The Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Heritage Month Celebration is a series of celebration events that promote AAPI culture, unity, solidarity and belonging. Our diversity is our strength, and we are stronger together!
In each week of May, we feature a different aspect of AAPI including history, art, food and a cumulative festival celebration and 5K Run on Memorial Day May 30th. Please visit town website or CAAL website or AAPI Heritage celebration page for more information about this celebration. Below is an outline of the program. Here is the Outline of the program and attached is the flyer.
This event series is organized by Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) and Lexington AAPI Youth Team, Funded by Community Endowment of Lexington, Mass Cultural Council, Civic Leadership Academy; Co-organized and co-sponsored by Town of Lexington, Cary Memorial Library, Boston Chinese Photography Association (BCPA), Lexington Hay Runners Club, Indian Americans of Lexington (IAL), Korean Organization of Lexington (KoLex),Japanese Support Group of Lexington (JPLex), Association of Black Citizens of Lexington (ABCL) and LHS Asian Student Union (ASU).
首届 AAPI Heritage 庆祝月是由莱镇AAPI 青少年志愿者和莱镇华协 (CAAL) 共同发起并联合组织举办的一系列活动,旨在在五月亚太裔传统月用艺术促进和推广AAPI 文化。整个月的活动通过历史、艺术、和饮食三个主题分三周分别展现AAPI 文化,并于最后一周举办一场以奔跑为主题的 “AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk” 活动为庆祝月系列活动画上完美的句号。
欢迎加入一起欢庆五月AAPI 文化节的行列!
请点击阅读 “公众号” 查看活动详情.