Luly Yang

Name of AAPI FigureLuly Yang
What is the person’s Asian heritage or ethnicity?Taiwan Chinese
Area of Influencefashion/artists
Date of birth or time periodin the 1970s
How did this individual make a contribution to their field or to society/culture at large?Luly Yang was born in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. In 1999 Luly made her signature “Monarch Butterfly Gown” for a fashion show, She featured Monarch butterfly’s because of the metamorphosis that they present. Luly had a Seattle based couture studio in 2000 with 12 bridal gowns. A lot of the time Lulu would benefit some non-profit organizations that help people that are in need.
Why did you choose this person? What about their story speaks to you?I like arts and fashion like her. She brings pretty things to the world.
Submitted byOmega Hu
City, StateLexington, MA