Ruhul Abid

Name of AAPI FigureRuhul Abid
What is the person’s Asian heritage or ethnicity?Bangladeshi
Area of InfluenceMedicine, Humanitarian
Date of birth or time periodMay-61
How did this individual make a contribution to their field or to society/culture at large?Lexington’s Dr. Ruhul Abid is a faculty member at Brown University. In 2012, Dr. Abid founded Health and Education for All (HAEFA) a non-profit that has the mission to empower global populations who are disadvantaged and displaced through health and education. HAEFA invests in technological tools and advancements to respond to the specific medical needs of its patients and serve recipients in an efficient and accessible manner. He was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the University of Massachusetts Boston for the design and development of a portable and individualized Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system.
Why did you choose this person? What about their story speaks to you?I chose him because he is living proof that you can be a good person and a successful person. Dr. Abid is our neighbor and for many years, I just thought of him as an all around nice guy who encouraged me in Bangla school and also had great parties with great food. Like the other local “uncles”, I assumed he was just another smart, successful individual. I knew he worked a lot but had no idea for all of these years that he was working on something like this. But looking back, he and his wife have always been the people who reach out to anyone who is struggling or needs a helping hand. Being nominated for a Nobel prize makes him famous but it is his core goodness that makes him special whether as a doctor helping the needy or a stalwart community member supporting cultural events.
How does this person inspire you?You can be a nice person who cares about people and still make a difference in the world. Dr. Abid did not form this organization to bulk up his resume or get on TV. He worked day and night to get volunteers, funding, buy in from anybody and everybody. Actually he still does. Fame has not made in any difference in his life. He still works tirelessly to help others and yet he still makes time to keep his friendships and family. He never brags and to him it is all about helping people in any way that he can.
What surprised you as you were learning about this person?I am glad that I did the research because I did not know that he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the University of Massachusetts Boston specifically for the design and development of a portable and individualized Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. When we think about medical care in remote regions, we don’t really think about the logistics it takes to actually deliver that care.
Resources to share if others want to learn more (optional)–list websites, books, or other resources you used to learn about the person
Submitted byAavedon Paulak Roy
City, StateLexington, MA