2022星桥龙腾虎跃云端春晚倒计时 – 让心跃动起来

Countdown: one day to go! You are all invited to the best party for the Year of the Tiger! Please read this newsletter that has all the information about the Celebration Gala starting at 8 pm on Monday, Jan 31 (Pre-Show starts at 7:40 pm).

今天是腊月二十七,正是辞旧迎新小年忙、擦窗扫地净灶膛的喜悦时刻,龙腾虎跃莱镇云端春晚进入倒计时。让我们的心跃动起来,锁定Uplive,YouTube,B站 和 LexMedia 任一频道,在美东时间1月31日晚8点 (Preshow 7:40),与莱镇云端春晚一起度除夕,过大年!
这里是 Lexington Minuteman 对华协筹备莱镇春晚的报道

请点击 “公众号” 了解更多春晚倒计时信息