莱镇新春庆典三部曲开门红【横流 – 文化的交融】为期三周在LexArt 举办的中国书画展今天闭幕。1/8 日的开幕式人气爆棚,浏览活动回顾公众号也能感受到空前盛况。
莱镇新春庆典三部曲开门红【横流 – 文化的交融】为期三周在LexArt 举办的中国书画展今天闭幕。1/8 日的开幕式人气爆棚,浏览活动回顾公众号也能感受到空前盛况。
Congratulations to all of the 2022 Women’s Visibility Banner Honorees! So proud of Co-president Melanie Lin! Lex See Her continues celebrating all of these amazing women throughout the fall and winter as part of the LexSeeHer Speaker Series! These photos are from the LexSeeHer Honorees Reception on Aug 17.
Here is the YouTube Recording of the event
Are you ready for a grand celebration tonight? It is a sold out event. Let’s ring in the year of the Rabbit with hopes that 2023 will be a year of health and prosperity!
Here is the link of the LNY Celebration Program Book:
Here is the details of the performances : 《节目单 》
1⃣️ 兔年庙会:5:00 – 6:30pm 首届农历跨文化展台和年货美食一条街闪亮开张,吃的玩的应有尽有!
2⃣️ 春节晚会:6:30 -8:00pm 200多名演员和组织者将为您奉献多文化形式的艺术表演,盛大空前、丰富多彩的表演将带给您全新的感受。
3⃣️ 魔术表演:获奖魔术新星将倾情献艺。第一场5:30-5:45pm,第二场 5:50 – 6:05pm,地点Cary Hall 底层 Estabrook Hall 小剧场。
VIRTUAL – LexSeeHer Speaker Series Celebrates 2022 Banner Honorees on Thursday, January 26 at 1:00 PM
Here is the event registration link
Please join the LexSeeHer’s Speaker Series as we continues honoring our Visibility Banner Honorees. On January 26th, we will enjoy a conversation with CAAL Co-president Melanie Lin, and will recognize the 30+ years of contributions Elizabeth “Bettie” Clarke made to Lexington.
随着 2023 年的开始,LexSeeHer Speaker Series继续向我们的Visibility Banner 获奖者致敬。1 月 26 日,我们将与Co-president Melanie Lin进行对话,同时我们还将表彰Elizabeth “Bettie” Clarke 30 多年来为莱克星顿做出的贡献。
如果有问题,请给我们发电子邮件至 lexingtoncommunity@gmail.com
ADA 精品晚会《春华秋实》亮相【2023莱镇”REIZ 北美生活通” 新春庆典】
本场演出作为义演,票务净收益将捐献给社区,用于社区建设,为社区做贡献。购票请访问:http://lny2023.caal-ma.org 或扫码。
The “Crosscurrents: The Intersection of Cultures” exhibition is a joint venture between Lexington Arts and Crafts Society and CAAL .
Check out the photo album by Dongxu Shan and album by LexArt photographer Nicole
A forty-year CAAL tradition is back in-person, and better than ever! Join us for a grand celebration featuring a first ever Lunar New Year cross-culture and food fair from 5:00-6:30 pm followed by a gala performance from 6:30-8 pm on the new year Day Jan 22 at Cary Hall. Get your tickets now at http://lny2023.caal-ma.org !
We are grateful to the partner organizations for co-hosting the celebrations with us: Artisan Dance Academy (ADA), Korean American Organization of Lexington (KOLex), Lexington Historical Society, New Legacy Cultural CenterTown of Lexington, MA and all the sponsors and contributors!
Also for the first time ever the celebration this year will follow true LNY tradition by concluding with a Lantern Festival themed fair at the Depot Building on Lantern Festival Day on Feb 5. Lexington will be dotted by numerous lanterns!
每年一次的莱镇新春庆祝活动不仅仅是华人的盛会,更是已经跻身莱镇文化遗产之列,成为这个社区历史发展的名片之一。今年的活动更是包括了热闹的庙会,精彩的演出,火红的灯会,喜庆的春联,酸甜的冰糖葫芦和莱镇殖民时代的民俗, 还会有许许多多活动那天你才可以发现的惊喜 ….. 热热闹闹的“兔年”等着你一起来过!
A different kind of Chinese New Year temple fair: eat, play, learn, enjoy, and find everything! Carrying traditional and historic temple fair, new cultural and artistic elements are integrated, and traveling through time and time for a short stop at LexArt on January 8th, allowing the neighbors and villagers to enjoy the most immersive New Year experience while enjoying the treasures of Chinese culture – the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition cohosted by Lexington Arts and Crafts Society and CAAL! For more details. click this link