More pictures from the AAPI 5K run & Walk on May 28. Great event and another incredible efforts by CAAL and the Hey Runner’s Club volunteers! It was so well organized and so much positive energy!
The third annual Boston International Asian Music Festival will once again stop in Lexington on its four-town tour. The Lexington concert will be held at the Visitor Center lawn starting 6 pm on Saturday, June 17. Dubbed the “Tanglewood of Lexington”, the family picnic concert is free and features many acclaimed local musicians. You will enjoy music from different genres by Asian and other musicians from top music institutes, as well as amateur musicians of all ages.
So pack a family picnic, come to meet your neighbors and enjoy this unique music experience on a cool summer evening. Doors open at 5 PM for outdoor cultural activities prior to the show.
The concert series is a production of New Moon International, and is organized by Chinese American Association of Lexington – CAAL, Belmont Chinese American Association, Weston Westar, Acton Chinese-American Civic Society, and the Boston International Media.
Enjoy this video preview of the music festival. See you on Saturday, June 17!
Here is the link to watch the live performances online or enjoy the recorded videos.
Join us to honor and remember those who died in service to our country. The Memorial Day Observance features the “Lest We Forget” monument with a heart shape consisting of over 2000 hand made puppy flowers – a project led by the CAAL Never Fading Puppy youth team.
What a beautiful day to bring the entire community together to celebrate May AAPI heritage month, More than 500 people showed up and the community spirit is high! Thanks for the event team, volunteers and sponsoring organizations! We run for unity, solidarity and belonging, and we are stronger together! Everyone seems to have a blast on this beautiful day!
On Discovery Day, Starry Night Band treated the audience to captivating original songs. A group dance performance titled "National Rhyme Spring Hua" mesmerized onlookers, and young singers aged 9 to 11 delivered enchanting renditions of their own compositions. All these performances were accessible to the people of Lexington, providing ample opportunities for photos and fostering a joyful ambiance along the bustling street.
Town departments, local businesses, and community organizations contributed to the event by setting up intriguing booths that captivated residents' attention. Beyond being a day of discovery, the event also offered a chance for people to connect with one another through a range of enjoyable activities thoughtfully organized by compassionate organizations. This year's Discovery Day proved to be yet another resounding success for the Town of Lexington, and we are optimistic that future editions will be equally prosperous and memorable.
(reported by Youth reporter: Christina Xiao)
本次探索日活动参与人数达到了前所未有的高度,仅CAAL就有近30名志愿者奉献了他们的时间与热情。游客们来到CAAL的展位,感受富于中国传统文化的游戏和青少年演奏的弦乐。更有参赛者们领取他们的号码布和T恤,为第二天备受期待的AAPI 5公里跑步和步行活动以及国殇日纪念仪式做好准备。莱克星顿华裔协会(CAAL)在整个亚裔传统月组织了一系列精彩的活动。
In the vibrant streets of Lexington, businesses and programs were bustling with activity as they prepared their booths for the highly anticipated annual Lexington Discovery Day. The event drew a diverse crowd, attracting not only thousands of local citizens but also visitors from afar who eagerly wandered along Mass Ave, exploring the captivating array of booths on display.
The attendance reached unprecedented heights, with nearly 30 volunteers dedicating their time to the CAAL program alone. Visitors came by CAAL booths to enjoy culture games and music. Runners picked their bibs and T-shirts to get ready for the highly anticipated AAPI 5K Run & Walk event and Poppy flower memorial ceremony tomorrow. The Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) orchestrated a series of engaging events in May AAPPI Heritage month, infusing the atmosphere with a festive spirit.
What a wonderful AAPI Food Festival tonight that brought the entire community together to celebrate! The best part is that the event is brought to the Lexington community by an incredible AAPI Youth teams of CAAL, IAL, KOLex and JPLex! Our youths keep making us proud time and again!
AAPI community is very diverse. While tasting the delicious food from different culture, it is great for people to talk to each other, understand each other, and support each. That is the meaning of celebrating AAPI heritage!
Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and dedication of our volunteers to make the event like this possible!
AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk will be held on this Sunday. Online registration will end on Saturday。
Leverett Wing, CEO of MA Commonwealth Seminar will be the Keynote Speaker. Jack Fleming, CEO of BAA,, Town Manager James Malloy, Dr. Julie Hackett will join to support this event like last year! Let’s run to celebrate AAPI and for unity, solidarity and belonging!
莱镇第二届 AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk 将在本周日举行,网上报名时间在五月二十七日截止。欢迎大家继续踊跃报名。
Leverett Wing, CEO of MA Commonwealth Seminar, 将作为比赛开幕式的Keynote Speaker,并和大家一起奔跑在百年小镇的赛道上。Jack Fleming, CEO of BAA,和莱镇学监Dr. Julie Hackett 如去年一样,继续全力支持AAPI 5K Run ‘n’ Walk 活动。让我们一起奔跑起来以庆祝亚太裔社区的贡献及多元化。在庆祝亚太裔传统月的同时,享受参与社区活动的快乐时光!
Here is the link for registration and all the informaiton.
This year, AAPI Youth Lexington, CAAL, IAL and KOLex will be hosting a community wide potluck with fun activities from AAPI cultures. We’ll be doing this to bring different tastes and cuisines to the broader community and to hopefully bring together the AAPI community as a whole.
Join us! This event will be held on May 26th at LHS Commons 2. We’ll be having Indonesian, Malaysian, Japanese, Thai, Indian, and Chinese dishes available along with various cultural activities for the whole community.
【AAPI Food Festival 05/26 6-9pm 在莱镇高中Common II由CAAL华协青少年AAPI5月庆祝活动小组主办与IAL,Kolex协办的第一届AAPI美食节将将于5/26号晚上6-9点在LHS的Common II 进行,有当地著名餐馆提供不同风味的特色美食包括印度,中国,马拉西亚,印度尼西亚,泰国与日本等国。还有各种不同民族风格的游戏等着你。