CAAL sends out our deepest condolences and sympathies to all victims of racist and xenophobic hate crimes, especially to the families and loved ones of the innocent lives lost in the recent Atlanta massacre. We condemn all violence and crimes against Asians and Asian-Americans. We are both outraged and saddened by the senseless loss of life.
Xenophobic, racist crimes, and all acts of violence against Asians and Asian-Americans, must never be tolerated under any circumstances.
CAAL demands that federal and local governments, including all law enforcement agencies to take immediate action to combat the surge in anti-Asian violence.
Comprehensive action must be taken to ensure the physical and mental health and safety of all Asian-Americans.
CAAL stands together in solidarity with all community groups against prejudice, discrimination and hate. We call on all Americans especially those with privilege and power to take responsibilities to make the change.
Please contact your local and federal representatives to support, among similar efforts, the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act now pending in Congress. It is well past time for Congress to codify and implement this law because every American deserves to live their lives with safety, respect, and dignity.
Chinese American Association of Lexington (CAAL)
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CAAL is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization and has proudly served Chinese Americans in town since

莱镇华协(CAAL)强烈要求联邦和地方政府以及执法部门立刻采取行动遏制这些突发的仇恨亚裔的暴行, 并必须采取全方位的行动以确保亚裔美国人的人身安全和心理健康。
希望大家尽快与所在地方政府和联邦政府的代表联系,请求他们支持在国会通过“COVID-19 Hate Crime Act”。我们认为国会早就应该通过并执行这条法案,因为每一位美国人都有权力活着,活得有安全感活得有尊严。