Tiger Woods

Name of AAPI FigureTiger woods
What is the person’s Asian heritage or ethnicity?Thai, Chinese, African American, Native American
Area of InfluenceGolfer
Date of birth or time period30-Dec-75
How did this individual make a contribution to their field or to society/culture at large?He has not only made an significant impact in the golfing community, but he also has made an impact on society as an whole. Tiger woods and his father, Earl Woods, founded TGR Foundation in 1996 to create and support community-based programs that improve the health, education, and welfare of all children in America. This effort has benefit and impact the lives of millions of children.
What surprised you as you were learning about this person?I’m surprised to learn Tiger Woods won so much tournaments at age 16, this shows that one’s age is not an important success factor. He has worked hard and continued thriving for four decades. His dedication and resilience is impressive.
Submitted byTaku Ishibashi
City, StateLexington MA