华人参与公众事务系列 l April Wang 和莱镇噪音委员会

莱镇华人近年来积极参与镇的管理,包括竞选镇议会, 学区委员会和其他管理席位。也有越来越多的华人居民参与镇里各委员会的运作。CAAL Civil Engagement Committee (社区参与委员会)在华协公众号推出“华人参与公众事务系列”, 相继介绍一些参与社区运作的华人代表。也欢迎更多的人参与进来,共同建设美好社区!请联系CAAL Civil Engagement Committee (社区参与委员会)contact@caal-ma.org。

请用以下链接阅读华协公众号文章 “华人参与公众事务系列 l April Wang 和莱镇噪音委员会”


[Colonial Times] CAAL Says “Thank you, Lexington!” for COVID-19 Relief Campaign

Because of your generosity and community spirit, the Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL) has been able to support our Lexington community and frontline healthcare and essential workers during the global pandemic. Our intent is to recognize the unprecedented contributions of over 1,150 donors and volunteers, and 55 organizations, although the lists here by no means are complete.

With your generous donations and volunteering, CAAL has raised $258,025 in total. Together with the PPE donations from our community, these funds enabled us to source and donate 215,219 PPEs (includes N95 respirators, surgical masks, protective goggles, protective suits, face shields) to 61 hospitals, 42 nursing homes, 26 town departments, 7 local organizations and 11 businesses from Lexington to other communities in Massachusetts and beyond. We were also able to help the hospitals in Wuhan in February. In addition, CAAL COVID-relief funds granted total $16,500 to 10 non-profit organizations in Lexington. We also delivered $1,740 hot meals to frontline and essential workers of LPD, LFD, DPW, LPS, and Post Office.

You are our heroes!

We are forever grateful to your generosity and support. Together we shall overcome!

Click this link to read the detailed donor and volunteer list







$14的“菜篮子” | 救助饥饿 我们年轻人在活动

为了应对目前社区中上述现象日趋严重,Anshul和Ayush组织了Sponsor-A-Basket这一活动来为Food Pantry捐助食物,当CAAL得知这一募捐活动之后,决定支持“Sponsor-A-Basket”的项目,并纳入CAAL Youth Program,同时,支持匹配500美元,鼓励项目能够得到更多来自社区的支持,在短短几天时间内总共募集了3000美金的捐助,远远超出当时活动策划时的预期!


这次作为Sponsor-A-Basket莱克星顿分站CAAL Youth Program,由Daniel XiangKyrie Ma二名LHS的高中生负责本次分站活动。Arun Kodumuru、Christian Han、Neo Chen和Ellen Wang等学生也纷纷加入进来。 




How to vote by mail in Lexington, MA!

1. Make sure you are registered to vote at your proper address: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/OVR/ 

2. Check the status of your mail-in ballot: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/wheredoivotema/track/trackmyballot.aspx  If it says: “11/3/2020 State Election Pending”, you’re all set. You should be receiving your ballot in the mail.

3. Otherwise, you need to apply for your mail-in ballot. You can do so here: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/Ele/eleev/early-voting-by-mail.htm

4. Don’t delay—do this today!