
在2023年的总统义工奖讲座中,华协社区委员会主任Wendy Qin将就今年”如何申请和登记“做出详细说明。社区委员会主任 Leeying Wu 会简单介绍华协和社区的有关活动以及华协青少年的项目,我们还特别邀请4名优秀青少年项目负责人也是今年毕业生分享他们在义工中的的成长经历.





活动回顾: 一场美食与文化的盛宴

由莱镇华协(CAAL)青少年AAPI传统月庆祝活动组(Lexington AAPI  Heritage Celebration Youth Team)主办,联合IAL (莱克星顿印裔美国人协会),KOLex(莱克星顿韩裔美国人组织), JPLex (莱克星顿日本支持组织)等组织的青少年一起协办的AAPI美食节是一个以多样美食,欢庆和有趣互动的多文化活动为核心的盛会,旨在展示丰富多彩的亚裔美国文化。


The third annual Boston International Asian Music Festival to be held in Lexington on Saturday, June 17

The third annual Boston International Asian Music Festival will once again stop in Lexington on its four-town tour. The Lexington concert will be held at the Visitor Center lawn starting 6 pm on Saturday, June 17. Dubbed the “Tanglewood of Lexington”, the family picnic concert is free and features many acclaimed local musicians. You will enjoy music from different genres by Asian and other musicians from top music institutes, as well as amateur musicians of all ages.

So pack a family picnic, come to meet your neighbors and enjoy this unique music experience on a cool summer evening. Doors open at 5 PM for outdoor cultural activities prior to the show.

The concert series is a production of New Moon International, and is organized by Chinese American Association of Lexington – CAAL, Belmont Chinese American Association, Weston Westar, Acton Chinese-American Civic Society, and the Boston International Media.

Enjoy this video preview of the music festival. See you on Saturday, June 17!

Here is the link to watch the live performances online or enjoy the recorded videos.