Bo Thao – Urabe

Name of AAPI FigureBo Thao – Urabe
What is the person’s Asian heritage or ethnicity?She was born in Laos and her family is Hmong.
Area of InfluenceHer area of influence is social activism and organizing.
Date of birth or time period1970
How did this individual make a contribution to their field or to society/culture at large?She worked for the Obama Administration and is the founder and network director for the Coalition of Asian American Leaders (CAAL).
Why did you choose this person? What about their story speaks to you?I think that Bo Thao – Urabe’s work stood out to me because the nature of the work she does is more behind the scenes as she is an organizer, and I wanted to show recognition and appreciation for what she does.
Resources to share if others want to learn more (optional)–list websites, books, or other resources you used to learn about the personHere is the website to one of her organizations:
Submitted byAline Keremian
City, StateLexington , Ma