Name of AAPI Figure | Stan Sakai |
What is the person’s Asian heritage or ethnicity? | Japanese American |
Area of Influence | the arts |
Date of birth or time period | 1953 |
How did this individual make a contribution to their field or to society/culture at large? | Stan Sakai created usagi yojimbo in 1984 based on the life of miyamoto musashi in the form of a rabbit. He also collaborated with the teenage mutant ninja turtles(comics and tv). His award winning comic books are enjoyed around the world, and share japanese culture |
Why did you choose this person? What about their story speaks to you? | Usagi yojimbo was the first comic I really liked. It also taught me about japanese history. |
How does this person inspire you? | Usagi yojimbo inspired me to make comics, and make me want to go to japan |
Resources to share if others want to learn more (optional)–list websites, books, or other resources you used to learn about the person | http://www.discovernikkei.org/en/journal/2007/10/25/usagi-yojimbo/ https://stansakai.com/aboutstansakaicreatorusagiyojimbo/ |
Submitted by | Kai Perkel |
Age | 11 |
City, State | lexington, Massachussets |