Amazing dancing at the reception on May 18 for the “Asians in Lexington: One Village One Dream Photography Exhibition”. If you have not seen the incredible photos and artwork, head over to Cary Library to check it out!

Let’s celebrate AAPI Heritage Month! Join Cary Library, Lexington AAPI Heritage Celebration Youth Team, CAAL, and our panel of food experts for a conversation about the relationship between food and culture. Our panelists will talk about the memories and cultural significance associated with their favorite dish. They’ll share their perspectives on how a love of one’s cuisine can provide comfort, connection, and a sense of identity.
Panel of Food Experts: Helen Chen, Debra Samuels, and Shailini Sisodia.
Register for a ZOOM link at or…/virtual…/
This event is organized by Lexington AAPI Heritage Celebration Youth Team, Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL), and Cary Library; Funded by Community Endowment of Lexington, Mass Cultural Council, and Civic Leadership Academy; Co-sponsored by Indian Americans of Lexington (IAL), Japanese Support Group of Lexington (JPLex), and Korean Organization of Lexington (KOLex).
如果大家Memorial Day不出行,请报名参加Lexington AAPI 5K Run /Walk,一家人乐融融地参与莱镇社区的活动,跑走都可以。这是庆祝五月亚太裔 AAPI 传统月系列活动的亮点,也是我们自己组织举办的第一次5K 活动. 周一我们将安排送印Customized Bib, 周一前报名可以印上你名字,首届5K纪念bib 极具有仪式感. 还有我们定制的专业跑步Tshirt只提供前面的报名者,赶紧行动报名吧! 大部份跑团都已有自己Team, 报名时加入自己的团队就好. Lexington 可加入Hey Runners,或者组建自己的Family Team. 我们特意设立了Team Award 和 Family Award. 和亲朋好友、孩子们一起挥汗奔跑或走在百年历史古镇的赛道上,赛后品尝来自AAPI 各国的美食,并享受全场由Abbott‘s 提供的免费冰激凌,大家一起来度过一个有意义同欢乐的Memorial Day!
On the Memorial day (5/30/22) 10:30a, AAPI 5K Run n Walk will be held in Lexington (LHS). The event is organized by CAAL and many local organizations to celebrate the May AAPI Heritage Month. It will be a fun family-friendly event, with ice cream and tastes of AAPI food.
If you are around, you are encouraged to join and support, register at:
What a great rally! Thanks everyone for joining us on May 15 to celebrate #AAPIHeritageMonth and to advance Unity, Solidarity and Belonging.
有这样一群对计算机科学充满热情的初高中学生,他们以通过开发创新型计算机科学项目来加强社区的联系为使命,用自己学习到的技能积极服务社区。他们就是莱镇青少年计算机小组 (华协Youth Program),一个强调协作、坚持、奉献和善良的团队。
请点击阅读 “公众号” 了解更多有关莱镇青少年计算机小组的信息
The Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Heritage Month Celebration is a series of celebration events that promote AAPI culture, unity, solidarity and belonging. Our diversity is our strength, and we are stronger together! In each week of May, we feature a different aspect of AAPI including history, art, food and a cumulative festival celebration and 5K Run on Memorial Day May 30th. Please visit town website or CAAL website or Lexington AAPI Heritage Celebration page for more information about this celebration. Below is an Outline of the program.
AAPI History Celebration @ Cary Library
Watch the film: Far East Deep South to explore the history of AAPI in the US on 4/28
Meet the director and producer in a virtual live Q&A on 4/29
Check out the AAPI book display from 5/1-5/31
Here are more event details. Download the event flyer
AAPI Photography Exhibits @ Cary Library
Explore “Asians in Lexington: One Village, One Dream” Photography Exhibition and Youth Artworks from fellow Lexingtonians that reflect Asian Americans in community building, civic engagement, humanity activities, culture celebration and arts. 5/1-6/30
Download the Exhibits flyer
AAPI Food Cultures
Meet a panel of food experts for a conversation about the relationship between food, culture and identify at 7pm on 5/24 @ Cary Library
Download the AAPI Food Panel flyer. Here is the Registration link
Submit your favorite recipes; Pre-order locally-sourced cookbookfeaturing fellow Lexingtonians’ favorite recipes
AAPI 5K Run ‘N’ Walk and Food Festival
Memorial Day (May 30) at 10:30 AM; Start and finish at Lexington High School
Click the Event Website for registration and more details. Download the 5K run and Festival Flyer.
After the run, come to celebrate a culmination of AAPI history, art, and food at LHS Field House and enjoy AAPI sampling food, AAPI fun events, ice cream and family time…
This AAPI event series is:
Organized by Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) and Lexington AAPI Youth Team
Funded by Community Endowment of Lexington, Mass Cultural Council, and Civic Leadership Academy
Co-organized or co-sponsored by Town of Lexington, Lexington Human Rights Committee, Cary Memorial Library, Boston Chinese Photography Association (BCPA), Lexington HEY Runners Club, Indian Americans of Lexington (IAL), Japanese Support Group of Lexington (JPLex), Korean Organization of Lexington (KOLex), Association of Black Citizens of Lexington (ABCL), LHS Asian Student Union (ASU).
Join CAAL and 80+ organizations this Sunday to celebrate #AAPIHeritageMonth and to advance solidarity, unity and belonging. With lots of entertainment and great speakers including Mayor Michelle Wu 吳弭. it will be a fun event for everyone at Boston Common. All are welcome!
NECAA(新英格兰华人联盟), 联合Asian Community Fund of the Boston Foundation、CARE(Coalition of Anti-Racism in Education), 以及 Lexington 华协、Belmont华协、Wellesley 华协、Newton 华协、Needham华协、Worcester华协、Cambridge 华协、Acton华协,于5月15日(星期天), 在波马沿线和Boston Common , 以马拉松接力和游行的形式, 举行庆祝AAPI月和“将亚裔历史跑入美国中小学课堂”的倡议活动!
请点击阅读 “公众号” 查看活动详情.
请点击阅读 “公众号” 查看活动详情.