
Red lanterns have brightened the winter landscape of the Depot Building in Lexington Center since February 5, part of the inaugural Lantern Festival sponsored by the Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL). The large lanterns on the front façade were removed Thursday; the small ones at the rear of the building will remain in place for the time being.
The festival is the culminating event of a three-part Lunar New Year Celebration Series that provides what Melanie Lin of CAAL calls “a full Lunar New Year experience” where visitors are immersed in the treasures of Asian culture.
This year’s celebration kicked off with a Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition presented by CAAL and LexArt. Part two was a cross-culture fair and gala performance with 200 entertainers at Cary Hall on January 22, Chinese New Year’s Day. Lin estimates that thousands attended the events which were staged thanks to the efforts of hundreds of volunteers.
Partner organizations for the series included Artisan Dance Academy (ADA), Korean American Organization of Lexington (KOLex), Lexington Historical Society, New Legacy Cultural Center and the Town of Lexington.
March is Women’s History Month
Author Zhuqing Li will discuss her new memoir, Daughters of the Flower Fragrant Garden: Two Sisters Separated by China’s Civil War. She will share the journey of her two maternal aunts who were accidentally separated when China split in 1949. The two sisters refused to submit to the random power of history and fought their way to the elite echelons of the two opposing societies after China’s split.” A question and answer session will follow.
Zhuqing Li was a longtime Lexington resident. She is currently a visiting associate professor of East Asian Studies and faculty curator of East Asian Collections at the Brown University Library. Her main field of research is Chinese linguistics, especially dialectology. She has authored three academic books on Chinese linguistics and one on Chinese returnees. Her latest book has received rave reviews from the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, among others. More information can be found on Lizhuqing.com
In-person attendance is on a first come basis.
Copies of the book will be available for purchase from Maxima Book Center.
由莱镇图书馆(Cary Library)和莱镇华协(CAAL)携手合作,三月初春特别推出:与莱镇作家李竹青见面会,以纪念和庆祝妇女历史月.
莱镇作家李竹青是布朗大学东亚系的客座教授, 兼为布朗大学图书馆的东亚馆学术馆长。《花香园的女儿们》(The Daughters of the Flower Fragrant Garden)是她根据自己非凡的家族故事而创作的最新著作。该书被”Five Books” 选为2022年最好的五本中国书之一,并获得布朗大学图书奖.
The Daughters of the Flower Fragrant Garden
时间:星期二 7:00-8:00pm, 3月7日
地点:Cary Memorial Library
Happy ValentinesDay2023!
Shout out to Dr. Bin Wu, board members of CAAL and Lexington Symphony, and his family for sponsoring the Feb 4th Serious Romance concert in recognition of CAAL. What a perfect Valentine gift to the community!
近日波士顿大学教授、莱镇华协共同会长王华教授被Get Kennected! 评选为波士顿最有影响力的50名亚太裔美国人之一。同时获奖的杰出人士还包括波士顿市长吴弭(Michelle Wu)、剑桥市城市经理黄翊安、昆西市议员梁秀婷以及著名大提琴演奏家马友友。
最近当你走过莱镇中心或散步在民兵自行车道,你是否留意到位于镇中心的老火车站(Lexington Depot)火树银花,彩灯高悬?这是我们镇首次庆祝中国新春的元宵佳节。
金虎辞旧, 玉兔迎新。2023年 1月22日是中国农历新年兔年的大年初一,莱镇的居民们在莱镇华协CAAL与各协办方Artisan Dance Academy (ADA)、莱镇韩协 (KOLex)、莱镇历史协会、莱星文化中心、莱镇政府的共同组织下, 过了一个热热闹闹的中国年!
这是一台由200多位演员参演,200 多位义工协助,近40 个商家和个人赞助,几十名工作人员辛苦准备了一个多月的春节庆典,火红,隆重,热闹,有吃有玩有乐,年味浓,人情足!
请阅览活动回顾文章 – 2023 莱镇华协新春庆典圆满成功!
“Lexington Happenings” is a bilingual monthly blog by Chinese American Association of Lexington. Please click the link and scroll down to read the February issue in English and discover the highlights of events in Lexington this month.
Join us for a grand celebration at Depot Building. Lexington are being transformed for the first ever Lantern Festival on Feb 5. We are celebrating and making history together! Please find details on the event website.
请点击阅读 莱镇早知道 二月刊
Dotting the eyes of the dragon on the new CAAL banner designed by Cristina Burwell, Executive Director of Munroe Center for the Arts and painted by tens of CAAL volunteers. The legend has that the eye dotting awakens the CAAL dragon that kicks off the Lunar New Year celebration!