Sundar Pichai

Name of AAPI FigureSundar Pichai
What is the person’s Asian heritage or ethnicity?Indian American
Area of InfluenceBusiness
Date of birth or time period10-Jun-72
How did this individual make a contribution to their field or to society/culture at large?Pichai led innovation and product development for Google. He is now the CEO of Google.
Why did you choose this person? What about their story speaks to you?I chose Pichai because he is has had an impact on Google, and Google is very popular.
How does this person inspire you?Even though he had a humble beginning, Pichai worked hard to become the CEO of Google.
What surprised you as you were learning about this person?I was surprised that he grew up in a two room apartment in Chennai.
Submitted bySanjay Lakshmanan
City, StateWinchester, MA