“Asians in Lexington: One Village, One Dream” Photography Exhibition at the Cary Library May-June

Lexington promotes and embraces ethnic diversity for a healthy and vibrant community. In years Lexington Asian-Americans have been engaging in the Lexington community in all respects.

This exhibition is a collection of photos and student artworks that reflect Asian-Americans’ community activities in community building, civic engagement, humanity  activities, culture celebration and arts.
Here is a video preview of the exhibition

Come to meet the photographers and artists at the Reception at Large Meeting Room, 7-8:30 pm, 5/18

Exhibit Organizers:
The Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL)
Boston Chinese Photography Association (BCPA)
AAPI Celebration Youth Team
Cary Memorial Library
This project is funded by the Community Endowment of Lexington (CEL), an endowed fund of the Foundation for MetroWest.

CEL fund A Bridge Across: Celebration and Promotion of Asian Culture and History

We are extremely grateful for Community Endowment of Lexington! The $4,000 grant to CAAL and Lexington AAPI Celebration Youth Team will fund A Bridge Across: Celebration and Promotion of Asian Culture and History, a series of events focused on Asian culture through activities related to art, food, and history during the AAPI Heritage Month and beyond.

“These collaborative projects enhance community connections and highlight the diversity that makes Lexington so special,” says Nancy White, CEL Co-Chair.

May is mental health month!

Do you frequently feel sad and tired? Trouble sleeping or appetite changes? Is your mind racing with constant worries?

Join our panel of experts for a discussion on common mental health problems.

Guest speakers: Dr. Xuejing Li, Psychiatrist & Dr. Pratyusha Tummala-Narra, Clinical PsychologistMay 5, 2022 | 6:30pm to 8:00pm | Virtual Event
Here’s the event information and registration link:  https://www.lexingtonma.gov/human-services/events/203876

“Stamp Out Hunger” project

Thanks to many of our volunteers! Lexington Lions Club is assisting the Food Pantry and USPS with their upcoming “Stamp Out Hunger” project to support the food pantry and have a positive impact. Multiple community groups gathered to assemble the 10,000 packets to be dropped in each mailbox in Lexington.

AAPI Banner Display in Lexington Town Center and Cary Memorial Library

In honor of AAPI Heritage Month (May), Lexington will display banners uplifting Asian American and Pacific Islanders’ contributions, sacrifices and accomplishments that are woven into the tapestry of our great nation. Look for the banners in Lexington Center along Mass. Avenue and at Cary Library through the month of May.  

Each banner celebrates a significant historical event or person that has enriched our society. This year, a set of banners will be introduced with a plan to add more banners and increase representation in future years.  

This is a collaborative project by Lexington AAPI groups: BALex, CAAL, CALex, IAL, JPLex, KOLex. Sponsored by Community Endowment of Lexington. Please consider donating to this project at www.LexAAPI.org to help honor our AAPI heritage.  

为庆祝五月亚太裔传统月,莱镇将在镇中心和图书馆展示一系列条幅宣扬亚太裔为这个伟大的国家做出的贡献, 牺牲和取得的成就。每个条幅都代表一个对社会有重要影响的个人和历史事件。在今年展示基础之上未来还会增加更多的条幅。   这个项目由Lexington AAPI Groups:BALex, CAAL, CALex, IAL, JPLex, KOLex 合作举办,并获Community Endowment of Lexington 的赞助。   如果您想了解更多详情和捐款支持这个项目, 请访问www.LexAAPI.org