三场演出后观察到,首届波士顿国际亚洲音乐艺术节的成功举办,为当地社区奉献了一场文化交融的艺术盛宴,并呈现出星光闪烁和熠熠生辉的景象。无论音乐艺术节本身的组织形式、演出阵容、表演内容、艺术水平,还是音乐艺术节所吸引的现场观众和在线观众人数、当地社区反响等方面均呈现出丰富的创新内涵,并由此打造了促进亚洲文化与当地社区人文深入交流的文化载体。点击阅读详细报道
Full video recording of the Lexington Festival
Video recording by performance (by Weidong Wang)
The festival photos (by Dongxu Shan)
The festival photos (by Weidong Wang)
“The 2021 Dreamega Boston Asian International Music Festival” is a three-night music series with a goal to bring awareness of music created by Asian artists and foster collaborations. This festival features some finest local musicians. You can enjoy music from different genres by Asian and other musicians of color from top music institutes. The festival is a production of New Moon International, organized by Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL), Belmont Chinese American Association and Weston Westar, the Boston International Media.
Three performances on three consecutive nights will be held between 6 pm and 8 pm in the towns as follows. The festival is free admission and is made possible by generous business and individual donors!
Friday, July 30th –Hastings Park, Lexington
Saturday, July 31st – Hyde Community Center, Newton
Sunday, August 1st – Payson Park, Belmont
This year’s inaugural festival will be held at 6-8 pm on July 30 at Hastings Park in Lexington. The festival is organized by Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL), in partnership with Indian Americans of Lexington (IAL) and Korean Organization of Lexington (KoLex) and Association of Black Citizens of Lexington (ABCL).
Here are the links of the flyers (high resolution):
Flyer 1
Congrats the living legends, among them, our role model, long-time community volunteers Sophia Ho! We are so so proud of and grateful to you!
Here is the video of recognition of Sophia Ho at LexSeeHer Ceremony.
Click to read two articles about Sophia Ho written by Larry Ho below:
Sophia Ho received Presidential Volunteer Lifetime Service Award in 2016
陈力超博士曾在哈佛大学医学院睡眠部工作10余年,从事过慢性睡眠剥夺、发作性睡病、流感病毒影响睡眠机制等研究 。在专业之外,他翻译了卡耐基梅隆大学教授Randy Pausch的《最后的讲演》及其博客,并提出了跨文化的iABC教育理念。
请点击 报名链接 注册讲座、查看详情
For 38 years, CAAL has been supporting and encouraging younger generations to give back to the community, especially with the establishment of the Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) six years ago . Students and parents learned about a whole range of opportunities to participate in community service that are organized, supported/sponsored or recognized by CAAL in collaboration with the town and community organizations.
2021 CALL PVSA Seminar Slides and PVSA application forms:
Here is the link of the video and ppt presentation of the webinar.
Warm summer nights, cool live music – Calling for Musicians!
The 2021 Boston Asian International Music Festival is a production of New Moon International. This year’s inaugural festival is currently sponsored by Chinese American Association of Lexington – CAAL, Belmont Chinese American Association and Weston Westar, with the assistance of the Chinese American Association of Newton (CAAN) and the Boston International Media. We hope more Cultural organizations can join us by submitting music program and become sponsors.Three performances on three consecutive nights will be held between 6 pm and 8 pm in towns as follows:Friday, July 30th – LexingtonSaturday, July 31st – NewtonSunday, August 1st – Belmont
Musical artists of all styles, genres, and ages are cordially invited to participate. Please follow the link below to register. The registration deadline is 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟏𝟓𝐭𝐡.
Here is the registration link
We look forward to bringing live music back to the community, and we look forward to seeing you at the festival!
Here is the Chinese version of the event announcement.
Vincent Chin 被害39周年烛光纪念集会于6月22日在波士顿中国城举行。 CAAL主席王华在集会上发言。