Satya Nadella

Name of AAPI FigureSatya Nadella
What is the person’s Asian heritage or ethnicity?Indian
Area of InfluenceCEO of Microsoft
Date of birth or time period19-Aug-67
How did this individual make a contribution to their field or to society/culture at large?Microsoft products are ubiquitous (Microsoft Word, XBOX) and so as CEO of a leading company, he influences the tone of corporate America. So when he talks about a changing the culture in the workplace or seeding startups to encourage innovation, it supports a paradigm where risks should be taken and ideas should be explored. Instead of the old Microsoft where it was about shutting down your competitors, it is now about working with them where you can to be mutually beneficial.
Why did you choose this person? What about their story speaks to you?I chose this person because he has gotten to this place while raising a child with significant disabilities and I find that very a interesting juxtaposition with the efforts that Microsoft has made around accessibility (
How does this person inspire you?He inspires me because he managed to reach these heights while raising a son who is a legally blind quadriplegic with cerebral palsy, which weakens his immune system. Raising anyone with significant needs takes a toll on family and career. I know this from my own family.
What surprised you as you were learning about this person?He was somewhat of a late bloomer. That’s good to know for all of the LHS students who have not patented something before HS graduation.
Resources to share if others want to learn more (optional)–list websites, books, or other resources you used to learn about the person
Submitted byAnonymous
City, StateLexington, MA