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Survey Now Open for Participation: The State of Chinese Americans- Joint Research Conducted by Columbia University and Committee of 100

百人会的问卷这里做 ,发出我们的声音

Columbia University, one of the world’s leading research universities, and Committee of 100, a non-profit membership organization of prominent Chinese Americans, today announced that its joint survey on “The State of Chinese Americans” is now open.  CAAL is the partner for this survey.

The joint research will provide much-needed data to shed light on the demographic, economic, health, and sociopolitical situations of the Chinese American population, and inform policymakers and the public on the status and needs of the community. The survey data will inform timely and responsive policies, programs, and services.

The nationwide survey will be conducted online in English, simplified Chinese, and traditional Chinese. All adults self-identifying of Chinese-ethnic origin and living in the United States are encouraged to participate in the anonymous survey here: bit.ly/ChineseAmericanSurvey. The research is carried out by researchers of the China Center for Social Policy at Columbia University School of Social Work and Committee of 100.

We are proud to be partnering with community organizations across the country in rolling out this survey. Our research teams completed a successful pilot study of the survey this summer, with the help of the Chinese-American Planning Council, Chinese American Women in Action, the Community Youth Center of San Francisco, and the U.S. Heartland China Association. Columbia and Committee of 100 invite additional organizations, community members, and interested groups to participate and partner in this critical research project, to amplify the voices of Chinese American communities nationwide. For more information on how you can become involved, please contact swchinesesurvey@columbia.edu.

Book Talk “How to Navigate Life” by Belle Liang on October 22

Parents, students, and anyone looking to figure out their next step in life: you’re invited to join us for an evening with Boston College professor, psychologist, and author Belle Liang for a look into her new book, “How to Navigate Life: the New Science of Finding Yourself and Your Way in School, Work, and Beyond,” co-authored with fellow BC professor Tim Klein.How to Navigate Life has reached Amazon’s best sellers list and been featured on NPR and other national media.

There’s more to personal fulfillment than performance; but the “happiness mindset” of chasing our passions can leave us disappointed when we realize our expectations for constant happiness will never be met. So how do we make better choices that help us find our way to a more satisfying, purpose-centered life? As it turns out, there’s plenty of research to help. This is the topic for the evening, featuring an interactive presentation in a conversational format with Dr. Liang followed by a book-signing. Copies of the book will be available for purchase at the event.

Please register at the link below.

Thank to Grace Chapel Lexington for hosting this event and CAAL as the co-sponsor.

Register through this link. Zoom option is also available.

Harvest Festival on Oct 15 11-1 pm at Community Center – Pre-registration required

Celebrate the start of fall with family games, activities, and crafts. Bring your kids, your grandkids, your friends, or your neighbors! This event is sensory-friendly, multi-generational, and fun for the whole family. CAAL is the sponsor of this event organized by Lexington Recreation and Community Programs

Pre – registration is required! Sign up now to secure your spot to visit the petting zoo, grab a pumpkin to decorate, get some fried dough and cider, enjoy the live DJ and play games!

莱克星敦10月8日举行探索日 (3)

华协舞台,邀请了ADA民族舞工作室的舞者和冯丽丽唱歌工作室的波士顿美少女组合,大人和孩子们在蓝天白云下载歌载舞,节目包括笛子伴奏的中国古典与现代舞蹈,以及风格清新的说唱歌曲表演。Discover Day 舞台负责人Brian Daniels 盛赞华协舞台呈现,说是最受观众欢迎的部分。

莱克星敦10月8日举行探索日 (2)

肖芷悦 & 武榕榕报道

10 月 8 日 星期六,是莱克星敦镇一年一度的探索日。 来自莱镇的各种商务和非盈利组织在镇中心的马萨诸塞 大道上设立了大大小小的展位,桌椅和宣传海报,展示各种工艺,介绍不同的文化和宣传商机。数百名市民在马萨诸塞大街的街道上漫步和游览,查看各式各样的摊位,参与各种游戏和活动。

其中莱克星顿华人协会(CAAL)的展台和组织的舞龙活动格外引人注目。20多名青少年志愿者举着红红的“华协龙”在街道走过,他们吹着口哨与兴奋的观众互动,充分展示了孩子们的爱国精神。除了舞龙游行, CAAL还举办了其他几项活动,例如向莱克星敦人民开放的中国传统游戏,踢键子和跳橡皮筋,展示传统剪纸艺术,以及与舞龙的合影。

今年参与探索日的人数大大增加,仅 CAAL 项目就有近 70 名志愿者和4个展台。除 CAAL 外, 镇部门,商家和社区组织设立各种吸引人的摊位。今年的探索日对列克星敦镇来说是一个巨大的成功。

Lexington held Discovery Day on October 8th (1)

By CAAL Youth Reporter Christina Xiao & Emily Wu

Lexington Discovery Day By CAAL Youth Reporter Christina Xiao & Emily Wu Saturday, October 8th. Donned with folding tables and posters, Lexington businesses and programs set up their booths for the annual Lexington Discovery Day. Hundreds of Lexington citizens roamed the streets of Mass Ave, checking out the miscellaneous assortment of booths.

Participation increased immensely, with nearly 70 volunteers for the CAAL program alone. The CAAL program (Chinese American Association of Lexington) showed their patriotic spirit by parading the “CAAL Dragon” across Massachusetts Avenue, blowing whistles and interacting with the excited viewers. In addition to the dragon marching, they hosted several other events, such as traditional Chinese games like kicking shuttlecocks, jumping rubber band etc., open to the people of Lexington and opportunities for photos.

Town departments, local business and community organizations have various interesting booths that enticed the residents. This year’s Discovery Day was a huge success for the Town of Lexington, and we hope it will be just as successful in the coming years.

温馨提示 :阿福骑行改至本周日(10/9)举行

秋高气爽,让我们跨上心爱的自行车,一起参加第二届纪念首位自行车俱乐部华裔主席Henry Ar Foon的骑行活动!骑行路线将穿越风景秀丽的赫尔、科哈塞特、欣厄姆和 Scituate。沿海岸线骑行将尽收大海美景,途经 Henry Ar Foon 晚年居住的旧居和敬观墓地,会是一次难忘的特色路骑活动。

报名链接 https://forms.gle/SyCT1bqbHSLjw3JZ7


CAAL邀您一起在多彩的金秋季参加 Discovery Day 探索日

10月8日 10:00 -15:00 莱镇镇中心
一年一度的莱镇传统探索日(Discovery Day),将于10月8日周六10点至下午3点如期举行。地点就在镇中心麻州大道,热闹非凡的大日子,怎能少了你?
莱镇华协CAAL准备了很多惊喜,不仅有中国传统的文化展示、还有华协十二支青少年项目队伍(CAAL Youth Program Teams)向居民分享他们对社区的服务。在这里,你还会与大家一起玩一些小时候的游戏,勾起童年的回忆。精彩的节目也会让你目不暇接。
若你想了解华协CAAL各Youth Program,或者你也想报名参加项目,来吧!10月8日来Discovery Day CAAL 展台狂欢吧。